Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 84)
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Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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Thank You for your honesty. I was in a near fatal accident in 2000.If it were not for opioids I would be in bed also. Now all the laws are changing and I see myself bedridden soon because I cannot get what I need to function Again I ask...Why bother saving a person in a MAJOR TRAUMA when you let them live in pain and not function the rest of their lives? JUST STOP SAVING PEOPLE.

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I have real bad nerve damage from surgery on my side from my lung collapsing twice in five years and im in Philadelphia looking for a pain doctor that will help me, and I got a referral from the surgeon. .please help me.

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It's so sad that the addicts have ruined it for those of us have very real problem. My son told me to take some cannabis. My insurance will not cover a pain specialist so I am screwed.

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Dr.s willing to prescribe narcotics in Oklahoma? Does anyone know any doctors in Ok. who will help me with chronic pain?

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Good luck. You'll be treated like a junkie. Don't go to drs. Holloman, or Adleman or Blau, or calgney. No help scam. They put you on methadone. They own the clinics. That's a fact. Found out the hard way. DEA won't do s*** to them.......

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I had major neck surgery done been in sever pain I need help getting this under control as well as I have fibromialga and bad muscle spasms and stiff muscles I need help to relieve this pain I don't sleep at night I'm exhausted everyday my Dr won't give me what I need pl help thank you very much I have been on valuim,percaset, ladicane patches and ambian thank you.

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Katie, Louisiana Medicaid won't pay for Pain Management Drs. So no Pain Management Drs in Louisiana will take it. The drs that are listed as Pain Management with Louisiana Medicaid only do Anesthesia during surgeries in hospitals. Also the lists are seriously out dated and wrong in many cases.

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I need some pain management dr's that take Medicaid in Longview Dallas ft worth Shreveport other cities around Tyler TX.already have appt's with one in Longview Houston &made a referral to one in Tyler.Katie thanks

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I have peripheral neuropathy & it's very hard to get done anything without pain meds it's in nerves high blood sugar can damage blood vessels and that damages the nerves even in some cases in oragans it's very painful unbearable.have to have pain meds or can't stand it!

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Please help me find a doc that will prescribe opiods...i have 6buldging dics, twisted spine and bombed left knee...i want to go back to work but need tge pain to be managed.thanks

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Thanks boots!!!!

I'm trying to learn how replies are on this site. I have to scroll down. I know the percocets no my livers friend. its why I try hard to only take two a day, or even one. I have stretch it out. As my Doctor didnt want to cont. He said Im dependent on them and to go back to pain mgmt. However, they cant move forward to help me there as I said.. till i have 1,000 for the shots n my Back. Truthfully i thought my Doc was ok. Until he seems not to know hardly crap. as the specialist gave him the records he requested, cuz he told me he couldnt understand my cd's xrays n MRI's without a written record. I have bared n dealt with pain most all my life. after a hard days work, i'd use beer. Well, Beer doesnt agree alot with my reflux n such nowadays. Oh, N I had a Bad Experience with Morphine n the ER... The Nurse put way to much n my I.V. and i thought I was gonna die, n i made her hold my hand. as my Heart was trying to beat, when I actually thought it was stopping... I panicked. So.. I always say no Morphine. lol My Resources for Money are tapped, it sucks. a couple specialist or three a year. My Fam. helped Pay... n it sucks, i can not cont. to see the same doc twice, cuz they charge 250.00 n up to 500.00 and can't do anything to help me for pain. The robaxin dont help. and other crap like norotin n tremanol which that i cant take do to side effects. The sad thing is the only thing that helps somewhat is percocet n now n then to take a flexirol n sleep. I wake up n ankles n hands are crippled in/up hard to stand n move n hard to move them. it takes time... as it's painful. And the worst part is the ibuprofen was not my friend at 800 mg i ate it like crazy for year or whatever. it really hurt my stomach reflux n more. also i hear it's the number one over counter killer. bleed to death. While, I know nothings 100 % safe n all needs to be taking n moderation. So, in between i take break n suffer n take ibuprofen. I know my main problem is i have no Coverage, to be treated accordingly, to benefit from shots n then surgery or therapy etc. :(

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I was asked to state area were I Live. I live n Chesapeake, Va area. Any help is appreciated.

