Eligard Forums
Recently active Eligard forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Eligard and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.following exterrnal beam radiation, and seed implant, how long can or should a patient continue the eligard injections? are there benefits for continued use? I am currently receiving a 45 mg dose, every 6 months. ## It has been shown that continued therapeutic doses will continue to inhibit the gonadatropin secretion. Learn more Leuprolide details here. As to how long you need to continue, that is something you should discuss with your doctor, I really don't have any specific information on that. Have they said anything about it?
What is the usual length of time before the side effects from eligard therapy start to subside? ## Because each person is different and can react or respond differently to the side effects, the length of time that they may be present can vary greatly. Unfortunately, no one (including your doctor) can really know how well you're going to respond to the drug before, during, and after treatment, since they are not you. The only thing you can do in so far as you are able to, from my perspective, would be to wait it out and manage the temporary symptoms. It's really important that you pay attention to how you're feeling and share that information with your doctor or nurse. They may have suggestions on how to manage these side effects in a way that lessens your recovery time.