Does Contrave Make You Sleepy (Page 5)
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I started Contrave 4 days ago, today being my 5th dose. Every day, I take the pill about 8am and by 9:30-10am I am so sleepy I can't stand it. Days 1 and 2 I managed to fight it off until about 12-12:30, day 3 until about 1-1:30, and day 4 I fought it off until 3pm. If I take a 1-2 hour nap, I wake up fine, with energy and then cannot get to sleep until about 2am, sometimes 3am. Today is day 5, I'm having that "drunk" feeling and sleepy, but no where near how it has been. It seems this effect is slowly wearing off, but I haven't seen anywhere where this is a common side effect. I know all medications effect everyone differently, so I'm wondering if this is something I should be concerned about, or just another side effect that I will get used to as the weeks go on?

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Thank you for letting me know a timeline about how long the drowsiness last i just started contrave 2 days ago....

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I started contrave last year. I have lost 28 pounds so far. when I first started contrave I was EXTREMELY sleepy. this lasted for a good 2 weeks. it did get much better. I am very happy with it, and am trying to loose anothre 20 pounds.

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I had the same tiredness you have along with constipation on the highest dose. I had to get off and may go back on Qysmia but that made me jittery. I lost 25 pounds quickly on Qysmia and 15 pounds in Contrave in the middle dosages but at the high on both had too many side effects.

Where is our miracle diet pill!

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Top Answer
Hi Cris,

Sorry to hear about your experience with Contrave (naltrexone HCl + bupropion HCl) and sleepiness. I just wanted to add as validation that does list both drowsiness and trouble sleeping as side effects of bupropion. Their website also lists: unusual tiredness, drowsiness, restlessness and trouble sleeping as side effects of naltrexone. I question whether these symptoms are playing a role in your ability to get back to a "normal" sleep schedule...[1], [2]

Depending on how serious these side effects are affecting your livelihood and well-being, it may be worth talking with your doctor about how you're feeling in order to see if he/she has any recommendations that can help offset or minimize symptoms.

I hope this helps and wish you good health!
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Thanks for your reply. I found that the more days go on, the better it has gotten. Today is day 6 and while I still had that drunk feeling, today is the closest to normal I've felt. I am noticing afternoon headaches now, which ibuprofen seems to help. How long have you been taking it? Have you noticed an weight loss?

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I've had the same reaction (along with other)/side effects. Mine are dissipating - and I've tried not to actually take a nap - just sort of rest and then get back up.

I also increased the amount of water I drink and that seems to have mitigated some of the SE.

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