UpdatedI have been given this tablet for my dental infection . I am feeling tooth sensation and pain in one of my teeth . will that help me ?
1 Reply
Hi nazleen,
The active ingredient in Droxyl is Cefadroxil, which is an antibiotic used for dental infections. The tooth sensation and pain is most likely being caused by an infection of the nerve endings in your tooth (I've had a similar problem before) and the antibiotics job is to kill the infection- so it should help, but it's impossible to know for certain since medication effects everyone differently.
Also, I recommend taking a pro-biotic while on the antibiotic. Since antibiotics kill bacteria (good and bad) it is important to reinstate good bacteria into the body so your immune system isn't at risk.
Note: All thoughts and opinions expressed are based on my research and should not be mistaken for medical advice. I am not a doctor, dentist, nor a pharmacist. all medical questions should be answered by a licensed pharmacist or doctor/dentist.
You can learn more about this drug on the page for Cefadroxil Details
I hope the info helps!
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