Does Sumapen Treat Rheumatic Heart Disease
UpdatedI was confined months ago with rheumatic fever and my doctor said it damage the pulmonic valve... I take sumapen 2 times a day. Is this really treating my Rhd? How long does sumapen take to work?
2 Replies
This is an antibiotic that is used to treat various types of infections. The NIH lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and non-allergic skin rash.
Sometimes, people might need to take a medication for life.
However, if you aren't sure, there is no harm in seeing another doctor for a second opinion.
How are you doing? Has there been any change?
Also used it because i was diagnosed with rhd too.. But i stopped usibg it because of side effects that makes me too weak.. I got better like i dont have rhd anymore but then, i took medicine that isn't to be taken while having the disease because of colds. I felt it again and worse is my heart suddenly in pain feeling my heart is too heavy that makes me hard to breathe. And experiencing bloat that makes it even more hard to breathe.. I just use prednisone whenever I felt it. I don't want to use sumapen again. I'm trying to eat healthy foods. Veggies and fruits. It boost my strength and feels better. I'm just 27. I'm so afraid of my health.
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