Easiest Way To Remove New Oxycontin 80 Op Coating (Page 12) (Top voted first)


Hey! In all the other threads about the new oxy's -- everyone is stressing the new coatings, it seems. I have found the easiest and most efficient way to get BOTH coatings off is {edited for safety reasons}. Thought y'all would like to know that.

246 Replies (13 Pages)

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Do u need to boil the cola with pill in it, and then add cold cola before drinking?

Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use

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Now, I have nothing against those who choose to abuse Oxy or any other pharmaceutical drug because it is frankly none of my business. We have been trying to stop drug use for over a century and lets face facts, if people want to do drugs then they will find a way. Anyways, SWIM has found a way to cut the binders and make these new OPs ready for abuse. Keep in mind this can also be used for those of you who are not wanting to shoot or snort them. While this process is somewhat tedious, the end result is a higher grade of pain medication. I am not sure if the majority of posts on this Web site are from people who are actually suffering from side-effects which resulted from the new formula or they are genuine addicts who are looking to beat Purdue's new menace. Regardless here are the steps to beating the block (THIS ACTUALLY WORKS, IT MAY SOUND WEIRD BUT BELIEVE SWIM, I WATCHED THEM DO IT.):

Step 1: Use a damp paper towel, or similar, to remove the outer coating. Remember to dry pill rather quickly.

Step 2: Use a grinding tool, preferably an unused PediPaws (NOT A PED EG as stated in an earlier post, this just doesn't work nearly as well). Grind the pill onto a ceramic plate, grind the pill so it goes away from you and onto the plate. Takes a few minutes. (PILL MUST BE GRINDED AND NOT CRUSHED DUE TO NEW FORMULA)

Step 3: Spread the ground up pill evenly as possible on the plate. You almost want an even layer of pill throughout.

Step 4: Place the plate in the microwave and set for 3-5 minutes (TIME WILL VARY WITH MICROWAVE STRENGTH). For new people, you might want to check it at about 2.5 minutes just to be sure you are not melting or burning the pill. Also, having a see-thru window helps, as you may monitor the pill's progress. WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IS AN END RESULT OF YELLOW POWDER. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO THE PROCESS. The entire pill powder must be yellow for this to work. So just be sure to find the perfect median point of turning yellow without burning.

Step 5: Scrape powder up with credit card (or similar). Now supposedly the pill may be snorted in this form, however, SWIM was not doing this to snort it, rather to IV.

If you are not choosing to IV the powder then you are done. The heat destroyed the binders in the pill and it can now be taken orally and will have results similar to the old formula, possibly with 5-10 mgs less due to heat but this is of course pure assumption. SWIM said it feels like the old 80s if not better, however SWIM was high when he said that. But at least this provides some hope that the process does in fact work.


Now for those of you wanting to feel the rush here is the final steps.

Step 6: Heat water in spoon, prior to adding powder, this will not only help decontaminate the water but will also aid in the following steps. Bring about 120 units of water to a boil in spoon and then put lighter away as you will no longer need it. (You use 120 units because the pill and heat will reduce it to about 90-100 units)

Step 7: Now, add the powder a little bit at a time, stirring as you go. Keep in mind, the solution will not be clear. So if this bothers you then I suggest you just swallow it. Believe SWIM though, even though it is a little thick and yellow, it is fine he says.

Step 8: Because most of us are not chemists, micron filters are probably not readily available. Therefore take a cigarette butt and use that as you normally would. NO COTTON SWAB, this causes cotton fever. Now hopefully you have a syringe with a removable needle tip (these can be found in the .5ml insulin syringes but not in 1 ml 100 unit syringes). If you don't have a tip that comes off then it will take a while to draw up through the filter, but have patience it will happen (about 10-15 minutes). If you do have removable tip, take it off and place a piece of filter almost into the opening, not all the way because you don't want it to suck in when drawing. Draw up the solution, it won't take long with this method, and pour into a separate spoon. (WHILE MOST LIKE TO SKIP THIS STEP, IT IS WORTHWHILE).

Step 9: Repeat step 8, drawing the liquid up through a fresh filter. Now, you could theoretically repeat this step but two is enough. At this point you should reattach your needle tip and well, you know the rest.

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I have used the Report Abuse link to report 311fan's detailed posting about how to prepare the abuse resistant form of oxycontin for Intravenous drug abuse. Hopefully, it will be removed.

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I did not know that this site would eat my double quote marks, so here is the post again, with single quote marks in their place:

To Pa.girlinpain4life: How can you say you do not abuse oxycontin, when you also say that it took an hour to take effect?

The whole point of oxycontin is no waiting time at all for it to take effect because taken as directed, after the first 24 to 48 hours have passed, oxycontin subsequently maintains a steady state of the drug in your bloodstream so that it never wears off. You don't have to wait for it to take effect. That's what the ''contin'' in the name ''oxycontin'' means. It's short for ''continuous''. The only time it's effect is not continuous is when you defeat the mechanism that makes it continuous, so that it will have ''worn off'' before it is time for the next dose. If you are doing this because you have developed tolerance, rather than to get high, you need to speak to your doctor about adjusting your dosage so that you can have full steady-state round the clock pain relief.

It's understandable that the new drug may be weaker than the old one, but it is still continuous, just at a lower level of relief.

If you have been taking prescribed oxycontin on a continous basis, the concept of it having to ''take effect'' (at all) should be what you would complain about, rather than how long it takes to do so. I know it may sound like a subtle distinction, but anybody who has been taking oxycontin as directed knows exactly what I mean,

Use of the phrases ''take effect'' and ''kick in'' make for an obvious ''tell'', one that is usually coupled with terrible grammar and spelling.

