Does Humira Help And In What Way?
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So far I've had 5 humira injections (40 mg every two weeks) and unfortunately my great fatigue, aches and pains in bones and muscles in the meantime only increased. Have been on methotrexate, which only somewhat reduced my wrist swelling, ever since February. The combination now seems to be doing even less. Any similar experiences or suggestions? Thanks Sunad

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Hi there! I have been on Humira for psoriasis for the past 4yrs. I won't say I didn't have aches and pains at first but after approx. 6mos. it wasn't bad other than the inj. spot. That at times causes pain when I first do the inj. This is only when I do my thigh area. For the most part now, I only use the stomach area. I figure it is going to do the trick anyways. This I have not told the Dr. only b/c I figure she may say "no" do it the right way. I have read so much negativity about Humira that I honestly have a hard time believing, however to each his own. Everyone does not react the same on the Humira. If you yourself start getting pain from the inj. site "yes" get in touch with your Physician or Dermatologist (that is who started me on the Humira). Each time I see my Dr. she always ask's so "how is everything going". I have no qualms about the Humira other than using the needle in the leg. I do get headaches however I do suffer migraines, but they don't usually happen at the time of inj., probably about 3 weeks later. I honestly hope that you will feel the same, as well as no leg pains, etc. I take 1 shot every 2 weeks then another. Again as I explained, I honestly do not feel what the others' do. They obviously have a totally different reaction and I do feel so much better. I wish you much luck. Don't think negative, or it will be negative. Take care, and I wish you nothing but the best. Good Luck!

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Hi Desperately Hopeful,
I too has just begun Humira just this week....4 shots. They have also left me feeling the same way as you described. I have little stabbing pains in different areas of my body, headaches, lethargic, leg pain. I'm hopeful that this will subside at some point. I have to go back in two weeks and get two more shots and then will be down to one every two weeks. My doctor told me that this would be as bad as it gets.. I'm trusting he is right.

My story: i was diagnosed with UC in my twenties. I'm now 55. I've tried every approach to combat this disease. Been on prednisone, sulfasazaline, asacol now delzicol, cortenema, uceris and probably others that I'm forgetting to mention over the years. My doctor recommended biological drugs many years ago, but I fought it due to the list of side effects. Finally the pain and the fact it was harder and harder to get the UC under control and that anytime I had to go on antibiotics I had a recurrence, I finally decided to give it a go, at the doctors recommendation of course.

My plan: to take care of myself and do the things known that will boost my immune system, get plenty of rest (sometimes problematic for me), try to keep positive attitude, communicate with my doctor and his staff, and most importantly for me is to trust that God is with me and is looking out for me.

Hope this post somehow helps you. Let' stay positive!

