Early Onset Alzheimers Dementia (Top voted first)


I was diagnosed with EOD of the Alzheimers type in 2007, by mid 2010, I was so ill, I asked my Doctor for a shot of Adrenalin: after much procrastination, the Doctor prescribed Cymbalta 30 mg, a drug not directed at A/D, with the proviso that if I felt suicidal, I was to stop immediately......well the rest is history.....34 months later, and I have halted this horrible disease, and apart from feeling like a dog that has had distemper and survived, I am living a normal life once again......as of this current moment, 04-04-2013, ...I still take only 30 mg and feel as confident and as good as I did in 2003..........I do not know what I have found here, but it certainly warrants immediate research by an astute drug company....

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I contacted the company........P.S. you are not the first person to say I could not have had A/D........I think it is about time "experts" came up with something original........put some effort, time and money into trying to prove me right, instead of wrong...

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.......Dear Verwon........please read my website.......you may find it interesting......every day I struggle with the scars of this horrible disease......but I am very much alive....and spreading the word, as far and as wide as I can......Tony Hogben.

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Hi, Tony! Very glad that it has helped you so much.

Cymbalta contains the active ingredient Duloxetine, which is an SNRI antidepressant, so it does work on brain chemicals.

There is a possibility that you didn't really have EOD Alzheimer's, but rather some other type of chemical imbalance causing your problem, so they medication helped rectify it. Diagnosing Alzheimer's can be difficult and it is often misunderstood.

Learn more Cymbalta details here.

You may want to contact the manufacturers, so they can look into it.

How are you feeling today?

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