Early Period For 3 Weeks (Top voted first)


Hi I Am A 40 Years Lady Living In Los Angeles Ca. After My Last Period, Two Weeks Later, my period Came Early Now Like Almost 3 Week I am in period. Which Medicine do I have to take it, or what shoud I do?

2 Replies

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Hi, Farivita! I'm sorry you're having such an issue, I'm very close to your age, so I do understand how annoying that can be.

Since you are 40 now, there's a very good chance that you've entered into perimenopause, which is when your reproductive cycle starts to wind down in preparation for full menopause. Perimenopause can start as early as 35 and may last as long as 10 or 11 years.

We usually follow the same pattern as our mother's, so if you can you may want to ask your mom when she went into full menopause, because that means your perimenopause should start about 10 years before that and finish up about the same time she did.

When your menstrual cycle is off like this, it is a very good sign that you may be having anovulatory cycles, which is one of the early signs of perimenopause. Basically, your body fails to produce an egg some months and egg production is necessary to produce the hormone progesterone which helps control menstrual bleeding and regularity. Thus, any month when that happens, you produce only estrogen, which is the hormone that makes the endometrial lining build up, progesterone usually prevents it from sloughing off at odd times, but if you aren't producing it, then the MMPs that break it down go to work due to the estrogen and you end up having irregular cycles, such as just a few weeks apart like you've experienced.

If you haven't had a pelvic exam and pap smear recently, then you should see a doctor and have that done to rule out anything more dangerous. However, if all of that comes back normal, then perimenopause is the next likely culprit.

And if you are in perimenopause, supplementing your Progesterone can help, since it opposes the estrogen and can help things settle back down.

Have you had any other symptoms, like PMS? Cramping? Feeling emotional? Feeling irritable? Hot flashes? Have your periods been heavier than usual or had clotting?

Those are all symptoms of estrogen dominance, which can only be helped by adding back progesterone.

If it's safe for you to do so, according to your doctor, then the best option would be a natural bio-identical progesterone cream, since it doesn't have the same risks as the prescription synthetic ones.

However, I do want to let you know that you will eventually hit a point where nothing will help regulate your menstrual cycle anymore. No amount of hormones, natural or synthetic, not even oral contraceptives. This usually occurs the last year or two before menopause.

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