Does Lyrica Mess Up Your Liver? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I started taking Lyrica for 3 weeks now for my Chronic Facial Pain. I had taken all the chronic pain meds and nothing work. I was diagnos with this illness since I had a root canal done, I even got 2 teeth extracted though the pain would go away. Anyway, I am now having some reaction, my feet and legs feels fat. However, my pain is about 4 in a scale of 10 being very painful. I take Lyrica 3x a day with 50 mg each along with oxycodon (if pain does not go away) and motrin 800 mg for head aches. I been on norcotic medicines for 2 years and now with Lyrica and etc. I am just wondering if the chronic pain actually go away? I am tired of taking all these medicine and scared that I will not have a liver left..............

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i have been on pregablin for 5 years to help with pain in my legs and hands, i had a ultra sound scan on my liver which showed 2 pale masses, i now have to have this investigated, i had no idea that this medication could affect your liver, i am really worried now, should my doctor have been aware of this , and if so they have never checked before and only did scan as a precaution as my brother died of liver cancer in march.

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Hey Ann,
I have had left sided facial pain for nearly 8 years, it feels like a painful boring sensation in my teeth, and my tongue. A diagnosis of 'burning tongue syndrome with trigeminal distributions' was given to me, it is a living hell that has had a huge impact on my life. I take 150 mg of Lyrica twice a day, as much as I hate taking it, I would be in a LOT of trouble without it. The doctor told me it does not go through the liver, so I have not worried about that side affect. I also take Cymbalta 150mg mane. Gotta say I agree with John, if you are in severe pain you have to take it. Would love to get some feedback on your symptoms if you don't mind.

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Thank god! This is alarming at all of you taking lyrica! That stuff is DANGEROUS all of you need to try neurontin immediately! Sorry but I've tried both & i ate all of the food in my house - I was hungry 24/7 - my thoughts were as crazy as could be! Ive been taking neurontin for 12 years I have trigeminal neuralgia too. I hope everybody will take my word for it? Lyrica is a BAD drug especially the high doses.

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Thanks Nat. I was started on Neurontin but did not take it as prescribed as I was a bit too scared at the time, so I near ever really experienced its potential for pain relief for me. Another doctor prescribed Lyrica for me and I have stayed on it for years now. I think weight gain is only caused by being more sedentary as a result of the drug, not because it causes you to eat more? Now I am wishing I was on Neurontin, it is all too hard.

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John if liver enzymes were not elevated before Lyrica and are after taking lyrica, it's probably due to the lyrica

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Noticing my blood pressure levels since starting Lyrica are sky high. 180/110 etc, day and night. Moderate relief for my Fibro, but sure don't want to risk a stroke. Been on it now 4 wks and gained 5 lbs.

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Hi. I realize you posted this a long time ago, but many hear are complaining about having the facial pain after dental work. I had a root canal- and after this, I started having shooting pain on the left side of my face(same side as root canal), my neck hurt, other teeth hurt-- I could NOT function and wanted to die. The dental work caused a condition called TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA-- I got it from DENTAL WORK. If you keep having these symptoms, please ask your family doctor about this. You can take Gabapentin, Lyrica, Tegretol-- to STOP THE NERVE PAIN. You see a neurologist and usually, they try these drugs- and though I cannot take tegretol nor Gabapentin - I am trying the Lyrica though it is making my clinical depression very dark---. There are other options for trigeminal neuralgia- if you have facial pain - that is sharp, also in the ear, jaw- etc... Check with your doctor about this disease. GOOD LUCK!

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I too have suffered from chronic facial nerve pain (also due to dental work and chronic sinusitis). Today, I am pain free. I took Nortryptiline for 2 years which totally eradicated the pain immediately. After 2 years (with my doctor's guidance I gradually weaned myself off of the drug). It's been 10 years and no pain.

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I have a 70% fatty liver, I've been taking oxycodone 5 mg and merperidine for the past five years. It worked on my lower back pain and joint pain. Noe a pain pharmiscist wants to chage it by puttin stopping the merperidine and use liryca. Not sure which is worst?

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Hi Karona....I too suffer from severe facial pain. I do not know what started it, although it could have been when my back two teeth were removed. I have had facial pain start slowly about six years ago. Now, it is so bad, I do not want to get out of bed. I am taking clonzopan but I do not want to take any more medicine. I have seen so many doctors I have lost hope. My husband keeps me thinking positive, but it is hard!! Please e mail me back if you have found any other form of relief other than the meds you are taking. Thanks, Mene'

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i am taking valcade for kemo of multiaple myeloma i aso had liver cirrohsis at one time now its coming back i think so i am back on viread which with kemo it lowers my platelettes the kemo therapy is working so far already i am worried about pain medicines because of possiable bleeding inside. my platelettes are now only 45,000 any ideas/

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you don't know what you're talking about.

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I'm 5 different kinds of cancer maybe 6. 15 years later I'm going strong fighting with FM now. God has a plan

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My liver enzymes have increased alot.
Ast was 24 now it's 95
Alt was 21 now it's 67
I didn't take lyrica when it was w 24/21
One year ago. doctor knows about it they did ultrasound on liver they only got to see part of liver cause of gas it showed a fatty liver on the part they got to see

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Read the book Medical Medium you can cure it I have had the same!!!!

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Verwon in the state of Michigan, Lyrica is classified as a narcotic, I just got my first script for it. I don't know if this is something new, also they now stamp the back of any script for a narcotic and you have to write down the reason you are taking the medication and the date you are filling the script.

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Yes Lyrica is considered a schedule 4 or 5 narcotic. It's the reason you have to present your drivers license for the purchase. I asked my pharmacist why it was in that category? He said, it has properties that make some users high.

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How did you get off of the Lyrica? did doctor reduce your dosage or did you just stop abruptly?

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You should be careful when giving advice as your information is just wrong. Lyrica is a controlled substance. It can only be prescribed by a doctor and I have to sign for it when it is delivered to my door because it is a narcotic.

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I have been reading all these reports and I'm nervous about Lyrica and trying to find all the pros and cons before I have my doctor prescribe this to me I'd rather not why not take it

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