Does Anyone Taking Lyrica Have Memory Loss? (Page 2)
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I have been on Lyrica for about 8 months now and I am having fantastic results. My dr is trying to increase my dosage and I have been doing it in 50 mg increments. I am up 100 more now in a month, for a total dosage of 400mg. I find that I have very bad recall and loss of my vocabulary during conversation. It eventually goes away, but I was wondering if anyone else has this? If it keeps up, I just may have to drop back down 50mg until I get used to it? That seemed to work that last time I had to raise it.BTW, I have nerve pain in my ribcage. (not caused by shingles)
Re: Nick (# 350)
Hey man,I wish that your son has improved ,can you give me a way to contact with you and talk?i really appreciate your help!
I was prescribed Lyrica 75mg for my spinal cord pain, then later my script was changed to pregabalin. Anyhow, both are the same, but in using Lyrica 75mg, I had side effects: confusion, weight gain, hair loss, forgetting names of people, but the worst was when I went to the ER in AUBMC (Lebanon) where I was shown to have short term memory loss. I'm now taking Vitamin B12 1mg, Buvable. If anyone reads about the side effects of Lyrica 75mg, I had all of them.
I'm tapering down and so far so good. I was prescribed Lyrica for fibromyalgia. For what seemed no reason the doctor kept raising the dose. I began losing my memory, and it seems I'm beginning to recover even though I still forget words just when I'm going to say them. At least I now remember 'what I went to the kitchen for', if you know what I mean.
I have been trying to learn Bridge but I am having a difficult time. I am not able to "connect the dots" and have a hard time concentrating. I have been on the max dosage of Lyrica for 3 years and I am worried about its effects.
Are there alternatives?
Re: Kat (# 8)
What kind of hormones are you taking? I just started taking Lyrica today but I've been noticing memory loss for about a year now. I'm almost 52. Could it be my hormones?
I have been on 300mg daily for 6 months now due to herniated discs in my lower back. What I have experienced or atleast noticed is weight gain (20lbs), loss of memory, loss of vocabulary, difficulty concentrating, lack of energy and the worst is I'm more clumsy. I spill stuff constantly. This med has worked wonders though and I really don't think I could of gone through this without it.
trblncolo (# 436) --
I really appreciate your reply, It helps me understand that it's not me, it's the medication. I'm tapering down and so far so good.
Re: Marti (# 432)
I too have insomnia problems. The Dr I have has helped me. I am part of pain management and I wish I could say Lyrica was wonderful, it did more damage to me. I have been put through hell. Surgeries, 29 to be exact. I will never recommend that drug to anyone! It did more harm than Good! I was a very intelligent woman, now I'm lucky if I can remember what transpired yesterday. Please, stay away from this stuff!
trblncolo (# 434) --
Thank you so much for your reply. I'm hoping my withdrawal symptoms won't be too bad. I'm worried about forgetting things.
Yes, it has a way (Lyrica) to damage parts of the brain. There's no case studies as to how Lyrica attacks nerve endings. Depression, weight gain, vision damage and so many more side effects were never mentioned. Most of the people who took Lyrica have went through hell getting this drug out of their system. The widthdrawl is similar to an opioid widthdrawl. Plus, we all have a permanent side effect from Lyrica. This drug made my life so much worse! We need this drug pulled and never put back on the market. We need to protect new, patients!
Re: Marti (# 432)
I told my doctor I felt worse not better when he started me on the 200mg twice a day dose and he upped it to 300 mg twice a day... It's not just the insomnia, memory loss, or how I was unable to function... I have a constant sore throat, hoarseness in my voice, my voice cuts out while I'm talking/singing, a mucus cough, hardly any short term memory and lost recollection of long-term memories, my speech slurs at times, I have trouble remembering vocabulary that I once regularly used or forget what I'm saying all together right in the middle of my conversation, it increased the pain in my arms, hands, legs, and feet, bouts of constipation and then diarrhea, my stomach has paralipsis and I'm not digesting food properly that all came after the Lyrica... If the medicine made us better we wouldn't need doctors or big pharma anymore... They are not in the healing game they are in the profit game...
Re: Jenny Taylor (# 431)
Thanks for your reply. I would rather have the pain than memory loss. It really worries me. I've already started to taper off. I hope it will help. I don't want the memory loss to become permanent, I do suffer from insomnia also. It's funny because I mentioned that problem to my doctor and he didn't say it could be the Lyrica, he gave me some med to help me sleep instead. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Go figure.
Yes, Lyrica has caused me sever memory loss and the memory loss has persisted even though I am not longer on the med... It also increased insomnia and I was so high I couldn't walk in a straight line let alone take drive or take care of my kids without assistance
That's one of the problems I have. It's kind of embarrassing when you are talking to someone and you forget the word you were going to say and you have to ask the other person.
Re: Marti (# 425)
Hi! I appreciate your message because I'm bilingual also and the same thing is happening to me. When someone asks me 'how to say this is English' for example, I can't remember the word unless it's a simple word like 'table' and 'door'.. Uff..
I was on Lyrica for neuropathic pain, and my wife told me about some studies on Lyrica. I found out that Lyrica can cause brain cells to die quicker and not regrow lke they should. If you google "can Lyrica cause brain damage" you should be able to access that information so you can decide for yourself. If it is helping you have a better quality of life and you can live with the side effects, you may want to continue taking this medication. The choice is always up to the patient, so educate yourself about this and all medications you take. Also look at drug interactions.
I have been on Lyrica for four months and the memory loss and lethargy is getting worse.
Yes! This is one of the reasons I want to taper off Lyrica. I'm a bilingual person and very often I forget a word in one of the languages and I need to use a dictionary to look up the translation from the other language.
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