Drixoral Kept Behind The Counter? (Top voted first)


To get Drixoral you have to ask the pharmacist. They keep the medication behind the counter as they do not sell to minors.

3 Replies

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Were you able to get some Drixoral by asking the pharmacist? This has always been an over-the-counter product. I guess because it has ingredients that people use to make meth, they have tightened up the rules. Can you please let us know if you were able to find any, and if so, which store?

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Seriously you should investigate the stupidity you say before you speak, even on the internet. People are looking for real answers to things not a know-it-all who has no clue. I've talked to several pharmacy's (walmart, Meijer, Rite Aid, Walgreens...) And the product has been pulled off the shelfs period. It is not behind the counter. It used to be, but then anyone who's used the product would KNOW that because it's been that way for a few years. Now it is not there whatsoever, and it really sucks because the new generation pills SUCK. They don't do a damn thing.

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Yes, Drixoral is no longer being manufactured, due to the loss of sales from having it kept behind the counter, under the new FDA regulations, the company has stopped making it.

There are still some alternatives available that do contain the Pseudoephedrine, but they are ALL kept behind the counter now and you will have to specifically ask for them.


The ones that remain available on the regular store shelves have had their formulations switched to use Phenylephrine, which is not proven to be as effective and seems to disappoint many users, including myself.


It is, however, possible that the original poster was still able to purchase Drixoral, because it was NOT recalled, so some stores still had some in stock and were able to continue selling it until they run out.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

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