Easiest Way To Remove New Oxycontin 80 Op Coating (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Hey! In all the other threads about the new oxy's -- everyone is stressing the new coatings, it seems. I have found the easiest and most efficient way to get BOTH coatings off is {edited for safety reasons}. Thought y'all would like to know that.

246 Replies (13 Pages)

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sean-dont impose your beliefs on others? your saying you dont believe in God, and if there was one you would hate, murder someone. Arent those beliefs. I think you need serious mental health check and if I knew you ide turn you into the police to make sure your not a gun owner. Not everyone here is bad and theres other people beside your wife that are suffering so get over it and deal with it just as most of us are. HIPPOCRITTE,

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This new formula has been especially awful for me because I had gastric bypass. Due to my colon being rerouted it just does not have enough time time to dissolve and absorb. What I do is use one of those Ped eggs and a needle nose pliers to grasp the pill then I to grate it.

I do not do the entire pill only 3/4 of it and I take the rest of it whole. My pain level is more of a tolerable now. My doctor of course wouldn't approve of this. When I was taking it whole, I failed a blood test to see if the drug was in my system. I see a pain management doctor and when I started the new formula I tested negative for oxy in my blood. I couldn't figure out how that was even possible. I freaked out because he wanted to drop me as a patient. All I can think of is that I was hardly getting any of the drug in my system. Those tests will only test positive when you have a certain level of the drug in your system.

I hope this information helps someone.

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The people on this forum that are hating on commenters that are suffering from chronic pain make me sick. (You make me even more sick than the people posting and telling us that if we shove the straw up our noses far enough it wont gel.).... Give me a break. You all think taking the coating off of a pill is something that only a junkie would need to do, in order to do a line. Breaking and crushing pills is done for many other reasons, which is why they sell pill crushers/cutters at your local pharmacy. What if people are wanting to crush their pills to mix them in a small amount of liquid for faster relief? What if people are being responsible, and only wanting to take half a pill or just lower their own dosage on days their pain isn't so severe? And, what if this was a forum full of junkies? ..Do you honestly think your insults and name-calling is going to help them, or change their mind on getting that coating off somehow and snorting it? Does a stranger on the internet with their own vices really bug you on such a personal level?.. Do the world a favour; Remove your heads from your asses and do a little research before you start running your mouth and bashing the sick / injured / sufferers from chronic pain.

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Talked to Dr4. Asked for lower dose of Perc's instead of oxycontins. Dr said no way and instead bumped my dosage to a 60mg oxycontin bid.

And for the A**holes who are b****ing about people trying to increase the effectiveness of this medication why don't you take a dull knife and start removing the heel of your foot. What you completely ignore is the FACT there are a lot of people who are in CONSTANT CHRONIC SEVERE PAIN. So do those of us who are SUFFERING because they don't have access in the 2014th year of our Lord to a medication that allows the patient to be able to roll over in bed without yelling in pain. To be able to dress oneself. To be able to clean their house by actually being able to pick things up off the floor. To be able to get into and out of a car. To be able to WORK and make a living, or at least enough to buy food clothing and the GD meds. Do us a favor and go eat a gun!

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Sounds like an addict to me!

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I hope and pray you are never in severe chronic pain.

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Sounds as if your husband is plain and simply just a drug addict and experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

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You obviously have no medical intelligence at all.. People take these for legitimate reasons. To function Ina daily bases not everyone is an addict,they are seeking relief. Or would you just have them file disability and live off the social security system. Do your research before making such ignorant statements

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I cant believe someone would get on this page and call people junkies. Some if us have serious chronic pain and these new oxys arnt working and are making people sick. Also, just because someone would rather insufflate their pills rather than swallow them doesn't make them a junkie neither. People who are in serious pain like the pain to go away fast and dnorting them does that. How dare you get on a page you dont even belong on and tell us all we need detox treatment. Obviously you have no clue whats its like to not be able to get out of the bed and take care of your family because of the pain your in. Please do us all a favor and stay off this page if you cannot relate to our problems.

