Does Anyone Have A Remedy For Lexapro Drowsiness?
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Has anyone found anything that helps with lexapro drowsiness? I have been on lexapro 20mg for just over a year and feels like drowsiness is getting worse and getting in the way of life. Although lexapro has been great for my mood I feel as though I am wasting my day with the amount of sleep I need.

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Thanks for the reply, let me know what the doc says about it if you can

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I have suffering with incredible drowsiness, but aince I am on a pain patch and gabapentin and a few others I just assumed they were to blame for the several naps a day. Maybe it is the lexapo. This is why I had the doctor take me off Lyrica, but not only am I still suffering from drowsiness but it so bad I can't drive far, have to plan work etc so I can take nap. I go to my Doc tomorrow and I will ask him!

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