Doxepin Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Doxepin forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Doxepin and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I have been taking doxepin for about 3 months. I gained over 30 pounds. I stopped taking it this week. Has anyone had this problem? Did the weight come off after you stopped taking it? How did you do it? ## Hello, Sophie! How are you? Most antidepressants, regardless of their class type, are known to cause weight gain. But yes, it usually does fall off, once you stop taking it, though it may take a month or two. Have you tried any others? There are some, such as Wellbutrin and Prozac that don't usually cause the weight gain, but can treat the same types of conditions. Their typical side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hello. I have a question. I just started taking Doxepin and I...
I had severe hives (urticaria) and monsteresque face swelling (angiodema). Nothing helped. I tried 6 doctors. The seventh put me on 10 mg of Doxepin. Cured! I work hard on keeping the weight off. Have gained some on this drug but what is the alternative? ## Hello, Darla! How are you? That can be a side effect of this medication, as reported by the FDA, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, and dry mouth. As to your other options, that depends on what else you've tried? Can you please post back with more details? ## Basically I have only tried Zyrtec. Every doctor prescribed it. The bottle says one every 24 hours if I remember correctly. But docs told me up to 7 per day and some said unlimited. Yet it didn't touch my hives/angeodema. Have gained 20 pound. Essential...
Could this medicine help with my TMJ symptoms include buzzing noise in ears. When tried I seem to notice noise more & become anxious. ## It can help with some types of nerve pain, I'm not sure how much it will help with TMJ, but it is worth trying, if your doctor approves. And most antidepressants can cause such side effects for the first few weeks, while your body is getting used to them, according to the NIH. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth. Has there been any change? ## I am going to start doxepin 10 mg tonight. It is worth a try. Hopefully it will make me deal with the buzzing in my ears, and TMJ symptoms a little bit better..and maybe be able to get some sleep
Does doxepin help depersonalization disorder will it help me gain reality back and feel real again ## Hello, Corey! How are you doing? Have you started taking it, yet? Doxepin is used to treat various mental health issues, so it may help and it would be best to try it, if your doctor has advised you to do so. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, mood swings and weight changes. ## Yes I have started talking today will be my fourth day really haven't noticed a change yet tho
Will I lose the weighy that I gained while taking doxipin for scalp disease that is horriblely itchy. I also take & benedryl, do they me gain weight as well ## Hello, Brenda! How are you? Yes, you may lose it, if the weight gain was solely due to the use of the Doxepin, the FDA does list it as being a possible side effect. However, if you are using Benadryl regularly, you may also gain weight from it, antihistamines are well known to cause that, as well as dizziness, drowsiness and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with?
Hi I've been given deptram10 (doxepin) for anxiety and depression.. The problem is I googled the medication and didn't like what I so scared to take this medication please help ## Hello, Ristina! How are you? What did you read that scared you? It's really no more or less risky than any other medication. The U.S. FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, mood swings and weight changes. You also have to remember that not everyone experiences such side effects.
i took one deoxepin pill a family member gave me about three days ago and was drug tetset positive for benzos in my system but am not on anything at all how is this possible ## I'm prescribed doxepan is it going to show up on a drug screen as Benzodiazepine I take 25mg doxepan I'm really condensed thanks!! ## I take 10mg Prozac every morning as well as 20 mg as 20mg of Doxepin every day. I attend a methadone clinic and my last test showed positive for benzodiazepines as well as opiates. Since joining the clinic three months ago I haven't used once. How did this happen?
I was taking doxeo in for month now it has stop working why. ## Hello, Jean! How are you? Did you mean the antidepressant Doxepin that is also used to help with some types of nerve pain? If so, what were you taking it to treat? Why do you feel that it has stopped working? The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes.
In the past year and a couple months, i've gotten allergic to 13 medications. I have a brain injury which gave me chronic insomnia etc. I now have 'chronic urticaria'. I'm curently prescribed Ranitidine, Xolaire, and Benadryl. My allergist just threw the prescription Doxepin at me because I got allergic to Cetirizine. I took the first pill of Doxepin last night, allergic reactions lasted 2 and a half hours because I can't take Prednisone every night. Is Doxepin a good medication for allergies? My doctor said it was coincidence and doubled my dose for next week. Only asking if anyone likes Doxepin and has any relief from allergies. Already taking Zolpidem, didn't seem like Doxepin helped any. ## Hello, Sarah! How are you? Doxepin isn't usually used to treat al...
My first night taking doxepin 75 mg, it's been an hr and nothing. Taking for insomnia, anyone have any opinions ## Hello, Shyanne! How are you? This medication is actually classified by the FDA as a tricyclic antidepressant, so it isn't an actual sleep aid, it can just cause drowsiness as a side effect. That said, it will take about 3 to 4 weeks, before it reaches its full level of efficacy in your body to see how well it works for you. Other possible side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?
