Eliquis: Stomach Pain, Abdominal Swelling, Bloating, Gas (Page 5)


Have been taking Eliquis 5 mg 2x day for almost 3 months. Seem to be having Stomach Pain, Abdominal Swelling, Bloating, Gas, Facial Swelling and lots of weight gain and water retention. Also brain fog and memory problems. (It's hard to tell how much of this is from Eliquis and how much from CHF associated with A-Fib. Also taking Beta Blocker and Digoxin.)

Eliquis has been out long enough for the pharmaceutical company (BMS) to put out a REVISED list of side-effects, to reflect real-life patients' experiences. Wonder if they have done so, or when they'll do so?

Am probably going to switch to Xarelto and stop the Eliquis, in hopes that the Xarelto will cause fewer problems.

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Down regulation with Beta Blocker could contribute. Personal observation.

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Re: David (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

My Brother has been on Eliquis for at least 9 months and has had nothing but problems with extreme Bloating nausea vomiting unable to eat or keep anything down no energy pretty much a hermit cannot go or do anything feels like S**t all the time. He Looks horrible has developed breast pain in left and now right breast and you can feel something in the under the skin in the left breast area...He did not have any of this Before taking Eliquis..This medication is HORRIBLE.....

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Re: Merle lewis (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Screw the doctor. Doctors know very little about pharmaceuticals.

Be your own doctor; do your own research. "Your body, your choice."

I rejected statins after studying the liability/benefit ratio. The research is everywhere, except in doctors' offices.

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Re: BBB Bloated beyond belief (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Me too: So much back pain and hip pain and itchy skin rashes and bloating and headaches. I've been slowly and incrementally reducing my dosage because I won't let a pharmaceutical poison me like this.

I'm researching holistic alternatives. I was a perfectly healthy person who was extremely active before this pharma-crap.

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