Drixoral Substitute (Page 2)
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Great news! I have FINALLY found the substitute for Drixoral Cold & Allergy and wish someone had told me before I had to suffer with allergy symptoms for so long. It's a combination of one Mucinex DM tablet and one Aleve-D Sinus & Cold tablet; take one of each at the same time and within an hour you'll feel like a brand new person! Mucinex DM is an OTC expectorant and cough supressant and Aleve-D (an extended release medicine) can be found behind the counter (you have to ask for it and show ID), but I found both at Walmart. I know the name brands cost more, but do not bother buying substitutions because they simply will not work; since Drixoral has not been available, I already have tried soooooo many that didn't help at all. Good Luck and I hope this works as well for you as it did for me.
May I please ask how do you order it? I have an inner ear disorder and the dexbrompheneramine allows me to walk upright. Any help would be seeply appreciated as I too have been acquiring it from Canada and they have stopped production.
Thank You,
Well, I wish Jeannie V would have said where in CA she or her family bought Drixoal last year in May 2015 - it hasn't been for sale here since 2006, to my knowledge. And I've never seen it on Amazon - it used to be available from pharms in Canada for people in the US, and then it wasn't, so I was getting it from a guy in Canada who would buy it and ship it to me. Last month he told me Canada is not carrying it anymore unless you have a prescription. I've been trying local allergy aid and hoarding my last precious box for emergencies. I found a webpage called "Drixoral Squad", but they are no help - they keep telling me I can just buy it over the counter in Canada. I'm so sick and tired of this - why can't we buy this in AMERICA? Thanks a lot, speed freaks who ruined it for all of us.
read warnings before use....for me, it could cause liver problems, bleeding etc.
ATTENTION, all you people suffering for lack of Drixoral! I found something over the counter that actually WORKED. I got it at CVS, the pharmacy in California that has been eating up Walgreens and Rite Aid. It's called "Allergy Relief-D, 12 hour." A list of the active ingredients is below. I suffer horribly from allergies - itchy eyes, constantly running nose, nose swells up from blowing so I can't breath, can't sleep, and without medicine it all turns into a giant infection that only antibiotics will cure. I'm 66 and this has been going on since I was 20, so I know what I'm talking about. I was buying Drixoral in Canada until this year, when it's suddenly no longer available. I was freaking out because allergy season in California is a month early and I'm already dying. These pills WORK. The first one took about 2 hrs to kick in, but now it's just like taking Drixoral - no drowsy, no jittery, and no allergy symptoms - you just feel totally NORMAL again. Please pass this information on to everybody and everywhere - it's only $14 for 20 pills and it's over the counter - you have to sign for it, but who cares. Here's the ingredient list: cetirzine hydrochloride and pseudophedrin hydrochloride, 5 mg/120 mg. Relief is within our grasp again!
Found the two ingrediants that are in Drixoral. One is in Wal-Phed D which can be bought at Walgreens from behind the counter. The other is in ALA HIST IR which Walgreens ordered for me ( $ 65 for 60 pills ). The former is 12 hr and the right dosage. The latter is only 2 mg vs 6 mg in Drixoral, but is taken every 4 hours which works out the same. Total cost is $3 per equivalent Drixoral pill, but is the right stuff. I'm back in business !!!
Jan '16 - spoke to Pharmacist (Costco), purchased a box of "Aprodine" by Major Pharma... contains 60 mg Pseudoephedrine HCI (Nasal Decongestant) & 2.5 mg Triprolidine (Antihistamine) - take one every 4 to 6 hrs - non drowsy $1.39 for 24. So far so good. I'm in hour 3 and feel like I can function - that's all I was hoping for!
I love Drixiral and am bummed that they never returned it to shelves in the US. I just came across your text and it is now 2015. I hope you've not still using that combo all this time. Aleve is for pain and not needed with allergies or to be used long term. Mucinex is an expectorant to be used with a chest cough and not needed with nasal allergies. Hopefully you've found something else to use for your allergies.
