Does Contrave Make You Sleepy (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I started Contrave 4 days ago, today being my 5th dose. Every day, I take the pill about 8am and by 9:30-10am I am so sleepy I can't stand it. Days 1 and 2 I managed to fight it off until about 12-12:30, day 3 until about 1-1:30, and day 4 I fought it off until 3pm. If I take a 1-2 hour nap, I wake up fine, with energy and then cannot get to sleep until about 2am, sometimes 3am. Today is day 5, I'm having that "drunk" feeling and sleepy, but no where near how it has been. It seems this effect is slowly wearing off, but I haven't seen anywhere where this is a common side effect. I know all medications effect everyone differently, so I'm wondering if this is something I should be concerned about, or just another side effect that I will get used to as the weeks go on?

86 Replies (5 Pages)

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I started Contravention 3 days ago and no side effects at all .

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So glad I found this page of comments! I'm on week two and I expected to be jittery but I'm laughing at how sleepy I am! LOL Thankfully I haven't really had any other side effects. I mentioned to my doctor that I was having depression related to my cycle and she said this may help with that as well. I hope so. I haven't lost any pounds but I definelty have cut back on how much I eat and my closer are fitting loser. I need to make time to work out so I can get the full use of the drug.
Thank you all for your comments. I don't feel so weirded out now. I will try the suggestion of taking one dose before bed.

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I just paid 145.00 for a px of Contrave. I feel my mood goung up and down, hands shaking, dizzy and very tired. Im not sure I can do this. The medication worries me because I'm not sure if it's going to harm my health. I'm not sure it's with taking the medication with the side effects.

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Ha ha this made me hilarious! lol I started mines today and I too feel like I should be bedridden from all the sleepiness

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So on week 3! I feel like a drunken monkey! Took my two pills this morning and taking my one this evening. I'm so sleepy I can't stand it and skipped the gym!! As far as the scale? I'm up 2 lbs!!!! So first week was great. This week not so much.

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I am on my week 2 I am having same symptoms. Really sleepy within 2 hours after taking pill. I try to fight off until about 5 then I am exhausted after taking a nap for about 30 minutes came back energized. Then 2 am have trouble sleeping

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Hello is it better taking this at night? I'm so nervous taking this with all the side effects. I work an 8 to 5 job.

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I'm on day 5 of the 2 a day. I'm sooooo sleepy. I've been like this since about day 3 of starting. My husband and I started taking it at the same time and he has no side effects at all (not fair) My weight is going up and down I was down 6 pounds after the first week and now I'm up 2. Everyone is talking about the side effects and no one is mentioning if they are losing any weight.

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I am on almost 2 weeks in and just like everyone else, I'm sooo sleepy. It's like a drunk sleepy at times. Then at night when I get ready to go to bed I'm wide awake. I was on Welbutrin for 2 years prior to taking Contrave so I don't think its that that's making me sleepy. I think it's the narcan. I'm down 4 pounds as of today. I see where everyone is talking about being sleepy but no one is saying if they are losing weight. I'm not going to keep taking something that is making me this sleepy if I'm not seeing results.

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Lol. It's tiresome!!!! I don't like the sleepy factor so I just quit and got almost a full bottle sitting on my counter. Another wasted attempt to lose weight. :)!

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Does Contrave become less effective over time? I've only been on it 4 months. I do still see some effectiveness, appetite down, full at small portions but I feel I'm craving sweets at night.

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I'm in almost 3 weeks and I still feel sleepy almost all the time. Plus side, I don't have any trouble getting to sleep at night.

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You have to take it every 12 hours, so you will have to take at least one dose in the morning.

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I have been on Contrave for 4 days now and I totally feel the same way. I am so tired, the first day I took a nap at work and I never can even take a nap. I have headaches as well. I hope this will go away soon. Thanks for writing, now I know I'm not alone.

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I also felt sleepy, but it never improved for me. By the time I was up ti 2 pills in the AM and 2 in the PM, I was pretty much struggling the whole day.

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I am the same way.. the first week I had no problems...

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I just started the second week (2 pills) I have started having terrible neck throat, diarrhea, nausea & mind fog. I have lost 2 lbs. but I'm not for sure if it's worth feeling like this. Anyone else have the throat pain & diarrhea & if so does it go away???

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I have been on Contrave for 5 days. I had a headache for the first 3 days. I sleep about 3 hours at night before I wake up and am awake the remainder of the night. The crazy dreams are "way too crazy". I am concerned this morning because I started itching on my upper chest, back, and shoulders during the night and now look as though I was bitten by something. We have searched the area and there is no indication of a bite. I have allergies and had to stop my Zyrtec because I am having new allergy testing this week. I have no way of knowing if this is an allergic reaction to Contrave or just because I stopped my Zyrtec.

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I think if it is making you that tired, I would mention it to the docters.

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I have been taking this for almost a month and I can noticed a huge difference in my eating habits. However, Yes it made me very TIRED when I took two pill twice a day. So for me I changed it to 1 in the morning 1 a little before lunch 1 when I get home and 1 at bedtime. This has worked a lot better for me. Also my stomach was not upset. This won't work for everyone but it did for me.

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