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This is to 'pills suck' (post #2679). You are ignorant, that's the only word for it. I have been an LPN for ten yrs and I am now caring for my husband at home that was in a car accident. If it weren't for his pain meds he would lay in bed suffering for the rest of his life, which alot of bed ridden patients did do long ago before there were pain meds. Because of all the new drug laws there are alot of people out there that need these meds that cannot get them, because of people who are trying to feel high off them. But that does not mean that everyone is. My suggestion to you is get a life and stay off a site if you don't agree with it because some of the people are really suffering and don't need someone like you that has no idea what you're talking about, telling them they don't.

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your doctor needs to recommend the opioid and then send in the social security statement. YOU fill out all that you can and leave the doctor page to the doctor. They are well aware of their part. Just have your family physician take care of the paper work. Include:

1. All SS Papers
2. An addressed envelope to SS with a stamp and your return address
3. Ask the physician to let you know when it is sent
4. SS will start in about 5 to 6 months from date applied.
5. Be sure to have checking account info included. A voided check is OK

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I have RA, spinal stenosis, anklying
splondiosis, On 3rd set of hardware in low back, also neck, DDD, scoliosis, nerve root damage, neuropathy, and a few other painful ailments. I live in Oklahoma, and have no insurance. I suffer in pain daily. I cannot find a p. m. doctor with either any available appointments, or they don't take self pay. I can't work, and have been denied SSD 7 times, because I never asked my past doctors to phrase their notes accordingly. Please help having suicidal thoughts.

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I am interested in finding this doctor... New to Nashville.... Can you help me our?

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Please help me. I have 3 Ruptured discs, 1 ripped DSC protruding into the cal sac of vertebrae. Also Fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. Amazingly a PMD gave me the Fentanyl patch and it made the difference in being bedridden and walking. After a year he decides to jerk me off. I have a nine year old son and I am a single mom. I will die of heartbreak if I can no longer take care of him. What is worse, I live at the tip end of Texas where it is easier to drive a few miles and get illegal drugs than to have a doctor save me with the stroke of a pen. I wonder why opiate use is up you i**** lawmakers of the u.s.a. I have chosen never to use illegal drugs but what is my alternative. I cannot move from my bed and my son is slowly shying away from his own mom. I would rather him remember me happy and loving than a disabled mongloid. Help a family anyone help me.

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This is to pill sucks.. Why do you come into a site you feel like everybody is full of bologna? I have crohns for 38 yrs.. I hear ya pills suck no doubt no argument w me..natural is the best... But people have pain then drs bang these people up for years and now seratonins all messed besides pain receptors and yes they said yes but drs are still the boss...I am not perfect to the medication world and have required medication but i do agree its lousey ... I like to hear honesty but I think its scary in todays world for people w chronic pain to be competely honest because if they are they will be ostracized... Can one say they help and make me feel better mentally too, if they do? I dont think so... So your suggestion is what? To beat up all these people for being given the meds and now want them? Not everyone is as strong as the next or maybe as strong as you and if you have bad pain and strong well then I say power to you ya .. Look at people that want to quit smoking... Worst than pills some have told me wth... I hear ya because i believe honestys cool but maybe a little less judemental and helpful ... Cheers!

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Knock it off. You are all making excuses to feel high. There was a time when none of these pills existed and ppl dealt with it. You guys are moaning for something u think u really need but don't.

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Hello, I feel your frustration n Pain. It is really horrible out here, trying to find a Doctor to help with pain, until i atleast get some Medical coverage. the last 2 years seen more specailist n used all income tax n Family help Possible. All want to give shots,. which work temp. and are very extremely exspensive. and the only thing that helps some mobility during the day. Is the Percocets 5mg. And I dont want stronger... Just need one to two times a day to bare with pain n mobility. as I am now 50 n old injuries from car accident, back n leg are almost unbarable without. I have dealt w/ pain for years. It's just reached a point, where I cannot handle, until i have insurance to pay a 1,000 dollars for injections into my back. In Va. and wish I knew a Doctor, as My Doctor says the last perscription 3 mth.s since i left hospital n seen the specailist that i can no longer afford, and plus he was n Md. when i hurt myself when visiting. this is sad n frustrating!!! :( Wish u Luck Sir.

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