Dostinex Forums
Recently active Dostinex forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Dostinex and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Can dostinex be taken with m2 tone? If so, how long do I have to take dostinex and m2 tone to get pregnant? What are the signs when my prolactin level is normal? ## Can i take m2 tone tablet along side wit dostnex tablet ## Can you take m2 and cabergoline together? ## Hi, I have a three year old who I weaned about 20 months back. Though occasionally after weaning her she sucks on breasts. My question is now I am about yo start trying to conceive I noticed when I press my breast really hard there's little liquid. Does this mean I have hyperprolactemia ? ## Can I take cabergoline with m2tone? ## Can dostinex be taken with m2 tone? ## M2 tone regulates periods but can't shrink fibroids. True or false ## Can I take m2 tone and parlodel together because am trying to conceive and when...
Hi,am 26yrs old,i stopped seeing my period nov 2017 till march 2018,i did hormone test n d doctor said my prolactin is 60.i ve breast discharge to,d doctor gave me bromergron n after taking it,i was still seeing the discharge,so instead of taking it agn,i went to another doc n he sd i should take dostinex,i will finish d drug tmoro and there is no period n am still seeing discharge..pls i need advice pls...
UpdatedI actually have an RX for this drug, Dostinex. However I'm afraid it is too expensive and I cannot take the generic one (does not work for me). ## Hello, Ann! How are you? I'm sorry, but at this time it's listed that the brand is not available. The only thing you can get are generics. If they don't work for you, then you should speak to your doctor about prescribing an alternative. ## Thank you. Was it available in the past? How much? What are the side effects and did you look everywhere because my local pharmacist can't get it either.
Long Lu, I have being have a breast discharge, I have used some many capsules like,Dostinex,Bromergon,Parlodel still no positive result now am using long lu capsules (fohow). please what is the best capsules for its treatment ## Hello, Spare! How are you? Sorry about the problem that you're having. There are many things that could cause breast discharge, from cysts to cancer. Have you consulted a doctor? You need to do so to get to the root of what is causing the problem.