Doxytet (Top voted first)


I just had a miscarriage and the doctor gave me Doxytet. What is Doxytet used for?

18 Replies

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I think am pregnant but I have consultanat the doctor he didn't say anything but he gave me this medication anaerobyl 400mg,Doxytet 100mg and fenamin 250 mg so just want to know that meant be wrong with my womb because I was bleeding too much

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Hi I just want to know can doxytet green capsules be used by pregnant woman? can that affect a child in a womb?

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Am using the doxytet but i dnt knw wht is it used for bcz i was jst being cleaned i mean my womb,so wht is it used for,wht does it do?

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I had a miscarriage then when times goes I experience abnormal pains,burning,my viginal inchy and smelly discharge before seeing my period I went to clinic and I was prescribed to take green capsule doxytet,fixime and metronidazole bt I sometimes feel pain nd smelly discharge am scared please help

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Top Answer
Hi Palesa,

Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. While it may be best to talk to your doctor about why s/he prescribed Doxytet to begin with, I went ahead and posted some general information below regarding Doxytet that patients should be aware of:

What is Doxytet used for?

Doxytet contains the active ingredient Doxycycline, which according to MedlinePlus is a Tetracycline class antibiotic used to treat a variety of infections caused by certain types of bacteria; albeit Doxycycline has a number of other uses as well, such as treating or preventing anthrax as well as acne and rosacea caused by bacteria.

How does Doxycycline work?

Doxycycline works to treat infections by preventing the growth and spread of bacteria.

My thinking is that it's possible the doctor wanted to take precautionary measures against any potential bacterial infections (e.g. bacterial vaginosis) that could've resulted from the miscarriage.

Hope this helps!
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Doxytets are actually Antibiotics used to treat STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) such as urethritis and gonorrhea

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My doc gave me doxytet generics which are an antibiotic after my miscarriage.he said its because where there is bleeding there is always a chance of infections setting in.

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side effect of Doxytet is dizziness nausia and headaches lots of headaches.

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Is it possible to catch pid frm using a dirty bathroom or harsh soap like detol and protex, and can it be cured

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Does Doxy have any side effects

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Hie my name Mellisa i have apain in belly bottom i went the clinic and the nurse gave me Doxytet tablet she never explained to me what are they for

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Same thing happened to me, but then I figure out that i was hungry when I took them, I then to take them after my dinner then sleep and I dnt experience any side effects now.

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I have a keloid at my neck back and the doctor gave me the doxytet pills,and the doctor said they want to see some thing change into my back but till now I can't see any change should I carry on taking the pills? pls help me

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I got a discharge n burning when I pee,,what can help me

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Hi can i fall pregnant if m using doxytet, i dont want to fall pregnant, and m cleaning with doxytet

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Re: lebogang (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, anaerobyl is used to clean infection most STIs and in the process it can lead to bleeding

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Aftr hvng intercourse wit ma bf, ma vigina was itchy n wen i got to da clinic i was given Metronidazole 400, and doxytet... The doc ddnt evn tel me wat kind of sti i had n weather my bf also needs treatment or wat. So to b on da safe side... I told ma bf to also get his share of treatment n we will be active after our treatment is over, otherwise we use condoms during treatment. Anyways these pills mke me nausea... N iv had alcohol during treatment...i got so ill, it wasnt nice @ all. I vomited alot n had stomach pains... As u have read...i have unanswered questions. Pls provide me with sum info regarding my situation. Tnx alot

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my discharge was sticky and my vigina was itchy especially when i'm about to begin my periods and after my periods, and i went to the clinic and they gave me Doxytet green capsule, but my is still a bit sticky but not as before and as for my vigina still get itchy

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