Ebixa Forums
Recently active Ebixa forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ebixa and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Ons het n 75jarige manlike inwoner met alzheimers. Huidige medikasie Cymgen 60mg om 7h00 Ebixa 10mg om 8h00 en 18h00 Xanor 1.0mg SR om 6h00 en 17h00 Zopivane 7.5mg saans slapenstyd en Ativan 1mg 1 tot 2 tabs soos nodig wanneer rusteloos. Is daar enige slegte interaksie van meds met mekaar? hy is nie agressief maar elke dag omtrent 16h30 is hy baie rusteloos, geiiriteerd. Soggens vroeg is hy slaperig! Hy kommunikeer glad nie iets verstaanbaars so dis uiters moeilik om te verstaan waarom hy so voel! Sy nekspiere is baie styf, hy is al meer vorentoe en kan nie sy kop regop tel. Dit kom soms voor of hy dalk hoofpyn ook kan he. Enige hulp of raad sal waardeer word. ## Google "drug interactions calculator". Daar is verskeie webwerwe wat interaksies tussen medikasies vir jou aandui. Di...
My Neurologist has suggested Ebixa as a possibility for migraine prophylaxis. Is there any information about its use for migraine? Where can I find some information? Thanks for your help. Lana ## Ebixa contains the active ingredient Memantine, it is approved to treat Alzheimer's Disease. I am not finding any specific details on it being used for migraine prevention, either, however, your doctor is allowed to prescribe something off-label, according to his experience. I see a few articles where people have mentioned the possibility of using it to prevent them, but no details on its efficacy or testing. Have you tried discussing this with your doctor? ## Yes, I did discuss using Ebixa (Namenda) for migraines with my Neurologist, as well as researching it online, however I was just wan...