Well an update on my Drixoral crisis! Someone on medschat suggested I try Amazon/CA, that there were two left in stock, so I did, and bought the final two, between shipping etc it cost 80 bucks, but worth it. Then lo & behold relatives from CA came for a visit to see parents and called with 4 more boxes from a local drug store! On sale! at 11.88 a box uggh!!! So I have 6 boxes now that will probably last me a lifetime as I am older and only take them when I seriously need it. So keep on trying, try Amazon/Ca or a relative if your lucky enough : ) Sure wish they would bring this back to the states and end the suffering for so many people. Good luck!
I just ordered the last two!!!! Bless your heart!!!
You sir rocked.. just ordered it from Amazon Canada. there's only a few left in stock
I remember the day I found out Drixoral would not be available anymore, I began to shake knowing nothing else would ever work and take away the pain. Nothing has, I am so upset that so many of us has had to suffer, I don't get it. I can barely function in the spring/winter and working is so hard every day. I wish so much we could all find an answer to this.
My allergies cause my ears to get stuffed up - Drixoral was the only allergy medication I ever took that opened clogged ear passages. I have tried everything available now but nothing comes close to the relief I got from Drixoral.
Thanks so much for the info. The ONLY pill that worked for me was Drixoral. I was SO disappointed when they took it off the market. I will try the combo you posted, thanks again.
Drixoral is definitely available in Canada. My daughter went to McGill University in Montreal and we discovered it was available there. Since then whenever her friends come down to visit we ask them to bring some. I was in Canada on vacation last week and brought Drixoral back as "souvenirs" for my adult children. We all prefer it to all other sinus cold/allergy medicine.
Drixoral is great stuff. I used it regularly but my MD told me to stop because I have high blood pressure and Drixoral contributes to it. It's difficult to get because it contains the ingredient pseudoephedrine, which can be used to manufacture methamphetamine. So at least in the northeast US you have to present a picture ID and sign a form to purchase any meds with pseudoephedrine. Too bad it's not a gun.
HOWEVER, I go to Canada frequently and you can pick it up in supermarkets, pharmacies, anywhere. (Not for me...my wife uses it on occasion.) So if it's not shipped from Canada, it's because of the regs.
Disophrol is from the Turkish branch of Schering-Plough, but it's very hard to get. I've had it and it's superior to Drixoral for me. because it doesn't have the corn starch filler, I'm allergic to !
I wish I could offer a magic cure that worked as well as drixoral. I am sorry I cannot. Drixoral was as close to magic as I will ever get. The value for me was that I only had to take it once every five days. Unless you have experienced this malady you will not be able to relate the pleasure of being able to breathe clearly again. The best substitute I have found has been Alegra. I noticed improvement right away although not as long lasting. I tried some of the suggested solutions here but Alegra 24 hour works the best for me. I wish all of you well in your quest for some relief.
Oh Brother... I feel your pain. I have been taking Drixoral since my doctor prescribed it for me when I was eight years old. I've heard so many excuses why Schering-Plough stopped making it, but the bottom line is I can no longer find any more. I had been ordering from Canada and then Germany, but they appear to have dried up. I got my last order through some guy in Japan off of eBay. But I can no longer find him. I was paying through the nose for it but alas I guess no longer. :-(
I can really appreciate your struggles in trying to find an alternative. I've been trying your "formula" of Aleve & Mucinex but it's just not working the same for me. I've only been trying it for a couple days and will continue in hopes that it kicks in. Thanks for posting your solution. There are many websites posting info on the subject. With so many people wanting it at least I know I'm in the good company of other sufferers. I just can't believe with such a market that there isn't something similar out there.
It's so frustrating! I don't know if the decision to stop producing Drixoral is based in government regulation or some other reason, but I wish the folks who made the decision to stop manufacturing it needed it as bad as I do! I feel so angry, like Clark Griswold getting his Jelly of the Month Christmas Bonus!
The best allergy pill ever was a prescription called Bromfed. Drixoral not bad either. Now they are both gone. I think the FDA had something to do with this insanity. The drug companies blame the FDA and the FDA says it was financial decision by the pharmaceuticals. Anyone out there know the true story? I now take one Zyrtec Allergy and one Safeway brand "Sinus + Allergy PE" that contains Chlorpheniramine and Phenylephrine HCI. Still not as good as what I used to take but you may want to try if you are suffering.
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