Donnatal/belladona (Page 2)
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I've been taking Donnatal and/or Belladona for over 10 years to treat IBS. When it was time for a refill, I was told both the brand name and the generic forms have been taken off the market. I am lost with these meds, that virtually eliminated the discomforts of IBS.

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Please let me know how you make out? My fingers are crossed!!!

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Thank you. I will try this phone number. It was thoughtful of you to post that.

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I take Donnatal pills. Thank the Good Lord my insurance pays for it. ($2,700.00 for a months worth. I pay $50.00) I was reading through all the posts and a lot of people can't afford it. The more I read the more I felt guilty because I can get it and so many can't. So I went to the web site called Concordia (this is where my Rite Aid gets it). I told Concordia about the prices and I started out the call with a little chip on my shoulder. The woman assured me that they could help a lot with the price if only people would call them. I don't know if it is BS or not but it is worth a toll free call. You can call Concordia Pharmaceuticals Inc. at 1-877-370-1142. Good Luck everyone. I wish I could put all of you on my insurance because people don't realize how debilitating the pain is; not to mention how you have to be by a toilet at all times. I have had Colitis for 31 years. My heart goes out to you all!!!! If you have Blue Cross there is a form you have to fill out and maybe fib a little. (very little) but if you are willing to fight and your Dr. is too then you might have it made. God Bless.

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Could you please send me your email? I use Donnatol also and I have a suggestion for you for obtaining it, depending on your insurance.

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Went to fill a prescription for Donatal that I have been taking for many years. $530 for 8 ounces. Whats up with that??Sadly I could not afford it and have to either suffer or go with some bone destroying medication. Unbelievable!!!! Disgusting!!!!

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Are you referring to Donnatol being taken off the market? Because I use it and, as far as I know, it is currently not off the market. However, most insurances (again, as far as I know), do not cover it. My insurance, for example, does not cover it, and it is very expensive, whereas it used to be cheap. Maybe it goes state by state. I live in Maryland. If you use this message board and send me your email, I can give you further information.

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Anyone can look up P.O.T.S ( Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) on WebMD or Google or any search engine. My daughter's don't have anything to do with the "Vagal Nerve". I figure if people look it up they would get a better explanation from the professionals than they would me.

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I'm just starting the medication how could it be taken off the market

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Please don't use acronyms...P O T - what is it? I am guessing it is a diagnosis of vaso vagal is a positional disorder that affect the vagal nerve that sometimes gets irritated...yes positional....your position...standing, sitting, lying down....we all have a vagal it...sometimes it gets goofed up....the nerve does/can make you faint by dropping your b/p...the Tilt table test is a diagnostic test to determine if you are sensitive in this lay on a table and they tilt it in many directions and monitor your B/P. Some of us get this same reaction from colon cramping...and we faint...till we learn to ly on the floor first....

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I have Lyme and I found some Belldonna in the garden.
It has antiseptic and detox for pesticides. I asked a herbalist to prescribe me some they gave me everything else but.
Which didn't help.
I took 1 leaf in a pint of water.
To make a tea.
I then used a dropper to add it to things.
you have to see how you react.
Once the leaf is dried it's less potent.
If you get respiration problems that's too much. Think in terms that solution
is maybe serveral months worth and use it
Within those limits.
One drops not going to kill you 15 or 20 drops will not either...
It just makes you sleep.
You can take a max 3grms a day made up in small doses.. Long term is the question.

You have to be careful and see your own reaction.

If you eat the leaf in one go your going to get problems. It might not kill you then. A herbalist said 5 mls in a week.
But that's a higher concentration Than my one leaf in a pint. The standard dose for any herb is 1oz per pint
of water. The tincture is stronger than that its super concentrate.

What ever you do take care and use things in courses.

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You might be able to get Belladonna at a drug store where they compound. I was taking Bellergal for over 20 years & they took it off the market. The Pill Box in Weston, Florida compounds the medication. Something you might check in to. Hope this helps

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Maureen: Thank you for your reply. If you do write to your Congressman and get a reply, I would be interested in knowing. Too bad the drug companies are allowed to impact pricing like this, thus impacting our health. I hope you are doing well.

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I don't know how P.O.T. is related to IBS. ???

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Have you been seen by a specialist for P.O.T.S? My daughter had the "Tilt Table Test" and it confirmed it. You sound like you might have it. Just a thought. Hope you feel better.

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I feel for you. When I was reading your post; your words spoke of the same symptoms and same problems that I suffer from. I plan on writing a letter to my congressman. There needs to be something done for us.

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Thank you. I hope you are feeling better and I am going to try what you suggested (going to website). My insurance will not cover Donnatol at all right now, unfortunately, despite paying very very high premium.

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Do you take these two prescriptions together? I didn't find that Hyocosamine worked like Donnatol did. Is that in the Donnatol drug specifically? thank you.

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Hello all. I too have been lost without my donnatol. Here's what i do, hope it helps you all. Get your doc to prescribe the 2 main meds in the donnatol drug separately. I take phenobarbital 16.2 mg and hyoscyamine0.125 mg. Pharmacist told me it was worth a try and has been a Godsend to me. I was literally in tears when my ins decided not to cover at all and i just can't afford it.

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What is the generic for Donnatol, please? Thank you.

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No, sorry dear, it isn't available in Canada at all. It is an 80 year old drug and my pharmacist claims that there is such little drugs in it that it has never been proved that it helps at all. Piss me off!!!! Let them lay on the couch and hang on to their guts with a heating pad and have no life at all!!!! He don't want me to take it. He wants me to take Humaira, which causes cancer and some organ failure. I have had Ulcerative Colitis since I was 19. I am 51 now. I guess I know what the hell I am talking about and Donnatal works!!! I went to his boss because my Rite Aid pharmacist thinks he knows it all. He can take his cancer causing drug and shove it up his A**. For 1 month supply they charge my insurance $2,770.00. I have to pay $65.00. I feel so guilty that I can get it and have a half decent life. Go to There are numbers you can call. Don't give up!!! believe me I have to fight with my insurance Co. (Only for about 2 minutes). If anyone needs any help getting it {edited for privacy} I will help and fight with you!!! God Bless!

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