Does Morphine Oxycontin And Oxycodone Show Up The Same In A Urine Test (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Does morphine, oxycontin and oxycodone show up the same in a urine test? If not, what shows up as what?

69 Replies (4 Pages)

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Don't feel alone. The very same thing happened to me.

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No, unfortunately. Methadone has its own specific test. And they will test for the methadone specifically. So. Most likely you'll test positive for having taken a methadone unless approx. 3-5 days have passed since you've taken it and then go take your test then you should be okay. Hope this helped.

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Although a specific screen must be run for methadone the basic 3 to 5 day clearence DOES NOT APPLY when dealing with very Long acting narcotic opiods like methadone. It is likely that metabolites consistent with methadone can often be detected for up to 10 days or longer. No disrespect intended I just believe it incumbent upon those answering said questions to be as accurate as humanly possible.Especially when the futures and liberties of some are contingent upon the results of these tests .

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I would really appreciated if someone can give me an export information regarding my concern . I have a chronic pain disease and prescribed MS CONTIN morphine and i have been taking it for years , last week my doctor asked for a urine test, a regular test that the government ask doctors with patients on opiates to take every year , this time the test came back detecting opiates which is suppose to show but it also showed OXYCODONE detected, specifically OXYCONTIN or PERCOCET and this is not what i am taking, my question is how can this be possible and if there is in anyway the oxycodone can show detection on the test with me taking only MS CONTIN and again my concern is what would cause the detection of 2 different drugs when i am only taking one and not the other.

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That was the exact question that I have. How do I see the answers/responses ?

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I ran out of my morphine, but i've been taking oxycodone.... Will that make a difference in a urinalysis? In the past when i ran out i was taking tramadol + hydrocodone and everything was fine. Just nervous...

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I am On 7.5 mg oxycodone w 325 tylenol and I took one 5mg oxycodone ir and was urine tested the next day. Is it fine because they are both oxycodone just happens that one has tylenol in it and the other does not?

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No it does not methadone has an opiate blocker in its make up.

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No it does not methadone has an opiate blocker in its make up.It depends on what pannel drug screen test you are given as well. If a simple form 10 pannel will show opiates. 12 & 18 pannel show the drug form metabolized and outcome is very specific n detailed.

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I am in pain management and I take 60mg MsContin er and 15mg MsContin. I was given a urinalysis and it showed positive for OxyContin! Not good! This is the second time in 2 months and I don't take anything that's not prescribed. HELP ME! I will be kicked out of this program if it cannot be solved.

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Can naltrexone morpheme and Percocet morf into hydrocodone on a urine drug screen?

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Will percocet and morphine show as the same drug or different?

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Does all morphine ES show the same on a drug test? Say if you took 15mg and 60mg

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If I get drug screen what will morphine show up as one through drug and alcohol those sent to labs and other other s through probation
Was wondering what it will show up as and also oxycodone

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Re: Louis (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Will oxycodone show differently than morphine in urine and blood tests.

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Re: Ryan (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Ryan they are the same results, hydrocone and oxycodone ( OxyContin ) will show the same every time

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Re: heaven leigh (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

With methadone they test for a enzyme called eddp and it will show up 5 days after taking if not longer

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stevo (# 1) - on a drug test what does OxyContin show up as? Oxycodone?? Or will it show up as Morphine?? answers PLEASE. Thanks, Becky (•=

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Re: George (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I was put on this new stuff called nucenta ad it came up as methadone I the e.r. when the doc did blood work a accused me of doig some street drug and I couldn't convince them otherwise. I'm o disability and go to er a few times a year. Its all over my chart now that I'm searching for drugs. teach the docs whats going on and all possibilities.

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Only take the medication you are prescribed and only medicate as directed. The two drugs have different opiate base so they synthesize differently in the kidneys. It all depends on the type of drug test used and the NG cut off. The opiate base in oxycotin and oxycodone are so similar it is common to have a false positive for either drug. Hydrocodone is also common to bring up a false positive for oxycotin, but not oxycodone hydrochloride. The only true way to determine which drug is which is by lab testing if you test positive it will go to a lab for further testing. Codeine will also synthesize to its purest form in the kidney which is morphine. Which making an accurate positive for morphine even if you had taken only codeine. However the lab will only test for the drugs identified on the original test. If its a standard test opiate coc meth amph marijun they will find any drug with an opiate base synthetic or not. Most test now have 10 panel that break down by the opiated base. So if you take hydrocodone and you get a positive for oxycotin they will only check for oxycotin. If its a lab initially they will only check for the drugs that should be in your system and the level.

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