Does Anyone Take 100mg Top Dol Tramadol Tablets From India? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Please help. I received 100 mg tramadol tablets yesterday that look different than they usually do. From HAB Pharmaceuticals India. They are usually small white round tablets with one line scored across one side of the pill. This time they were slightly larger tablets, round, white with two lines scored on one side in the shape of an "X" They have never looked like this, but the packaging says the same info as I usually get. They are in blister strips of 10. Even the blister strip is slightly larger than they usually are. Does anyone else take these 100 mg Top dol tramadol tablets from HAB Pharmaceuticals that have an X scored on one side?

41 Replies (3 Pages)

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That's funny you say that. I just received my tramadol from India 100 mg from HAB they are always exactly as you explained round white (in blister packs of 10) with one score line. This time the pills look basically the same except there is no score lines or any other markings of any kind. Blister pack looks the same. Unfortunately I got addicted to them started with a medical problem but I am seeking treatment (they have caused me years of unbelievable hell) I start rehab on the 15 of this month but in the mean time I desperately need them to be real because I am almost out of the old ones and will have severe withdrawals if they're not real.

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Thank you so much for responding I was thrilled and I most definitely will try that - I also have an appointment set up for acupuncture- I've never tried it but this one acupuncturist near me comes very highly recommend from my therapist. Might as well go with it from all angles I want to beat it this time so I willing to do anything to get my life back and out of hell. Do you have any thoughts on suboxone. I've never been on that either but at this point I'm willing to try anything!!! Thank you and good luck!

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Perhaps you should research kratom a little further. Speaking from a safety point of view it was just banned in many locales because its inability to be cleared for possible contaminants. Furthermore persons on methadone or other opiate type drugs may suffer from interactions not publicly advertised. I'm all for supplements that assist in the opiate detoxification process but just like the loperamide craze touted as a miracle OTC drug these substances can cause far too many unpredictable side effects for susceptible individuals. Everyone endeavors to detox more comfortably however that's an oxymoron, this process will never be comfortable nor should it. Your body and brain is transitioning to a state that has become foreign to the opiate dependent patient. ALWAYS CONSULT WITH A MEDICAL DOCTOR THAT SPECIALIZES IN THIS FIELD BEFORE UNDERTAKING SUCH A LIFE ALTERING PROCESS.

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Thank you for your concern and I will definitely consider this although I have done both in and outpatient. Thank you -God Bless and Happy New Year!

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Hi, I thought they made Kratom illegal as of October 2016? It always worked great in a pinch for pain and depending on the strain also works for depression.. I have only a small amount left because the FDA gave everyone only a month before the rule became effective.

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I'm wondering what sites /pharmacys you all have ordered from. Afraid of scams!

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I have taken the tramadol tablets in question and find them ok.

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I don't think we're allowed to give out that information on here. Sorry!

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I have taken 100 mg Tram from India for at least 10+ years... what you describe is Indeed weird and I have never seen that which you describe. I usually get a round pill w/no inscription, or a round pill w/a slight score on one side, or a round pill w/one deep score on one side..... none of these have ever let me down. I have Chronic lower back pain and now docs just WONT prescribe it anymore! It IS highly addicting and of course I’m pretty sure I’m addicted, but that’s my input on Tramadol from India

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They are exactly the same as my prescription Tramadol.

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I have taken these tablets and found the effects to be the same as US made Tramadol.

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Re: Calyn (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Kratom is a drug like any other. Don't get caught up in the marketing hype.

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I received OL-Tram 100’s originating from India. They were decent & worked just fine. I always specify that I want the type/image they show which is what they should do. Otherwise It’s a bait & switch. I got TOP DOL this time. They’re better than Ol-Tram, the best generic is Amneal Tramadol HCL. It’s more pure & has a lot less binders & fillers. Very pure.

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I have taken these tablets without incident.

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I took them as well as OL - Tram 100. In my opinion the Top Dol were better. The TOP Dol will work fine but not as well as name be as name brand.

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K, also took these 100 mg tramadol and found them to be good. Email me if you like {edited for privacy}

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I have been getting Tram for several years. Same as what you're talking about. The brand is SIGNATURE. Get the tabs! Caps are the same but work faster, don't last as long & have more fillers. The reason the individual tabs aren't married is because they are packaged in 10 Qty strips where the info is printed on the outside of the strip, therefore that encompasses each tab on the strip. I can assure you that the 100mg Signature tablets are very clean, long lasting & the cheapest I've found.

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Re: David (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Where can you find Kratom please?

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Your good. Hab is a large reputable pharmacy. Wish I had some Tram right now. Cant wait 2 weeks though.

Good Luck
Bobo B

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Re: Debbie (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Can you give me website for HAB Pharmaceuticals. Thanks

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