Does Dexedrine Really Help The Obese?


How much weight, per week can one expect to lose on dexedrine?

8 Replies

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It has successfully helped some people to lose weight. How much they lose varies and it must be combined with appropriate diet and exercise.

This is a simulant medication containing Dextroamphetamine.

Common side effects can include: nausea, insomnia, anorexia and headache.

Does anyone else have experience using this medication?

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I am taking prescribed Dextroamphetamine but cannot afford to lose any weight, which I am doing. Are there any helpful hints anyone can offer me. A Dietitian is attempting to help, but without success. Thanks.

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Only because dexamfetamine sulphate is a very strong stimulant which takes away any desire to eat...

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Dexedrine is a powerful appetite suppressant. When the drug stops working your body will respond as if you have not eaten in 5-8 hours. This leads to a question of commitment. To lose weight you need to crash with a planned diet. The other serious risk is that many people will skip their meal and start to use more amphetamine than necessary - creating a very serious addiction problem. Also you may feel the need to take the amphetamine to maintain your weight. This is all very interesting to me; I personally have gained ~30 pounds with dex and very heavy lifting.

Diet it everything right :)

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Re: Jane (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

taking cranberry juice before bedtime, take a shot of vinegar (or a pickle) when the drug is wearing off, eat a good breakfast, add strength training to your routine.

Yes weight loss is typical of d-amphetamine; most people usually get used to the effects after some time - which is another option :)

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Re: Jane (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

This a pickle. I don't know how long you have been taking d-amphetamine but it is possible that after extended use the appetite suppression and the constipation seems to decrease substantially.

Perhaps using regular amphetamine will work better for you. I used to get regular amphetamine as a substitute for generic adderall, dl-amphetamine, and mixed amphetamine salts. It is probably wise to talk to your pharmacist as to which amphetamines are available how to write them on the prescription form.

I wish you well with your nutritionist.

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Re: Jane (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

After a while of taking the drug eating does gets easier. Try eating before you take it.

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Without exercise, about 5-10 pounds.

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