Dosage Of Aspirin For Daily Use
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Is an aspirin a day the right thing for me? It's not as easy a decision as it sounds. What are benefits and risks before considering daily dosage of aspirin for daily use?

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Daily dosage of aspirin is the first thing a doctor would say, but what do they know apart from how to sell drugs in first place! But i think you are right taking daily dosage of aspirin also has it's risks and it can cause side effects. Still no proof anywhere conclusive. Thanks Martin

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Anyone considering taking a daily dosage regimen of anything should first consult their doctor to make sure it is safe for them to do so.

There can be benefits to taking an Aspirin daily, but it also has risks and it can cause side effects.

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Daily dosage of aspirin in my eyes not a good thing to what i'v herd and read online.Aspirin for heart is it for you? It's not as easy a decision as it sounds. Know the benefits and risks before considering daily aspirin therapy.Aspirin therapy reduces the clumping action of platelets,but daily dosage of aspirin needs proof from the top,that's not me!

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