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I have been prescribed Roxycodone--Oxycodone 30 mgs. 3 times per day for degenerative disk disease, stenosis, sciatica and fibromyalgia. After taking it for the last 5 years--never more than prescribed--I feel like it's a waste of money to even bother. The only reason it helps the pain is because I hardly ever take the 3 pills a day because they make me sleep and when I sleep I don't feel the pain. It does however, when I wake up from one of these "naps" from the medication, feel so depressed that the day is 1/2 over and I didn't do anything--I mean pay bills, talk on the phone to a friend, etc. I am disabled for other reasons. Could anyone tell me if they do get relief from their pain taking Oxycodone over a period of time, and if they are able to stay awake? One patient in the waiting room told me to consistently take the 3 pills a day and eventually I will build a tolerance against it putting me to sleep. However, it will also build tolerance, like I already know, that the pain relief is not nearly as helpful as when I started taking it. I am sick of living in pain, and having to do my laundry 1/5 of a load at a time since that's all I can handle. I wake up in the morning to go to the bathroom and even if it is 5:00 a.m. I have to stay up from the pain in laying back down again. Does anyone have any help--opinions or whatever--that may help me with this ordeal? I know it's not as bad as some other peoples' problems, but it IS MY PROBLEM, and I feel like I am living the same day over again every day when I wake up--and over and over again.
Thanks to anyone who answers me.

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Notta Junkie, I know this post is 4 years old but you have no idea what your talking about. I'm 57 and since 21 I begain suffering back pain.I hand unloaded semi trucks day in and day out. This went on for years. I became a truck driver at age 30. Working 15 to 17 hours a day supporting 3 children. I hauled U.S. mail and didn't have the luxury of stopping and stretching. We moved to Wa state in 1990 and I started driving double tankers. My back getting worse I continued to drive until one day I couldn't push the clutch in. Pain running down my leg on fire. I radioed work and they had to lift me out of the truck on side of the freeway. To late as I pushed my body passed it's limit. After two weeks I went back to the truck and lasted until 2000. Now I had trashed my neck. I took a job as apt maintenance now laying under sinks, painting, bldg, doing everything. Now in 2010 both shoulders had rotated cuff surgery. 2011 both wrists surgery. With discs shot I continue to work thanks to opiates after buying every contraption to try to stop pain. My pain is a cake walk to others so comments like yours, the state cutting back on meds make me sick. So shut the f*** up when you have no clue what people go through. Endo, Purdue are killing us with new formulas and the state has no idea of people like us. Many abuse and f them also as thousands of us need meds that work. Opana has also been ruined. By now maybe your in the same boat I can only hope!

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I suffer from an auto-immune neurological condition that causes extreme lower extremity pain. I have also had multiple back and neck surgeries, with surgical steel implanted in both. I have arthritis in both shoulders , in my knees, and in the balls of my feet. Bursitis lives in both hips, but does always bother me. I live my life in pain. I have it when I wake up in the morning and when I go to sleep at night. At least 4 times weekly my pain wakes me up. I pray every morning to be able to get through the day at work. I look normal. I still get dressed and go to work, wear make up, and most times keep a smile on my face. There is definitely no skip in my step, but I do the best I can to hide my ailments. I don't want sympathy.

For the past couple of years, I take tramadol 100mg morning and lunch, and 800mg ibuprofen 10am and 2 pm during working hours. I take 2 - 10 mg Percocet tablets when I get home, and 2 -10mg Percocet with an oxycodone oc 20mg when I go to sleep. There are 2 out of 5 days that I do not have to leave my job crying. My pain is really not managed, but I have to work for a living... I have tried celebrex, naprosyn, hydrocodone, lyrica, neurontin, and cymbalta, savella. Even vioxx (back in its day). If there is something non opiod, believe me I have tried it.
I don't want to be on ANY medications, I didn't ask for this pain. I am 42 years old and feel 142. I work in healthcare so I know the attitude in general towards people taking pain medication is terrible. I am aware that people abuse it. I am aware that people defer their medications. I am aware that people shop Doctors too. But there are alot of us that don't! There are alot of us that take the steroid injections 3 times a year and steroid packs from time to time to reduce inflammation. We are not looking to 'catch a buzz' so to speak, we are looking for relief from pain, even if it only lasts 30 mins. Chronic pain is hard to understand if you don't have it, but you shouldn't judge what you don't understand. It is a horrible existence and the medication only makes it bearable. I wouldn't have wished this on Osama Bin Laden. That's how miserable it is.

