Does Levothyroxine Cause Acne (Page 7)
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I have been taking 25mcg for about 6 weeks and feel much better, no weight loss, but no gain. I have developed acne on my chin and around the right side of my this a side effect? Anyone else had this happen?

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My doc ended up giving me cream to help...... clindamycin phospahte gel usp 1% generic for cleocin-t 1% gel) My doc said it wouldn't prevent them it would just control them once they surfaced. Which it did exactly that. Once i started using it i had less scaring from the pimples and they weren't as painful & didn't stay as long. He eventually put me on orthotrycyclin b/c i also have cysts on my ovaries. Once on the pill my breakouts stopped completely. I hope this helps... I know how horrible it was having that acne, you just wanna hide your face all the time :( Good luck to you guys

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I hve been on levothyroxine for almost two years now and have had horrible acne. The doc said that this medication has nothing to do with acne but obviously it does.

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Uggghhhh Having the same problem on 50mg levothyroxine 6 weeks in. Breakouts all around mouth & chin and those horrible underneath pimples. Tried about 10 washes & zit creams and nothing seems to work :( Did it ever go away for any of you?

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Hi, I am on thyroxine 4 weeks now and also have gotten acne on my chin and around the mouth. I am now 47 and have not had this problem since I was a teenager.There is obviously something in this pill that triggers acne.

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I have been taking the same dosage as you for about 2 months and have had really bad breakouts EVERYWHERE that I didn't used to get. I now get them on my back, face, shoulders and neck. It's pretty gross and I've never had this problem before but I think it does have something to do with Levothyroxine.

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ive been taking a 25mcg for a week now and am worried that i will develop acne. do many people get this ?

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