Double Dose Of 15mg Meloxicam Same Day By Accident


I may have taken a double dose of my 15mg Meloxicam by accident, albeit, c. 7 hours apart? What should I do? What are possible consequences?

6 Replies

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Hello, John! How are you? Did you experience any adverse effects?

Generally, that wouldn't be enough to cause an overdose, but you may experience more side effects than usual, which the FDA lists as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and increased risk of bleeding.

However, it is always best to inform your doctor, so they can check for any possible harm, if they feel it is warranted.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have consulted doctor. He checked my BP , heart beat etc., and found that everything is normal. He advised me to take one tablet for Acidity. I have taken taken light food and one tablet for Acidity.. I have not noticed any other symptoms.

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I forgot that I was supposed to only take one-daily so I took two 15mg meloxicam. Is it harmful? Is it considered an overdose?

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I misunderstood and took 15 mg of Mobis 3 times I’m the same day. I didn’t realize it until the next day that it’s not as needed in the same day. Should I be worried?

Was this helpful? 7

I accidentally took 2 15mg meloxicam tablets should i go to ER?

Was this helpful? 10

Took 2x 15mg Coxflam by mistake..will anything happen

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