Dramamine And Drowsiness
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My husband always takes dramamine when we travel to avoid motion sickness on planes, trains, taxi's, etc. It works excellently for the motion sickness, but always makes him tired and spacey. Dramamine 2 does not work as well and though doesn't make him as tired, makes him spacey for a longer period of time. So my question is if there is anything being tried in the medical research community to further eliminate the drowsiness caused? I have read that one of the ingredients in Dramamine is 8-Chlorotheophylline to counteract the drowsiness. Is there any form of Dramamine that has a higher dosage of 8-Chlorotheophylline? Or would there be any way to have 8-Chlorotheophylline prescribed separately so it could be given in a higher dose? With so many people relying on this product, it would seem to reason that the drug companies would be trying to make it less drowsy. It is frustrating to have him drowsy and spacey on every trip we take!
3 Replies
Thanks for the response! I really appreciate it. He has tried Dramamine Less Drowsy/Bonine and unfortunately got really sick on a plane flight. So he is very hesitant to try again! He has been taking the original product since he was a child and has never gotten sick while taking it. So I am trying to see what could be done to counteract the drowsiness of that product! I agree with you that everyone reacts differently to the chemicals in different drugs so maybe there is something we could try in increments?
He can try "Sea-Bands", all he needs to do is wear it on his wrists...simple and drug free. Works too!
Hello, Amanda! How are you? I understand how annoying the drowsiness can be, many antihistamines do that and those are usually the most effective antiemetics.
But, has your husband tried Dramamine Less Drowsy or Bonine?
They both contain the active ingredient Meclizine, which isn't known to be as sedating as the Dimenhydrinate that's in regular Dramamine.
Researchers are always working to improve medications and try to reduce some of the possible side effects, but it is difficult to do, due to the way the human body reacts to having chemicals added to it.
The Dimenhydrinate that's in the original Dramamine is actually a combination of the antihistamine Diphenhydramine and 8-Chlorotheophylline, it was specifically created from the two, in order to try to combat some of the drowsiness that Diphenhydramine causes.
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