Doxytet Capsule (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I went to a clinic to be tested for an std. The nurse discovered a discharge and prescribed a green capsule called doxytet. Now I am having diarrhea and some discomfort in my bladder. Is this normal? What is this tablet supposed to do?

65 Replies (4 Pages)

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When I finished my periods I had stomach cramps n back pains my vigina was itchy n painful when going to the loo, I went to the clinic thy prescibed doxytet and pain killers I feel like vomiting after and dizzy is this a sign of std? What else can I do coz last month I had the same problem the doctor gave me same pills and this month again,

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I went 2 de clinic cos I hav a problem of smely discharge n de doctor give me doxytet,wht are de pill's for cos she didn't ecxplanin inti detail,she den reffer me to a councilin doctor n do HIV n I tested negavite

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why did yu kill yo foetus(child)?
God is just punishing u for yo evil. why do u let fertilisation taking place when there ar condoms and contraceptives?

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i went to the clinic on friday and told the nurse i suffer from stomach cramps,severe headaches and that my discharge is a bit thicker now and she gave me Doxytet,Fixime and Dio/metronidazole.i dont know whats wrong with me cause she never told me what my problem was

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I'm a South African Indian, and recently diagnosed wid systadenoma cancer. Since jan2012, I've developed a vaginal leak, after major surgery in aug 2011. I crashed while drs were trying to remove a massive tumor. I've been to the oncology surgeon, who decided I need debulking surgery, but my surgeons do not dvise it, theysuggest I complete my second line of chemo and also the third, if the tumor does not shrink, u see my initial tumor n uterus etc was stuck to my bowels, hence debulking n not a complete pelvic clean. Now I was prescribed Dooxytet n ibrufin to take in spite of the gynae dep, declaring absolutely no infection. A major side effect of my chemo is swelling hands, legs, face evrywhere. My chemo is Gemcitabine. The doxytet makes me soooo nauseas its not evn funny accompanied with this unexplainable leak. I've had a pvc, vuc, ultra sound and ct scan, to establish where the actual problems starts and still no answers. Maybe this post will bring me answers. The ultra sound however did reveal an untied tube, I'm wondering if its the tube that my ovary was snipped from. Any advice, suggestions???

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