Ear Care Forums (Page 2)

Recently active Ear Care forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ear Care and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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Hi, I'm suffering from dust allergies from last 3/4 years. Finally doctor told me to take telekast-L for 3 months then it will be clear but I'm using more than 3 months now it is under control but is not cure. If the medicine will stop for two to three days the all problems are felling like nausea, cough in chest, breathing problem. Please suggest me which is the best medicine for my conditions. I'm always worrying about this. ## Dear Prasanna, Unfortunately, there is no such medicine that can completely cure allergy. The best thing anyone can do is to avoid such allergens like dust. Doctor prescribed you telekast -L to get rid of the symptoms but not the route cause. Because, our environment is so polluted everyone allergic to dust should use mask all the time when in the t...

16 REPLIES Updated in Allergens

Need to know all of the ingredients, active and inactive/other, of Adco-Bisocor please, as I am allergic to lactose, citric acid, etc. ## Sorry, I am new to this forum and do not know the ropes yet. This is not a reply, I am only trying to be more specific. As I use quite a few different chronic medications and am allergic to some ingredients, I need to know as much as possible about them. As my dr could not get hold of the regular CiplaZar 100 I usually take, he had to substitute it with Bilocor. As they both are generics, the inactive ingredients may differ and I was hoping that Bilocor does not contain the accursed citric acid and lactose which seem to be in more or less everything I have to take. Taking ten different chronic medications, the effect of all allergens combined is devas...

3 REPLIES Updated in Allergens

Can I use betamox to treat pleural effusion infection ## Will Betamox help for a ear infection. Ear is swollen inside ## Will Betamox help for a ear infection. Ear is swollen inside and painful ## You both should take the medication your doctor has instructed you to take to eradicate such infections. The FDA lists the side effects of antibiotics as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. Lisa, how do you know it is swollen inside?

3 REPLIES Updated

I have just been prescribed tanganil as I experienced very bad side effect with vastarel which I took after a bad ear infection which resulted in part deafness in one ear. The Vastarel gave me vertigo, headache I felt sleepy all the time. I thought my middle ear was the problem, but the doc. said it has to be the vastarel. I hope tanganil will work for me. ## Hi, I have had major surgery on both ears and from time to time get bad vertigo. In the UK they prescribe Stemitel. I don't know it's generic name, but it takes about five days to work. When I got an attack in France they sold me Tanganil over the counter; worked like magic. I am not qualified to comment medically. I can only say I brought a packet back to the UK and that is what I will use next time.

1 REPLY Updated

I have a serious ear infection. I have surgery on monday morning. What can i take to ease the pain? ## Hi Jasmine, Sorry to hear about your ear infection. I see that you posted this message back on Feb. 11th (over a week ago)...Were you able to find anything yet to manage the pain? My first thought would be to contact your surgeon and/or anesthesiologist since they should be informed prior to the surgery about whatever it is you're taking that may or may not interfere with their operation or any medicine they give you during the operation. I don't know what type of surgery you're having, but in most cases the surgeon provides patients with pre and post op instructions. Best wishes to you!

1 REPLY Updated

Does this medication contain any dairy products? If yes, then why? So many people are intolerant to dairy products and a major sign of opioid withdrawal is stomach upset. This can cause the person that is prescribed the medication to think that they need to take more when it is actually causing them stomach upset, pain, and discomfort. I understand that drug companies are out to make money but allergens should not be added to any medication. If allergens are in food then the label clearly states which allergens are in the food on the package. Why not prescription drugs?

Updated in Allergens

Hi I'm 17 years old, I went to the doctor yesterday, he said that I had an ear infection along with a throat infection. I also had an headache and a high temperature 39 almost 103. The doctor gave me clamoxin 500 two tablets a day one before breakfast and another before I sleep also Gripmin SR 10 tablets. Is that a good dosage for my age and for my symptoms? Also my headache has been getting worse and I'm tired and sleepy almost all the time. ## You should take the medications as instructed by your doctor. The NIH lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. If your condition does not improve, or if the side effects become severe, you should consult your doctor. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated

I just got off of ampicillin a week ago for an ear infection and went to the dentist yesterday and he gave me a prescription of ampicillin to take. I just wonder is it safe to take this again? ## Hello, Debbie! How are you? You should take it as directed by your dentist, there are risks to taking it inappropriately, but otherwise all should be fine. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. If you do encounter any problems, be sure to consult your doctor. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in Ampicillin

## My son was taking the Ciprodex eardrops and I was wanting to know if it can cause hives anywhere on the body? He also has been having vomiting and diarrhea. ## ANY medication can cause an allergic reaction that might cause hives. Please contact your doctor to change medications. That is the prudent next step whenever anyone has an allergic reaction to a medication.