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Ok. Were all going to die.... sole of us have chronic diseases..pain... that leabs FOREVER. so get out judging people. if you were in the pain i live through everyday.... you would have killed urself...some people take these meds to be able to spend the last years of there childrens memories of them..not rittled by pain. Dont hate. dont judge. Thats my King of kings job... and i have never felt convicted for taking my meds. urrr i hate judglental people

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in my opinion the new op isnt even close to the ol oc ive been on the oc since a motorcycle accident in 2002 where i had to hae a left below knee amputation they were able to save my upper leg but because of the extensive damage i have hardware from the knee up through the years my pain has been getting worse especially to the knee area also due to the fact i have had 3 kidney transplants and the antirejection meds that deteriorates the bones over years time now that the oc has been switched to the op the pain has been so severe that being once fully independant now it is hard to even walk with the pain i taked to a couple of ortho docs to see if something could be done surgery wise but due to my medical history including my amputation i am not able to have any corrective surgery like a total knee replacement the docs told me the only thing i have to concider is cutting my leg abouve the knee which i feel is too extreame where without aknee it would be even more difficult to walk with a prostetic to the people out there that have these pain issues out there god bless you all and to the people out there that are calling us junkies would have a different opinion if god forbid something like we were going tru happened to them or a loved one so before you open your mouth try thinking about if you were the patient and in constant unbearable pain thank you

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They make the old form just under a new name and sell as generic. Ask your dr to prescribe oxcycodone extended release. Same thing as the old. Same markings even. No change at all. Good luck.

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I've been dealing with cronic pain for 12 years after a near fatal accident.With breaks to both knees and both ankles in the joint area yet to boot. they didn't know if i would walk again.Well i did but with great pain .I was taking 8-10 lortab 7.5's a day for many years.I finally was put on oxycontin 120mg twice a day.I started out low but was increased till there was little to no pain. I was nearly pain free for 4 years and I was able to return to work finally. Then Purdue decided to to change the pills that I consider a miracle pill.Now I have to wait an hour to feel any relief and the releif lasts only about 6 hours at only 70% of what the oc's were. So, I'm comfortable for only 5 hours instead 10-12 hours.Why would they fix something that wasn't broke and I DO NOT abuse them!! The talk on line is that they (the ppl who do abuse them) have found a way to do so almost as soon as they hit the street .So what was the point of changing them in the first place. Now I'm one of the many who need them to live their life as normal as possible and now we can''t. Does calling Purdue really work on getting things back to the way they were ??

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81 Patriot you should talk to your doctor about switching you to Opana ER. They are very effective for pain. They are just as good maybe even better than the old oxcontin. I hope this helps.

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I have RA and lumber scoliosis with DDD. Medication is the only way I can get out of bed And function. I take a very low dose of oxy 20mg. I have noticed the change of how effective the medication is now.We would not be having This conversation if this medication was not abused/ missed used by people. I had to fight for my doctor to prescribe pain meds. They were reluctant to prescribe them because of the abuse potential. Maybe It will make it easier for doctor to focus on pain management then of the fear of turning patients into junkies. With pain managememt the goal is to use as little medication to control pain not get high. For those experiening problems with the new pills, that's called withdrawl. Being on high mg doses for years your docs not providing proper pain management.
There need to be tapering and combo therapy for pain control. That's why its called management not fill a script and see the Dr.twice a year.

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I think that since the new op's aren't as strong as the old oc's the right combo would be to have percocets for the breakthrough and the op's for the long term/lasting pain. For me if I don't chew up the op's it takes forever if at all to take effect. Then the op's don't last as long as they should. At least the perc's still have the fast acting oxy in them. There is also Oxy IR too.(instant release). It's too bad the messed these up. I notice now that I seem to have weird bruising from just a light bump now like I was on cumiden or some type of blood thinner. I take a small asprin a day since my quadrupal bypass surgery, but I've been taking that since Jan. 09. without any bruising problems. I'll probably buy some off the percs street and try that. I let you guys know.

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This is for Bobaconda - I don't know about bumps but if you have black and blue spots, have your liver checked. That's a sign of liver problems. Now, 311Fan - how dare you? We AREN'T junkies that are on this site! I have constant PAIN. But then you continue on to explain HOW to get the junkies exactly the way to get what they want. Who the hell are you to say that we are all junkies on this site.

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