Dr That Will Prescribe Over 120 M.e.d. For Wife In Washington State
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We are in Washington state. My wife has psoriatic arthritis, endometriosis, and fibromyalgia. She was force tapered to 3 30mg oxycodone a day and can now barely get out of bed, let alone work. Washington law lays out that chronic pain patients are absolutely able to be prescribed more than 120 m.e.d., yet the doctors we have seen won't go over that limit. We are trying to find a Dr that is willing to bring my wife back up to the dose she was on that let her live her life, not be bed-ridden from pain. Does anyone know of a Dr that is caring and is willing to prescribe more that 3 pills a day? Thank you for any help you can provide us.
7 Replies
Re: BiggerBrat (# 6)
While I understand your situation, I will never get on board with suicide. Back in the early 80's the Governor of Colorado, Dick Lamm made the infamous statement that older people "have a duty to die". This had always been the plan of many of the politicians. Just get older people "out of the way". I have just refused to take the bait. I try to reflect back on a time when most families had nothing to take for pain stronger than an aspirin or "willow bark" which had the properties of aspirin. I have argued vociferously that if a Doctor asked for the right tests, had a Neurosurgeons written opinion (normally from 2 different Neurological Associations) and reviewed the options thoroughly that pain medication may be the best choice. If my choices are a surgery that may only correct up to 50% of the issue (maybe only 20% of the issue), "shots" that may be administered only twice a year, or pain medication then the pain medication may be the best choice. To have a big scar, weeks of recovery, then physical therapy for several weeks to only correct 20% of an issue is nuts. The cortisone shots in the joint that is giving one the most pain is only a temporary fix at best. One Doctor told the bass singer of the Temptations (Melvin Franklin) that if he was to continue to take the "shots" in his knees over the long term that achy knees would be the least of his problems. These "shots" were never designed to be a long term solution. That leaves pain pills as the least intrusive of the 3 options. What would be fair is that a Doctor has ordered the appropriate tests to support their diagnosis and if pain pills are the best option to make life livable then there should be no issue but the politicians will not ever miss an opportunity to appease the untrained public. A good many of the people that cry the loudest about the so called "opioid crisis" are some of the biggest offenders that enable the users. They give them pills, allow their pills to be "stolen', give them money to purchase illegal drugs, etc.and then they make excuses for the drug addicts illegal use of the pills. I am not sure how to correct this problem but hopefully the pendulum of truth has started to swing back more to the middle. Uncontrolled pill mills (like they had in Florida back in 2009) contributed to this issue and the correction was way too heavy handed. The current harassment and heavy handedness by the State and Federal agencies has gone way too far. Hopefully, they will enact some good, common sense laws to control this issue. On the Federal level I do not hold out much hope but on the State level there may be some hope.
Re: cliff j (# 5)
Just like so many things we see today, the politicians attach emotion to the issue and it enables the politicians to say all kinds of false and phony crap about what the problems really are. Bottom line, we're talking about serious drug abuse issues and the name(s) of the drugs could be anything, it really doesn't matter. Until now, politician haven't been able to make anybody "financially" responsible for the problem. People steal Vicodin and other pain meds from people with legal Rx's. That is NOT "opioid crisis", its drug abuse. Patients don't follow the Rx instructions. That isn't "opioid crisis", its drug abuse. The lists goes on and on. A really good doctor here where I live was framed by the state attorney general. An agent from the AG's office went to her complaining of pain. She prescribed Vicodin and was promptly arrested. This doctor was the head of a hospital and well qualified. The AG accused her of NOT being trained in pain management. Her case went to trial and she was acquitted (thank GOD). That hasn't stopped the AG from looking to frame other doctors or even her again. Bit if I ever end up on one of these juries the AG isn't going to win. What has come from this kind of BS is doctors are very afraid to legitimately prescribe any kinds of pain meds for fear of being railroaded and jailed. Mean while the AG and other politicians go around acting like they're some kind of super hero that has saved humanity from some monster. Meanwhile people have no quality of life and suicides have dramatically increased because people are forced to endure agonizing paid. I don't care what laws these morons write regarding the actual criminal acts and criminals dealing in opioids and other drugs but these clowns include law-abiding people/doctors that aren't committing criminal acts. When these drugs are used in a responsible manner and as a useful pain management tool, its none of the governments business what kind of medication we take. I've repeatedly stated I would be more than happy to testify on behalf of the companies that make legal opioid drugs used for pain management. I can categorically state with the multitude of medical problems I suffer from I would have no quality of life at all without legal pain meds. Without the legal pain meds I probably would have resorted to illegal pain meds a long time ago or intentionally overdosed to end my non-quality of life.