Sunny Day

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I began Remicaide Infusions In November 2011 After Spending An Entire Month In Two Hospitals Trying To Save My Colon As My First Flare Was The Worst It Could Have Possibly Been. After Lots Of Antibiotics Pain Meds, Gi Meds, And Worst Of All Extremely High Doses Of Iv Steroids!! None Of Which Worked And Had TERRIBLE Side Effects! After Two Blood Transfusions, And No improvement, The Last option Before Emergency Total Colectomy Was To Be Performed Was Start RemicaIde Which I Was Very Much Against. Since I Was Only 25 And Never Had Any Health Issues With My First Child Having Been Born Only Three Months Prior To becoming Sick, I Chose To Begin The Iv Infusions While Still In The Hospital. I Trusted My Gi Doc Considering I've Never Had More Than The Common Cold Or Virus In The Past And That Would Become One Of The Biggest Mistakes I've Ever Made In My Life!! initially I Thought It Was The Answer To My Prayers, I Had Great results In A Very short Time, I Went From 20 Bowl MovementS A Day To 10 In Only About 6 Days!!! No Side Effects Whatsoever!!! But Then Came Infusion #2, The following Day I Could Not Function, Severe Fatigue And extrem muscle Pain And Stiffness In My Legs followed By Upper respiratory Infection And Sore Throat That Lasted For Three Days. I Immediately Called My Gi And They Acted Like They Had Never Heard Of Most Of My reactions!?!? Instead Of Suggesting Maybe Trying An Alternative Biologic, They Referred Me To a Rheumatologist Who Then Diagnosed Me With Fibromyalgia And RA. They Wanted MeTo Start Methotrexate Infusions On Top Of The Remicaide I Refused Because Although I Had Had Some Mild Fibro symptoms In The Past, They Were Not Debilitating EnoughTo Go To That Extreme. After 6 Months Of Infusions I Unexpectedly Became Pregnant With My Second Child, Not Because I Planned It, But Because They Removed My IUD While In The Hospital Due To Inflammation, And Didn't Want Me Taking Birth Control Due To The High Levels Of hormones Which They Believed Caused My Disease In The First Place With The Hormonal Changes During And After Pregnancy!! So Then I Became Their Own Personal Case Study And My Innocent Baby Girl Had To receive This Dangerous Drug That Has Never Been Used In Pregnant Women, That I Wasn't Even Comfortable With Taking Myself...I Felt Helpless And Was Told I Would Flare Without It And Would Lose Her, So They Insisted I Continue Treatment. All Went Well Thank God With The Pregnancy And She Is Now 8 Months And Perfectly Healthy. However I Refused To Continue Treatment After 26 Weeks So That I Could Breast Feed Her! I Mean I Wanted To At Least Do What I Could To Help Her Immune system After Feeling The Guilt Of What I Had Put Her Thru As She Was Growing In My Belly, Unknowing The Risks Involved And Learning Very Quickly My Doctors Didn't Either!!! I Began Having Mild symptoms Of UC around March Of This Year, And They Worrisome, But Not Severe And Very Tolerable!! Then Came The horror Story That I Had Read About On So Many Forums Involving After Effects Of Long Term Use Of The Drug!!!! I Have Very Intense Painfully Debilitating RA.I Wake Up Nearly Every Day With Massive Swelling In Both Hand And Feet, No Range Of Motion And Unexplainable Stiffness Accompanied By Back Pain That Lasts Until Mid Afternoon Before Th Symptoms Start To Subside! It Has Completely Altered My Life And That Of Everyone Around Me. I Blame Remicaide For Causing This Because Of The Effect It Had On My Immune System, I Became dependent On It, And They Are Now Checking Me For Other Autoimmune Diseases That May Be Present Now. Such As Lupus. I Recently Spent A Week In The Hospital Due To A Flare Of UC and Crippling Arthritis...The Last Two Years Have Been Pure Hell, And I Am Forced To Take Multitudes Of Medications To Half Way Control All Of The Physical And Emotional Damage That I Go Thru On A Daily Basis! In The Hospital I Changed Gi Doctors, In The Attempt To Find One That Was Not In it For The money That Comes Along With In Office Infusions!!! I Had My First Dose Of Humira Four Days Ago. Four Shots All Together That I Did Not Expect To Be Sooooooooo Painful, Especially The Ones In The Top Of The Thighs! Other Than A Little Confusion Feeling immediately After The IV, All Was Well...The Following Day I Had A Sore Throat, Not Too Bad....Then Yesterday And Today Were Awful!!! I Had Aches And Pains All Over My Body, Chills And A Stabbing Pain That Left My Left Arm Nearly Unusable!! It Was actually Quite Scary! Though As I Write This Book To You All Today, My Reactions Have Begun To Subside...And I Continue To Be Very Hopeful That This Is A Once Or Twice Occurrence And Not Every Time Every Two Weeks!!! I Just Am Sooooo Tired Of Being Sick And Feeling That I am Never Going To Be The Person I Was Jus Two Years Ago, Or The Wife And Mother I Desire To Be. I Have Already Sacrificed My Career As I Had To Turn Down My Nursing Program Admittance Again, Due To This Last Flare And Humira Side Effects!!!! Please If Any One Out There Can Relate To What I Am Saying, And Can Give Me Any Idea Of What I Can Expect In The Next Few Months...Will These Side Effects Go Away Or At Least Decrease!?!?! And How Long Did It Take You To Ge Significant Results, Particularly With RA and Joint Swelling? Sorry For Such A Long Post, I Just Wanted To Tell My Whole Story In Hopes Of Not Only Finding Some Answers For Myself But I want To Share All Of My Experiences The good And Bad, Do Your Research!!!!! And Be Aware Of What The Doctors Won't Tell You!!! If You Find A Doc Who Does Admitt The Concerns Involved With Different TreatmentS, And Gives You Options, STICK WITH THEM!!!! They Are RARE!!! I Hope This Had Been Helpful To So Many, I Wouldn't Wish What I Have Been Through InThe Past Two Years On Anyone And Wish the Best To All Of You!!!

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My doctors prescribed Humira. I did not want to try it, but my doctor bullied me into giving it a try. It made everything hurt more. I took 3 injections and quit it. My doctor was so mad that I would not continue it she told me she would not longer see me as a patient. I have only mild arthritis I do not have any psoriasis or any other reason for takeing humira. I tried to research Humira before I took it and all the info was old. there was not any new info out there.

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Humira contains the active ingredient Adalimumab and extremity pain and fatigue can both be side effects of it, unfortunately.

And as Judy has posted, malignancies can also occur.

Learn more Humira details here.

If you're not seeing any results, you should most likely talk to your doctor as it just might not be the right medication to help you.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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My best friend just had her right lung removed following a diagnosis of non-small cell cancer. She was prescribed Humira for her Crohn's Disease. When she was diagnosed, her Oncologist had her discontinue Humira IMMEDIATELY. I hope you can find another treatment. Lymphoma is one of the side effects of this drug. We are lucky she is alive.

Best of luck.

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