2 REPLIES Updated in Ciprodex

If im taking meds for a double ear infection, how long before i start to feel better...i cant hear out of my left ear because of fluid (blood and pus) and swelling also its very painful ## Hello, Coco! How are you doing? Has there been any change? The general rule for antibiotics, as reported by the NIH, is that if they are working, you shouldn't see any worsening after taking them for a full 24 hours, and you should start to see improvement after a full 3 days. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Did they give you anything for the pain?

1 REPLY Updated

The treatment for a person who is alegetic to sulphite. ## Unfortunately, there is really no treatment, other than using antihistamines to help alleviate the allergic reaction. However, the best solution, as explained by the NIH, is to avoid the allergen triggers, such as anything containing sulfites. How did you discover that you were allergic? Are you allergic to sulfites or just sulfur?

1 REPLY Updated in Allergen

I'm getting an ear infection and I still have some drops (Ciprodex) from last infection. They are not expired and have been kept in the back of a drawer at room temperature. Can I still use them? ## Hello, Maggie! How are you? Yes, as long as they aren't expired, though it's always best to see your doctor to confirm that you have an infection. Typical side effects may include dizziness, ear stuffiness, ringing and drainage. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in Ciprodex

Daughter 28yrs. Dr prescribed Pulmison 20mg and Zelitrex 500mg. What is this for and are there sideeffects ## Hello, Martie! How is your daughter doing? All medications carry the risk of causing side effects. According to the U.S. FDA, she may experience nausea, dizziness, headache, acne, fluid retention, insomnia and weight gain. These medications are used to help clear up the infection and treat the inflammation that such an infection may cause.

1 REPLY Updated

My daughter 28 has ear infection. Also a hole in eardrum. Dr prescribed 20mg Pulmison 1 per day and Zelitrex 500mg every 8hrs? Will this help for ears and what is side effects please ## Hello, Martie! How is your daughter doing? The Pulmison is used to reduce any inflammation and the Zelitrex is used to treat the infection. The U.S. FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, acne, stomach pain, diarrhea and non-allergic skin rash. It should, if she takes them as directed. However, if there is no improvement, she should see her doctor, again. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thank you for replying. The Docter did not give a new perscription . I believe that he must have been happy. Although she still have a hole in eardrum and we are n...

2 REPLIES Updated

I have been taking 400 mg of suprazole as recommended by my doctor every 8 hours but the pain in my ear is not gone. I have been taken it only for one day and half. Should I continue this antibiotic although I have fungal infection? ## Hello, Samira! How are you? If an antibiotic is working, it will usually take about 3 days of taking it, before you see any improvement. If there is no change, after that, then you you should see your doctor as you may need to try a different medication. The U.S. FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach pain. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated

my three year old was giving this med. for a ear infection and a toe infection, he has had bad diaper rash for 2 days and has not been sleeping in his own bed room before we wouldn't have a problem. could it be from this medication. he screams when we want him to go to bed he stays up till at least 2am. ## Hello, Joe! How is your son doing? It would be best to have it checked out by his doctor, that diaper rash may actually be due to a yeast infection, which most antibiotics can cause as side effects and, if that is the case, he'll need an antifungal cream to clear it up. As to the other issues, yes, this medication has been known to cause insomnia and headaches, as side effects according to the U.S. FDA. He may also experience nausea and diarrhea. How much longer will he be tak...

1 REPLY Updated

my taste buds are gone since last year may and i cant even smell anything. i have use zinc tablest for 3 weeks no improvement, now i'm scare to over dose them. i have also tried ent's but all the same. can i have something different or which brand for zinc must i use or i must drink what coz even my own urine i have tried it but still the same. pease help cos i even fast and pray all the time, eating healthy and all the raw veggies and fruits. even chinese herbs i have tried them.


Can i take RDY 280 for ear infection? ## Hello, Roxy! How are you? Dr. Reddy's Laboratories lists this tablet as containing 500mgs of Levofloxacin, which is an antibiotics that's used to treat various types of infections, so it can be used for that, if your doctor has deemed it appropriate. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in Levofloxacin

I have a prescription that expired 12/29/2015 and I do not have insurance at this time. I never took the prescription and now I need it for strep and an ear infection. Is it okay to take it? ## Hello, Dani! How are you? This medication does not become dangerous, once expired, but it does start to lose effectiveness, so it would be best to dispose of it and obtain a new prescription. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated

My doctor recommended me 1 tablet of Sporidex-AF 750 daily. After 3 days I start having rashes and small red pimples. Is it the side-effect ? If yes should I stop taking Sporidex-AF 750 or it is okay to continue? ## Doctor prescribed 2 tabs of sporidex AF 750 due to ear infection and continued after 3 days found sweeling over eyes and cheecks

1 REPLY Updated
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