Re: BiggerBrat (# 2)
Some people do not like the FACTS. The “I can’t leave because of————-“ is an excuse and not a REASON most of the time. There are legitimate REASONS for having to stay put but most of the time is just an EXCUSE. There is a big difference between a REASON and an EXCUSE. Everything is being blamed on the fake “opioid crisis”. I saw a story one time that spoke of a college student that died from a massive cocaine intoxication. Guess what the headline of the story read “Promising College Student dies from Opioid over dose”. Cocaine has never been an opioid. NEVER. However, this did not stop the newspaper from printing this fake news headline. Cocaine may be emotionally addicting but there is no physical addiction. I know. When I finally decided to quit 20+ years ago I just quit cold turkey and there were no “withdrawals” from stopping other than some emotional addiction to the “high” feeling. Regardless, the headline was stupid. To blame a cocaine intoxication over dose on the “opioid crisis” is just plain wrong.
Not trying to sound cold, but if you ( your wife) currently gets 120 pills per month for her pain relief; be THANKFUl , and stay with this Dr. because many of us are getting 0 ZERO meds for our pain relief!!! I have Psoriatic Arthritis/ Cancer/ CFS/RA/ EBS and get the equivalent of 3 extra strength tylenols month
I am moving to Washington state. Can u lmk which clinic u are going to now. Bcuz I have to find a pain doctor.
Thank u!
I am so fed up with the politics of this BS. The courts have determined that pain is subjective, that what might be debilitating pain for one person may not even get the attention of another person. I've discussed this with my doctor many times. I'm always asked on a scale of 1 to 10 what my pain level is when I first get to my doctor visit. I'll usually say something like 12 or 14. I live with intense pain and as I've told my doctor, if I could transfer my pain to a person that has no pain, they would probably go into shock and die. I'm very thankful my doctor understands all the elements of pain and I've been able to have her prescribe pain meds such that it is controlled to some degree. I'm very careful NOT to self medicate and put myself in a situation where taking pain meds is controlled by addiction rather than the degree of pain. I keep a running log of the last time I took a pain pill and will endure pain during the day rather than take a pain pill. My Rx allows me to take 6 pills within a 24 hour period and by law the Rx doesn't have refills and I get enough pills for 30 days if I follow the instructions on the pill bottle. Like my doctor says, nobody ever had a problem taking opioid pain meds following the instructions on the bottle. My 30 day supply of opioid meds generally lasts me 45 or more days and I've been taking pain meds for 29 years after much arguing with my former doctor that quality of life was far more important than possibly becoming addicted to drugs, dying from lack of sleep of experiencing pain where the only relief would be to take an entire bottle of something that would end everything.
Now, I endure pain as much as possible which is easier during the day until I can no longer tolerate the pain. But its important to note that when I haven't take a pill within the Rx parameters I do NOT experience withdrawal and I know what its like to experience withdrawal from decades ago when my doctor put me on xanax and he didn't know xanax was addictive. Here's the thing, I live in one state very near another where I go for my healthcare and the state I live in is very political about opioid pain meds to the point the state's attorney general has attempted to frame doctors that have prescribed opioid pain meds. I read how people in other states can't get the pain meds they need because of the politics of their state yet these people continue to live where they do and suffer needlessly. I hear all kinds of excuses. "We can't move because our child lives here". That's NOT an excuse, my 6 adult children live all over the country and I don't know any person whose feet are nailed to the floor. What I see is government officials that have NEVER been able to sue anybody in drug abusing America finally have drug companies they can blame for drug abuse, and make no mistake about it that is what we're really talking about, and they go around telling people the drug companies are to blame for drug abuse, a long standing problem in America. I see these politicians in the local newspaper with the giant checks supposedly to fight the manufactured "opioid crisis", dislocating their shoulders patting themselves on their backs. I am very involved in politics in the state and locally and I constantly ask politicians to give me an example of "opioid crisis", just one, not looking for 2, 27, 129. They stammer and stutter and tell me examples of "drug abuse" and they get angry when I tell them that isn't "opioid crisis", that it is drug abuse, So far no person or politician has given me an example of "opioid crisis".
Not long ago a teenager in the county I live in broke his arm. The attending doctor gave the parents an Rx for Vicodin with instructions they were to give the pills to the boy and hold the bottle. As the boy would go to them for pills the parents became annoyed and gave the boy the bottle (DRUG ABUSE). The boy mentioned to a school mate when he took the pills he didn't get immediate relief, it took to long for the pain to stop. His friend told him to grind the pills into powder (DRUG ABUSE). The boy did as instructed, went into shock and died. The headlines in all the local newspapers was "Opioid Crisis Strikes Bradford County". Total bulls***. "Drug abuse" struck Bradford County, the medication could have been anything. The parents went along with the "opioid crisis" BS when the facts are they should have been criminally charged with child endangerment and some degree of manslaughter. Nothing was done to make the parents take any responsibility and the politicians jumped on this huge "opioid crisis" causing the death of a young boy. I suggest if you live in a place where the doctors and politicians are playing games with your health issues, GET THE HELL OUT!!!! If you aren't leaving to go where you can get a better quality of healthcare without government interference, your pain can't be all that bad or you would have left by now. I constantly write letters to the editor and to the politicians about the non-existent problem the way they describe it and try to educate the general population this is a manufactured problem, something everybody else should also be doing. I wish you luck, but you have 100% control of your healthcare unless you relinquish it to politicians. I would have left wherever you live a long time ago.
If my math is correct 120 pills would 4 a day not 3.
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