Effexor Withdrawal Problems (Page 3)
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I was perscribed Effexor XR 75MG for one year after suffering from depression after the death of a family member. 10 days ago I stopped using this medication and I have had strange side effects I contribute to withdrawal. I get waves of tingling throughout my body. Like an electric shock feeling. I wanted to know if anyone else has had this feeling after discontinuing Effexor XR.
a comment for Lori Aston
I have been taking Effexor for about 4 years. I get my meds for free from the state program I'm on. The reps that bring the meds have been irrisponsisble in getting the meds there on a regular basis. So there isn't ever a constant supply. Therefore I had to go over a week at a time without my meds, and I take 300mg once daily. The withdrawl symptoms were something I could never explain. It was just that bizarre of a feeling. Not only was i suffering from nightmares that kept me up for hours at a time but I was experiencing the same thing you were too. The electric shocks were strong. They were constant throughout the day and I couldn't function or even think straight! The worst part was, and I don't know if it affects you this way but, they would disrupt my path of vision! When a wave would come over me my eyes would get fuzzy and then go black, I couldn't see anything. Also my hearing would go out and a great buzzing or ringing would be the only thing to hear! Granted this didn't go on for hours or even minutes at a time but the few seconds it did happen were always scary. Especially when driving in traffic and needing all the clarity I could get. These withdrawl symptoms are serious and no one should ever stop taking meds abruptly. Unfortunately, I didn't have a choice. This was a result of the representatives that were supplying the doctors office. You were on effexor for one year at 75 mg per day, and you experienced those shock waves I was on them for 4 years at 300mg per day, so you can imagine the intensity of these shock waves
Sometimes the worst part about taking medicines is when you don't need them anymore.
I know EXACTLY what you're going through, Lori. I'm not exactly drug-compliant, I forget easily depending on my stress levels and I take 150mg 2x daily. If I miss a dose I feel the same as you which I've called twitchy.
However, recently I realized I wouldn't be able to see my Dr. in time to refill my scrips so I gradually cut back. Say, instead of taking my first dose at 9.00 a.m., I'd take it at noon. I just kept lengthening the dosage times until I was on only one per day, and it only took me a week to do so. I suffered no twitchiness -- but it's not all good news. Eventually, I was reduced to even deeper depression so it was decided I'd go back to the 2x daily dosage. I don't believe it's EVER recommended that you should quit any medication cold turkey. I do know the twitchiness lasts a very long time.
I hope this helps you. Good luck!
i was on effexor for nearly 4 years, a dose of 150mg i had somewhat intense withdraw that lasted for a couple of weeks. i had to comae of them slowly.
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