Drugs To Abort One Month Pregnancy And How To Use Them.
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Please i need a drug or drugs to terminate a month pregnancy and how to use them safely.i am 22years old and in Nigeria.

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I finish my menstruation on 8 nd had unprotected sex on 9 nd use postenor anoda sex on 14 nd took postenor, which leads 2 anoda menstration nd last 4 four days. Ve been expecting my menstruation dis month. Pls, am i pregnant, if yes, which drug can i use. Frm ondo, nigeria.

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Am Tracy and am one month pregnancy..pls I need a pills I can take at home to save me Frm did cham cos am gettin married by Dec

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my wife one month pregnant but he want now abortion

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I had sex with my guy on 13 of may 2014. I did text and it was positive, please what drug can I take to flush it out. with out side effect.

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I want to abort my one month pregnancy at home am in Kenya please send me the possible pill to take

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I have gotmaried recently nd we don't have family planning so soon nd my wife has not yet period as her date was 14th jan can u suggest me a abortion pill with getting aborted

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My wife had finished her period on 1st of this month and we had sex on 9th. She have not seen her menstral flow. It has been confirmed that she is pregnant. We want get ride of it at home. What drugs should we use?

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I'm 5weeks pregnant.I took Gynaecocid,white quinine and apiculux at 4weeks buh I only noticed a blood stain on Monday.I still have sorebreast nd high body temperature every night.Pls I need answers on what to do becos I'm not ready for the baby

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need to remove 1 month pregnancy. what are the ideas to abort of 1 month pregnancy

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pls answer them na

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i missed my period about 1 month and 10 days ..what will i take to abort it?

Was this helpful? 213

i am 16 year old i leave in nigeria i have lost my first period i am still schooling i want to aborrt my 3 weeks pregnancy myself pls send me name of the drugs.

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