Dronis 20 And Period Timing
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I am using dronis 20 tablets for the first time and after using these my periods have lasted longer than 10 days. Today is the 11th day. Shall I stop taking this tablet? I already take 11 pills. I am worried.

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Hello Comments,

I am sorry to hear that you are worried about the effects your medication is having. Hopefully I can provide some information to help you.

As a baseline I always advise that if you are concerned or unhappy with your medication please bring this up with your primary care physician or OBGYN as they have access to your medical records and can provide you with the most accurate advice for your particular situation.

With that being said here is some information I found on the Dronis 20 tablets.

Reportedly Dronis 20 is a hormonal based oral contraceptive that comes in a blister pack of 24 tablets. If the tablets are taken within the first 24 hours of your menstrual cycle no other forms of contraceptive should be necessary. If the pills are not taken within that window you will need to use additional protection for the first 7 days of taking this medication. Because Dronis 20 is a hormonal based contraceptive your body will need time to adjust to the new medication.

If you are having difficulty with your menstrual cycles after you have taken the first package of Dronis 20 please consult your doctor before taking the next pack.

In case you had any other questions here is a link to some other commonly asked questions about Dronis 20 tablets

[1] Dronis 20 - Topics

I hope this information is helpful.

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i m 27 yr old n married my problem is m taking mala n oral pillls n now m having nousea,headache n irritability.my menturation also irregular.so can i start dronis 20?i wont preganancy till 2 yr so can i take this tablet continue 2 yr?pls give me advice.

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I am at 38 years having PCOS, increased ovarian size, irregular periods have been prescribed Dronis 20. First two cycles were OK, thereafter, repeated spotting and breakthrough bleeding has started. Ovarian volume is much reduced. Weight is reduced by about 3 Kg in last three months. Please answer what shall I do now and for how long I am to continue Dronis 20.. Can I take Dronis 30 instead !

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i got married on aug. this year i had used triqular for the last three months my doctor had adviced know to use dronis20 is there r any side effects by using this bcz i want to wait for a child upto 3 years can i continue this till 3 years or not will i get pregnant during the usage of this medicine IN HOW DAYS WILL I GET MY menstural cycle after the stoppage of these 24 tablets

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