Does Lyrica Show Up As Gabapentin On A Drug Test


I am on Suboxone and Neurontin (Gabapentin) and I have a urine drug test in the morning. I've taken a total of six 50mg Lyrica tablets. Will it show up the same as Neurontin?

24 Replies (2 Pages)

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Does lyrica show up the same as gabapentin on a drug test?

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Since both Gabapentin and Pregabalin are anticonvulsants, they are not usually included on most drug screens. Such tests generally only check for opiates, benzodiazepines, stimulants and substances that may be illegal, such as marijuana, according to FDA reports.

While these medications can help with some types of nerve pain, and mood disorders, they do not fall under any of these categories.

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You are correct in the tests, they test for illegal drugs or proscription drugs of abuse if suspected.... like benzodiazepines. However..... Neurontin metabolises in your system .... into what pregablin already is if you understand. Pregablin was designed so the body did not need to metabolise and works by itself.

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Will lyrica show up on a ua sent to a lab for parole or daily report centers. I know they test for all kinds of levels of different things in your body. Any advice will be grateful . thank you

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Will gabapentin show up the same as lyrica on a drug test for a pain management doctor

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I am on pain management and get gabapentin I was out of it cause they had me coming back 5days passed my 30 days and I have been hurting bad so I took lyrica,does a routine urine drug test show up for for lrica

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I take oxycodone and lyrica prescribed by a pain dr and i took a few neurontin by mistake thinking it was my lyrica. How will it show up in my urine test?

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Re: Curious (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Can you tell me was lyrica shown on your urine test?

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Re: Nela (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I still need an answer as to what I'm looking for. DOES LYRICASHOW UP IN YOUR URINE TEST? What does it come up as, or does it come up as Gabapentin?

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I know I have a drug test for gabapentin. Will lyrica show up on the gabapentin test?

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I am in a suboxone program and get urine screened weekly. Im also prescribed neurontin. I know this is an old post but I can tell you from my experience that they do test for neurontin and lyrica now. I've taken lyrica just before a screen and they never said anything to me about it. I'm pretty sure they metabolize to the same thing and show up the same. But that's just from my experience.

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Will Neurontin (Gabapentin) and Lyrica show up the same on a drug test at my suboxone doctor's office?

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This drug testing place sells 2 separate tests. 1 for Lyrica and 1 for gabapentin. So take that how u will but looks to me like 2 separate tests are needed.


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Re: Les (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

They have an individual test for gabapentin. I know because drug court had me tested. It's a single test just for gabapentin. Also Lyrica showed up on that test.

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Re: Tina (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Whatever!! Neurotin and Lyrica don't look anything close to the same meds. Neurontin looks like a horse pill whereas Lyrica is a slender capsule. It’s people like you who make it hard for those actually trying to fly right! So either learn how to make a better excuse or straighten up.

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Re: Jess (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

The size or shape or color if a pill has nothing to do with not being the same medication. They both used for the same things. Nerve pain or nerve damage. Some things are different, but they're pretty much used for the same thing. Gabs are big, Lyrica is small. But oxycodone is also tiny, yet it can pack a punch.

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Re: Jess (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

The size or shape or color if a pill has nothing to do with not being the same medication. They both used for the same things. Nerve pain or nerve damage. Some things are different, but they're pretty much used for the same thing. Gabs are big, Lyrica is small. But oxycodone is also tiny, yet it can pack a punch. Maybe you're the one who should get their facts str8. WE'RE NOT DOCTORS and neither are you.

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I still need to know if Lyrica and gabapentin will show up same or different on a urine drug screen. I see a pain management Dr and I want to know if they show up same or different??????

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Re: Deep DooDoo if Im wrong (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Or they’re just trying to capitalize on it and make money

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Re: Tina (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I was on Lyrica and my urine test from pain clinc came back and they said they found Neurontin can they be a mistake because of this they kicked me out

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Re: tammy (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Curious about the same issue. Did you find out?

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Re: Bob (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I was tested to make sure I was taking my pain meds and when he tested me gabapentin showed up in my system and I do not take it I take Lyrica will that make it show up? Or weed or a weed pen or weed gummies

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Re: Jess (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

It's maybe old but it depends on what milligram the gabapentin is because 300 and 400 mg gabapentin are in capsules sweetie

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Re: Bob (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Will the gabapentine show up in my urine because I am on pregablin

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