Prescribe doxepin...question, is it a good medicine for this type of depression. ## Hello, Deb! How are you? Yes, the FDA classifies Doxepin as a tricyclic antidepressant and it's been shown to be effective at treating various types of depression. Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache and weight changes. However, the only way to see if it will help you is by trying it. Is there anything else I can help with?
Starting taking last night for first time had a good night sleep but the next day felt sedated all day was hard to function at work is the normal with start up. ## Hello, Andre! How are you? Yes, that can be normal, when you're new to taking this medication. The FDA classifies it as a tricyclic antidepressant. You may also experience other side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight gain. Is there anything else I can help with?
I was on Doxepin for a year and worked my way down to 10 mgs doctor said I could go down to10 mgs and now I am taking it every other day. What is the best wsy to come off or could I just stop it like the doctor said I could? Would like to stop if now, great drug for depression but the weight gain is really bad. ## Hello, Tweety bird! How are you? You could try just stopping, as your doctor said, or if you prefer not to, you could start skipping more days, between doses. It's really up to you, but 10mgs is a very low dose. Have you tried anything else for depression? Prozac is known to work wonderfully, without causing the weight gain. Its other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and muscle aches. ## Thank you for your reply. I have gone down to every other day 10 m...
Hi I took my first dose of doxepin 25mg last night and feel so out of it today ,really weird spaced out how long will this last as I cant afford time off work please help ## Hello, Amanda! How are you feeling? Has it improved yet? The initial side effects can last about 4 weeks, or so, while your body gets used to the medication, then they should start to taper off in intensity. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness and weight changes.
Hi I took my first dose of doxepin 25mg last night and feel so out of it today ,really weird spaced out how long will this last as I cant afford time off work please help ## Hello, Amanda! How are you feeling? Has it eased up, at all, yet? Some people can experience that with antidepressants, when they first start taking them. Other side effects may include nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and weight changes. But they usually don't last more than a few weeks, while your body is adjusting to the medication.
I found a capsule in my mums room, its red and blue no imprints just wanting to know what it can do to a thirteen year old if she took one of them? Please help fast. ## How do you know it's Doxepin, if it has no imprints? And most medications aren't going to hurt a 13 years if they only took one, unless they're allergic to it or take a lot of it. Did you take it, is that what you're saying? ## No I mean I found it in my mums room, in the box of captules. She was about to overdose on them, until I stopped her. They have no imprints on the captule. No I didnt take it either, thy had a white powder inside them, red one side and blue on the other side. It had Doxepin labled on the front of it.
Im finding my prescription of 1 10mg of doxepin a day too strong, can I divide it up and take it 2 times a day without the capsule? ## Hello, Janet! How are you? When you say you're finding it too strong, what exactly are you experiencing? It is normal for any new medication to cause some side effects for the first 4 to 6 weeks that you take it. This is a tricyclic antidepressant and its common side effects may include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and weight changes. Learn more Doxepin details here. Have you discussed the problem with your doctor? Rather than trying to adjust the dosing schedule yourself, especially since this is a capsule, you should contact them about it. ## to tired to function and to much heavieness, I thought capsule would be fine if opened and take...
small white capsule ## I am a Concerned parent, found this pill in my daughters purse, need to know what it is, what may be some side affects she may be having if she was taking this unperscribed medicine.PLEASE Reply ASAP Thank You. ## These come in yellow or white. This is Doxepin 10mgs, it is a tricyclic antidepressant, also used for insomnia. Side effects: What side effects might I notice from taking doxepin? Side effects that you should report to your prescriber or health care professional as soon as possible: •blurred vision or eye pain •breast enlargement in both males and females •fainting spells •fast heartbeat •fever or chills, with increased sweating •hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not really there) •muscle stiffnes...
Found loose pills in a box. White and yellow with mylan 3125 written on them in black. What are they? Is this an abused drug? If so what are the effects? Is the abuser in danger? ## Hello, Randy! How are you? These capsules contain 25mgs of Doxepin, which is used to treat depression, anxiety and some sleep disorders, so not, it is not commonly abused. Learn more Doxepin details here. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?
Rugby 3893 small capsule - dark green/light green ## Hi Kay, Based on the description provided, the closest match I could find is a dark/light green capsule imprinted with "RUGBY 3737"; which is identified as Doxepin HCl 75 mg. I know it doesn't completely match up with the numbers you mentioned, but I can at least determine that the manufacturer is the same (Rugby Pharmaceuticals). If anything, I would recommend contacting the manufacturer directly regarding your inquiry at: I hope this info helps!