Dr To Prescribe Oxycodone 30mg Near Hazleton Pa (Top voted first)


I have had chronic back pain for years have had two surgeries and no success my current Dr prescribes me oxycodone 30mg which help but he's retiring and I need to find a Dr that will prescribe the same meds if anyone can give me some names would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

3 Replies

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Hi Tombuzz, I just saw your post about your doc retiring, you're in Hazelton which is where my husband was born and still has a few family members I think. I'm surprised your retiring dr doesn't have another one coming in to take over his practice! Too bad because it sure would make things easier for you. Does your retiring Dr have any suggestions for you? If he's not mentioned referring you to another dr, ask him if he would. I'd think he'd be in the know where the drs in town are concerned. If all that fails, type into your Google or other browser bar "pain management Dr's within 50 miles of hazelton, PA". That should show you what's available. Good luck! Let us know how things work out for you!

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Too bad your doctor "retired" Tombuzz...its a shame when your main supplier is no longer available. Maybe you can find another old friend that can help you find a new doctor that will meet your needs. If you are taking normal amounts with the issues you have mentioned, I would assume any doctor would be inclined to help with a copy of the medical records. It seems strange that you are concerned with finding a doctor based solely on pain medication distribution...

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I’m in a similar situation. My doctor is retiring and I’m looking for a doctor in rockland county ny who will continue prescribing oxycodone 15. Anyone know?

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