Doctors Willing To Prescribe Roxy S In New Jersey
UpdatedI have been in a car accident recently and need a doctor ASAP for these pain pills , I am in heavy pain and need these any help for a doctor in New Jersey around north jersey that can help me out
7 Replies
Yes I NEED a doctor as well. Please post Roxi Doctor asap
Dr ongsiako toms river,nj will write one
Any doctor's in Lafayette, la willing to prescribe vyvance
Are you sure? How does one go about bringing that up if he isn't a pain management Doctor?
My sincerest sympathies- sadly, as of 06/2017 (in NJ) ALL Board Cert. MD's (& non board-cert) are under INVESTIGATION By the DEA in a RIDICULOUS WITCH HUNT designed to prevent ALL LEGITIMATE PAINT PATIENTS (most with THICH-FILES & RECORDS MILES high &decades long in some cases) from obtaining the only MEDS WHICH worked for them giving them quality of life in an effort to STOP ILLEGAL DRUG TRAFFICING IN THE USA(??)-as if THIS is the answer?.. IM ALL FOR THOROGHLY VETTNG a patient but after multiple methods/&MEDS fail -GIVE THE POOR SUFFERING SOD THE PROPER MEDS TO ALLOW HIM QUALITY OF LIFE!?!- Sad to say, (even if you already obtained pain MEDS) YOU'LL LIKELY LOSE THEM SHORTLY--AS ALL DOCTORS WHO WRITE SUCH RX's-(for legitimate patients or not) ARE UNDER INVESTIGATION & MANY ARRESTED UNSBLE TO ORESCRIBE ANY MORE. GOD BLESS U...& MAY THIS "MADNESS" BE SHORT-LIVED...
I need to find a new pain managment doctor in NI who will prescribe oxycodone 15s or 30s. I had scoliosis sirgery on 1983 and am now suffering from spinal stenosis and disc degenerative disease. I am currently taking oxy 15 2 time a day but my doctor is saying that he has to decrease my meds. It's he only thing that works. I tried injections and every other pain medicine. Nothing else works. I will travel to NY if I have to. I can't bear the pain without them. Thank you to everyone taking the time out to read this.
Re: Lionessbella (# 1)
Doctors are not meant to prescribe opiates longterm and can lose their licence. You would have needed them immediatly after the accident but you wont find a doctor willing to prescribe them on constant repeat. This is the exact reason for the opiate crisis in america and the DEA are constantly tracking and even arresting doctors for writing prescriptions for too many scripts.. Pill mill days are long gone.