Does Morphine Show Up As Opiates In A Regular Drug Test?


I had morphine in my system and took a regular (I believe to be a 4 panel drug test) for my Po. I tested negative for opiates but she mentioned the word morphine. Is she just saying morphine shows up as a opiate or can she see specifically that is what morphine and not just opiates in general?

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If you failed for anything at all you would know bc she'd if called a transport for u and scheduled ur butt a court date.

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I am on suboxone but quit for one week very next day found an old script for my Norcross like 20 pills, took those for the whole week found out I was gonna be tested urine sent to lab day prior and day of test I took my suboxone but I showed positive for opiates trying to make my probation officer believe it was false positive bc my counselor said false positive was a possibility, wondering if tramadol and/or cymbalta mixed with the suboxone could be an excuse for false positive or even restoril the sleeping aid also I have a old unexpired prescription for Zoloft would any of these other prescriptions possibly cause a false positive for opiates in urinalysis test that was sent to lab, also when is too late if at all to break down a urinalysis?

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Morphine will test positive under the opiates category. Here is a list of what 12 panel tests categories are:

- Cocaine
- Opiates
- Amphetamines
- Methamphetamines
- Phencyclidine
- Barbiturates
- Benzodiazepines
- Methadone
- Oxycodone
- Propoxyphene

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