Easiest Way To Remove New Oxycontin 80 Op Coating (Page 13)
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Hey! In all the other threads about the new oxy's -- everyone is stressing the new coatings, it seems. I have found the easiest and most efficient way to get BOTH coatings off is {edited for safety reasons}. Thought y'all would like to know that.

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Can't anyone figure out to draw the binders out of these things? We are talking about oxy junkies who are the most cunning, devious, creative people in world. You can tell me someone has not figured this out.. Why?? Could it be that difficult? Arent there any Chemistry flunkies turned junkies out there????

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Donna, I too have had elevated BP since taking the new OP, Very tired all the time. Ive been on Oxy.60 mg for 3yrs now and just this last month, ive had many problems. Ive been told calling Perdue or the fda is what to do but I cant find any info on how many people are really affected by the change

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need chat on exalgo

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My husband has severe back pain. and about 2 weeks ago he got his rx for the Oxycontin op. He has been taking the old version OC. for a couple of years now. His back pain was so severe he could hardly walk, Then he started vomiting and all symptoms of a stomach virus. After about 5 days of suffering, finally he agreed to go to the emergency room sick as a dog!! Vomiting and chills with sweats. His BP was 205 over 168.. The doctor took his list of meds and asked about the Oxycontin being the new formula. They started an IV and gave him 4 MG of Dilaudid with something for nausea. Within 10 minutes he was feeling so much better!! His BP went down to 158 over 94. It turns out the Oxycontin 80 op,(new formula) was not working for him!! His pain was causing all the problems..Our primary Physician is changing his pain medications. So every one can say they are still the same medicine. We and our Doctors know the truth. Why must the people who need to take Oxycontin OC need to suffer!! I am so ANGRY he had to go through this!!

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when Purdue which is a privately owned company, loose millions of dollars from the new formula,they (Purdue) will find a way to remove them. They are great for those who don't abuse them, as for myself i take them as prescribed to me. Yes the new formula are weaker then the OC formula,and i did let Purdue know about my findings and they told me to speak to my Doctor and he just gave me more of them

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I called Perdue today and BITCHED! I have been taking the 80's for years at high doses and i just got my script filled and i got 540 of the new ones. I broke out in hives the size of lemons. I called this number 203.588.8000 and told the woman what happened and she transfered me to a nurse in the medical dept. I just asked her what the heck they did to my meds. It's the damn binders they're using that did this to me. She asked my name and address and how many i take at a time and IF i swallow them. I would guess if enough people call and report any drug reaction that maybe in the next couple of months they'll change them back. I figured i'd call and get the ball rolling. They tried this crap a few years ago and they ended up changing them back - Every phone call helps.

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