Effexor Swelling Of Hands And Feet (Page 2)


I've been on Effexor for about 3 weeks; has anyone had any swelling of the extremities? I do, and I'm thinking of stopping use and returning to Wellbutrin and Prozac (which I was on before).

25 Replies (2 Pages)

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I have been on Effexor 75mg for the past 6 months. It has been good. I still have my bad days. A few weeks ago I asked my Dr to increase my dose in thinking it would make me feel even better... I increased it to 150mg but I think I actually feel worse! The tension is back in my head and my anger and short temper is ridiculous... Is it possible that this increase has caused this? Or could it be something else? It feels like I'm not taking anything again at the moment... I'm not sure if I should go back to the 75mg.

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I did start effexor just a couple of weeks ago and I feel angry and short tempered too.

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Hi. I've been on Effexor xr 75mg (generic version though) for 8 years and it worked pretty good. Now as of the past couple months I've been sweating a lot more, agitated, reoccurring panic attacks and depression and get a headache after I take my dose? Any insight on why or similar experiences? I'm a 25 year old female.

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Re: Gabby (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

And blurry vision, especially anything within 3 ft. Plus the blurriness is not consistent. Changes during the day. Usually the worst in the morning. I can't get used to it. Annoying!

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Re: michelle (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I also have fibromyalgia..Diagnosed in 2003. I was on cymbalta. Changed to effexor July 2018. For the past year I have been feeling very depressed. The effexor is not helping. Do you have any suggestions?

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