Does Dilaudid Show Up As Morphine Or Opista On A Drug Test
Dilaudid contains the active ingredient Hydromorphone, it is a narcotic opiate and will be detected as exactly that in drug tests.
Learn more Dilaudid details here.
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I need help as I'm confused about all this. I've never heard of hydromorphone until a week ago! My husband takes morphine sulfate, tramadol, trazadone and hydrocodone. Yes alot of medication, I know, however he has alot of problems and needs surgery but has been putting it off so he wouldn't have to take a medical leave of absence
from work. Now they did a random urine drug test which has never been a problem so we never anticipated a phone call advising my husband he has been fired because hydromorphone was detected in his urine. My husband asked what is hydromorphone a
nd the doctor said dilaudid. My husband told him he isn't prescribed dilaudid but the lad technician had nothing further to say. So my question is "Can the medication he is prescribed show up as hydromorphone?" We need help with this I have no clue what to do. We can have the urine tested again at our cost 250.00 but this wont prove anything it will still show up the same..
i have 2 take a urine test tomorrow for probation,i get fentanyl prescibed 2 me,but i took a diladid yesterday,will it show up in test as diladid or as fentanyl or soes it show up as same drug
i have 2 take a urine test tomorrow for probation,i get fentanyl prescibed 2 me,but i took a diladid yesterday,will it show up in test as diladid or as fentanyl or does it show up as same drug
I know this thread is kind of old but I figured I would answer in case anyone else is curious about this. A small amount of hydrocodone is converted to hydromorphone in the liver. Depending on the amount of hydrocodone that is taken, it is possible that enough hydrocodone was converted into hydromorphone within the body to make it show positive for the test. Whensomething like this happens, it is best to request that your urine sample piece sent off for confirmatory testing. The confirmation test is far more advanced and will be able to prove that you didn't actually take any hydromorphone. It sucks that this happens to people, and is relatively common. I wish employers would show up the extra cash and just start with the more reliable advance test in the first place.
i go to pain management and and i take 30mg oxy and 30mg morphine. or MS contin. When i went in for my monthly they did a saliva test b/c i dont make urine. Anyway, my problem is that I took 4mg of dil the day b4, the day b4 i was tested. So i guess a little over 24hrs. my question is, can either one of the meds i take show up as hydromorphone, do they have to spacificaly test for it? Am i screwed? Also, someone i know takes the dil and goes to the same doc. Can i maybe tell them i accidently took theirs, cuz i do take a lot of meds. But i really wanna know if when they send in my spit, is Hydomorphone on that test or do they have to spacifilly test for it??
PO Dilaudid first enters your blood stream as hydromorphone. That gives you a kick start on pain relief especially break through pain. Your body breaks it down into Morphine, and then you get a 2nd benefit from a single compound with pain relief provided by the Morphine that is now in your system. Drug tests show it as a specific type of morphine, not the same as regular Morphine. Heroin is another (illegal for damned sure) drug that isn't detected on a test as Heroin, or normal Morphine. It shows as a slightly different type of morphine with a few additional molecules or a few less then the regular This is a plus with Dilaudid, it gives your pain a double kick in the head.
PO Dilaudid first enters your blood stream as hydromorphone. That gives you a kick start on pain relief especially break through pain. Your body breaks it down into Morphine, and then you get a 2nd benefit from a single compound with pain relief provided by the Morphine that is now in your system. Drug tests show it as a specific type of morphine, not the same as regular Morphine. Heroin is another (illegal for damned sure) drug that isn't detected on a test as Heroin, or normal Morphine. It shows as a slightly different type of morphine with a few additional molecules or a few less then the regular. Any halfway competent chemist recognizes it (the "tweeked morphine compound) as heroin use.
Will oxycotin show up on a 5 panel drug test for my job. I drive semi and get tested by the department of transportation.
Yes depending on how much you have taken and when you took it.
If he's telling the truth, then no it won't show up the same and if your paying for the test go to an independ lab. You can have a hair folice test and it can show stuff for as long as 1 year. They are only $300.00 could still be done now. He better think long and hard before he does it oif he has been taking a any drugs. Then if you have it done independently, you could always throw it away. i don;t care what anyone says the drug tests any kind are notorriously unreliabe because of lab conditions and human error. There are as many false negatives as positives! When i fist read about employee's being tested in the mid 80's as a supervisor in a Printing plant the drug maufactors claoimed their tests were only 60% accuarte then. That was a long time ago.
It shows as morphine isn't that what it is (Opana)? A 5 panel will pick it up, maybe LOLOL Thats how hit and miss my experience has been over the past 25 years. I had stuff not show up i took and stuff i didn't, did! Hair folice is supposed to be the best but it never showed diazapam that WAS there had to be! Showed morphine only, or forms of it my doc didn't say but i am screwed up like frankensten, and i was taking hydromorphone and supposed to be taking all (MS Contin, hydro diaz)! Fentynal is drug of choice among Pharmacists and doc's. Enough to cause euphoria doesn't show on anything i know of! It's delivered in mics by patchs and shots!
hydrocodone metabolizes into hydromorphone, much like how codeine breaks down into morphine.
No it won't your a liar I've been doing this for a while felony probation dude never detected once and I'll do it hours before my test
Fentanyl will show up as fentanyl in a drug test and dilaudid will show up as morphine so yes they will show up as two different entities. Different drug tests go more in depth for testing. A 13 panel lab test will definitely reveal more than a 5 panel quick cup so it depends on what test you are taking
on a 5 panel drug screen, will morphine sulfate, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, and dilaudid all show up as the same drug/
Morphine can break down into Hydromorphone....just went thru this and yes, it does..if they used Ameritox lab for testing, there is your problem right there
Daladid will not show up as an opiate on a test, it breaks down in the body differant than morphine or it has its own specific test....people should know what their talking about before answering questions on here...
I take 4 8 mg of dilaudid every day from pain doc. Relatives stole pills during holidays so now out. someone told me heroin will have same results on drug test. Is this true? Im in so much pain go to doc friday.
Most Recent Replies:
your husband is a drug addict you dont need 3 pain meds for any kind of pain there is period
sure it will show up , its usually takes about 3 to 5 days for any pain med to leave your body for a urinalysis .
I cannot believe the stupidity of these professionals. Hydrocodone metabolizes into hydromorphone
I am very worried. I have a urine test tomorrow morning and I ran out of my hydromorphone more than ten days ago. I also am prescribed morphine sulfate. Will I fail my test or FL they show up the same?
Prescribed percs but took dilauded sunday 8pm today tues hAVE UA FOR HOUSE ARREST
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