Effexor Swelling Of Hands And Feet (Page 2)
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I've been on Effexor for about 3 weeks; has anyone had any swelling of the extremities? I do, and I'm thinking of stopping use and returning to Wellbutrin and Prozac (which I was on before).

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The side effects if a pill is missed are awful. I get electic feelings thru my head. When I turn my head its as if everything in my sight comes in slow motion. I feel ill. My heart races and then slows. It takes about 6 hours to feel better when I finally get my missed dose.

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Some reaction when you miss a dosage of something that you take regularly for a long period of time, is perfectly normal.

Regardless of the fact that it is not a narcotic, our bodies still become dependent on anything we take regularly for any prolonged period of time, be it our morning cup of coffee, to your afternoon vitamin.

Thus, when it is abruptly withdrawn, you will experience some withdrawal symptoms. They should ease up once you take your next dose and it hits your blood stream.

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when i miss a dose of effector xr i become numb around the mouth & get light headed. has anyone had this feeling?

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you might want to go to a grocery store each day for about a week, sit down for five minutes and then take your blood pressure. It should not be any higher than 140/88. That is even a little borderline high.

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Swelling of the extremities is not a side effect of Effexor; however, high blood pressure is. Since Effexor can raise your blood pressure, you might retain fluid and need a simple water pill or blood pressure pill. I would ask the doctor about this before abandoning the medication,especially if the medication is helping with the depression.

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