Drixoral Pulled Off U.s. Shelves (Top voted first)
UpdatedIt has been months since I've been able to find Drixoral in the U.S. I've heard that you can purchase it in Canada. Is there a reason that it's pulled from our shelves, and will it be coming back to the U.S. ?
7 Replies
I have repeatedly posted on here WHY it has been withdrawn by most companies from the US market.
It is because it contains Pseudoephedrine, which is used as an ingredient in Meth. Since the FDA limited the amounts you can purchase at once and pharmacies moved it behind the counter to better regulate the sale, the manufacturers have been losing a lot of business, as most people will just grab something else off the store shelves.
It is not good business for a company to keep manufacturing a product that it is losing money on, so many companies have stopped making products that contain Pseudoephedrine or changed their formulations.
I need to find a legitimate pharmacy onlline where u dont need a prescription... can anyone help me out! thank you!
If you are in the US, obtaining prescription medications without a prescription, regardless of how you have obtained them, is ILLEGAL!
To Verwon:
drixoral is not and never has been a prescription drug!
Canada does not have the stupid ass contriols on simple drugs as psuedo. Our government has to have there dam hands in everything. It is real simple, someone states that Schering is losing money on Drixoral since it was moved to behind the counter sales.; My reply, BS. I have bben buying this product for over 15 years and never had a problem getting it until it was moved behind the counter. It nothing more than our government sticking its dam nose where it doesn't belong, as usual. If they felt that they were keeping this drug out of the meth heads hands by putting it behind the counter they are as dumb as they are thieves. Schering US just got tired of all the regulatory bs they have had to put up with .
If you need Drixoral, I got the product compounded at Greenpark Pharmacy in Houston. When the pharmacy makes it, it does require a prescription. I just ask my dentist to call a prescription in for me. No problem.
Bob you are incorrect. Drixoral was by prescription back in 1972 and for a number of years after. I know I started taking Drixoral then. It wasn't the FDA who pushed this group of OTC drugs into beng banned. It was George Bush and His patriot act. You are correct It was done to stop meth production.
The shame is the honest legitmate users have to suffer. I can't take anything else but drixoral that works. How about writing letters to George W Bush and the republican party and home land security and tell them about your pain and discomfort because of the removal of Drixoral. You can get drixoral in Canada but it is selling for 46 dollars for 20. I can no longer afford to take drixoral. I have special needs for drixoral because of being poisoned by a doctor of medicine. I can't tolerate anything petrochemical to parts per billion. I have to live in purified air and in the middle of no where to survive with any kind of life. I can look forward to migraines that last 6 month if I can't find a natural solution. I have made it 25 years with this illness because of drixoral. I don't know if I will make it much longer without.
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