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Actually I see the truth of the matter. Non-Legitimate doctors perscribing the same therapy to over 100 different patient all with the exact same therapy. Those same people come up to my pharmacy asking if I have the 512's or the OC's or have even heard Xanibars all coming in with medicaid insurance which means two things. I am paying for your meds so you can turn around and sell them or abuse them. I do know there are legitamate people on these meds and every one that is a customer of mine that I felt that way before have proved it by using the new formulation and saying it works just fine. Because they use it for pain. not money or the high. until you see it everyday don't reply.

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Pharm Tech, please explain how you are paying for all of our meds.

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that's bulls***!! no doctor would prescribe 540 pills and no pharmacy would fill it. Because being a schedule II narcotic you can only get one month at a time so before you comment make sure you're not full of it.

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Miss Nurse: DId you ever shortchange a patient by using or diverting some of his medication. If you were/are is such pain I can only assume you did. I would have if I was in that much pain. I could not even work if I was in that type of pain. You know as well as I do there are other powerful opiate painkillers that work just a well. I believe you just wanted the OXY because you wanted to experience the super intense euphoria the other meds dont quit supply as well as the OXY. Get to a pain management clinic and follow the rules.

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Disclaimer: While we try to encourage free speech on this site, we do not recommend following Mike's advice in the previous post. It is dangerous and illegal. This site does not endorse such information and we will not be held responsible for anybody who decides to use medications which are not prescribed to them, or through methods which are outside the drug's intended use.

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if you can just detox from your pain meds and be okay then why are you taking them. It sounds like you have a legitimate injury so why dont you switch to dilaudads or morphine? if you can just detox and be done with it, then more power to you. i believe in some respects I am addicted but the pain is so severe AND new oxys upset my stomach and raise my blood pressure. I pray you are one of those who can detox & handle their pain mentally!! Good luck.

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You people act like a dog chasing his own tail. I'm on 3 60's and two 15 IR a day. I DON'T want to go on morphine or anything else. I am in pain 24/7 and I swallow them as prescribed. I'm NOT looking for that illusive high. I DON'T want to be high, I want to be out of pain! But I do know one thing, one of these days, my number is gonna come up and I want to leave this earth OUT of pain. So you go on morphine now and your body gets used to that and you have lost the ability for your body to process a new pain reliever. We are not gonna change the NEW oxy's (even though they are garbage) but Big Brother knows better for us.

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You are a jerkoff, people are going to do whatever they want regaurdless of your rant about drug heads even though you are one yourself... think about it jack.

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If you suck on the pill or shave it to remove the coating you can actually cook the gel out of them by placing them on a plate in the microwave on high power for 5 minutes then u just peel the gel off the outside and crush them down into powder for your shooting or snorting pleasure...my buddy is in rehab in florida for this so dont be dumb about it...just work better this way than the bulls*** time release

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holy hell!!! reading these comments now have me wondering if it is the op formula giving me horrible migrains, i thought i was getting migrains because the op meds. leave me in pain so long that i get so many more migrains. i told my pain mgmnt. dr. that i just want to be put back on the percocet and he tried to talk me into more of the oxy.op. i have such severe spine ptoblems with numerous surgeries and more to follow, so why the hell torture me more by adding more crappy pills that make me sick and keep me in pain???

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Well how

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I am in pain SEVERE pain all day every day . And these new pills do not help my pain, oh and i have tried every alternative to control my pain from acupuncture to nerve blocks to cortizone shots. I have tried everything and opiate pain pills are the only thing that allow me to function at all. I wish so bad that arrogant know it all's like u could experience the pain im in for just one day and see if ur not willing to do anything to alleviate the pain. It is because of people like u that make it that much harder for people like me with legitimate pain problems to aquire pain pills. i hope and pray that u suffer from debilitating pain someday and u are denied access to the one thing that can help u

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I called Perdue today and BITCHED! I have been taking the 80's for years at high doses and i just got my script filled and i got 540 of the new ones. I broke out in hives the size of lemons. I called this number 203.588.8000 and told the woman what happened and she transfered me to a nurse in the medical dept. I just asked her what the heck they did to my meds. It's the damn binders they're using that did this to me. She asked my name and address and how many i take at a time and IF i swallow them. I would guess if enough people call and report any drug reaction that maybe in the next couple of months they'll change them back. I figured i'd call and get the ball rolling. They tried this crap a few years ago and they ended up changing them back - Every phone call helps.

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need chat on exalgo

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WarWalker - WE DID IT! The last two months I have picked up my script and got the OC's, thought it was from an old batch. This month I picked up my script and it was the OC's again. I asked about it and was told that this is what they are getting again. The OP's
have been recalled and are NO LONGER being made!!! It took us a year of yelling and screaming about the uselessness of what they were dishing out. It caused some people taking their lives and others to seriously thinking of taking their lives (I'm glad they suffered through the storm).I raise my glass to you and all the others that have called Purdue, Doctors, pharmacy etc. But we finally got back what we know will stop the pain! To the man of many hats, I wish I could still talk with you, you have been my strength, my hope in mankind and most of all, I wasn't alone! GOD BLESS YOU, my friend. I will never forget you! Love, Paula

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Junky. Pain is in your head grow a pair and suck it up. You don't need drugs all of you are clowns. Pain lets you know your still alive you wanna live like a zombie for the rest of our life. Idc who you are or what kinda pain your in oc 80s are insane. You all feel like crap cuz your withdrawing from drugs. I've used them recreationally but I'm head strong and if I get hooked I get sick for a week and deal with it. Sober ppl get the flu and deal with it you all should too

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