Dull Aching That Progressed Down Legs In Days
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Hi I started having a dull aching pain in the vaginal area 2 days ago.... yesterday it was in my vaginal area, butt and upper hamstrings.... today it's progressed down my entire legs and bottom of my feet... Also my skin hurts to touch it but there's no marks/bruises...what could it be? I didn't do any strenuous activities to hurt my back or anything. I'm not pregnant. Ty

3 Replies

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You are right, it could also be related to that. Some women do experience a lot of pain and issue, when their hormones fluctuate, before, during and after their periods.

How are you feeling, now?

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No not yet, the pain mostly went away, it's still in my legs and feet a little. I think it was caused by my menstrual cycle. I started my cycle the next dayand I already have an appointment with my gyn next week for issues whike on my period. Ty

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It's hard to say, it could be due to a kidney stone, or quite a few other possibilities.

Have you consulted your doctor, yet?

Are you on any medications?

Is there any chance that you may be dehydrated, because that could cause pain like this, too.

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