Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 216) (Top voted first)


Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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maybe...but i am not sure...I am on medschat- they said "edited for privacy" where i tried to put my email..what do i do ?

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I was just discharged from my Dr for having the wrong drug in my system. Need a good Dr. I was getting 5 Oxy 30 mg per day and 3 opana 15 mg per day. Any suggestions?

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BIG LIAR AKA BL how much to you get paid from Hussein Obama. You are clueless. Jump of a bridge and do all us a big favor. I thought I herd all the trash talk in the are culled about that fools Obama Care. I do not one person that saved 2.500 everyone I know pays double.Do us all a favor and jump of a bridge and break you stupid neck. Clueless in BL land. What liar are coming up next. I'm a doctor if you are you suck at it. I'm so sick of you BS it hurts more listen to crap than the Sevier and chronic pain. Fools everywhere and we just after have one here. Semper fi. BL do you know what that means. My quess you will need to look up.

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Old timer
I asked BL to help guide me to the portion of the Affordable Health Care act that he/she seems to think is the answer to pain management problems we all face. I have read portions before and wasn't able to wade through a lot of it. This wonderful act, hasn't been so wonderful for us.

I didn't have health care insurance, because we couldn't afford the cost of dependent care on my husbands policy. I was receiving my health care through a program provided by the State, which disappeared when the Act took affect. The insurance programs that I researched on their website were not affordable and were not even the minimal coverage I had thru the State.

My husbands insurance thru his company was changed, and not for the better, due to the Act. The cost was increased to the point the company could no longer afford to pay for employee coverage, so now we pay a portion of his coverage. My coverage was again totally out of our financial means. His deductible has increased and the amount he has to pay yearly "out of pocket" has also increased. The "donut hole" of the non coverage is so unbelievable, I don't know how anyone can tell us with a straight face that this Act was a benefit to us, and they can completely take out the word "Affordable".

Common sense should tell people that this was a bad idea from the start. Insurance companies have stock holders that demand a profit. If you legislate that they must cover pre existing, cover pregnancy issues, birth control, and other costly items, along with coverage that isn't even what most people need, but is still legislated. Someone has to pay the bill, and unfortunately it's the working class who are barely scraping by.
The economy hasn't been booming, so there hasn't been wage increases in over two years at my husbands company. So this price increase hits us hard.

Thankfully, my Medicare kicked in May, so I now have coverage. Unfortunately many of our working poor in our county, no longer have the coverage that they did have, due to the State program being eliminated.

I've been reading a lot of what BL has to say, and I am trying to decide what the angle is. Is it anti drugs for those of us who truly need them; is it a political statement, justifying another bad deal provided to us by Congress?
BL seem to start with the position that narcotic pain relievers are not a necessary part of the pain management programs for chronic pain sufferers and seemed to move to making political justification for President Obama's support of this crazy health care act, that the Clinton's couldn't get the support to push through Congress when Bill was in office.

I feel BL is entirely entitled to a different opinion than mine, and it doesn't upset me that it's voiced. I do wish more sensitivity to the suffering of others would be voiced by BL. In my case, pain management is the exercise that I am physically able to do, non medicine like my TENS machine, hot showers, heating pad, etc., along with the narcotic pain relievers (that don't have the horrible side effects of the new "designer drugs", side effects yes but not nearly as horrible), just want to add, the pain medication is what makes me able to function so that I can do the exercise LOL

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I'm sorry, BL, but the disability people, the man who did his interview, told him he has to wait two years. I don't know why, for Rich, just got his SSI/Disability, (it says SSI on his checks) and he owns nothing, not even a vehicle. He is blind and needs medical care, badly, but there is nothing I can find, insurance wise that is under $600/month. This is way too high for low income people. I don't know what the President was thinking, but everything is higher. I am below the low income level and I can't afford additional insurance, to go with my Medicare. Thanks to the man, I thought loved me, my last fiance' who told me he was paying my copays, with my money, I just found out, from my first primary, I owe over $1000! How am I supposed to pay for that, now, too? So, I am stuck and so is my ex-fiance. This is not a country for the poor, which we are, despite our working hard, all our lives, since 15. Circumstances made this for us, we did nothing wrong to get this way. We never bought new cars, we never went on vacations, McDonald's was only a treat for our kids, on their birthdays. Restaurants were completely out of the question. Struggling, all my life, even with a college education. Now, we can't even get help for our health. What a country, yet, I still believe in it.

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GL you don't have a clue about anything that has to do with the pain patients rights. We lose more right every day, Use your mouth for something god that to just eat with it.

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BL you must be ignorant or some thing is wrong with you. Google pain patients bill of rights and just se how many drs. and others talk about our right as pain patients to receive pain meds and the right to take any pain meds we want to put in our bodies. Google Dr. Forest Tenant he helped pass a new law for pain patients rights to strong opiates for pain control and is a very respected dr. Then tell me that there is no laws or we as pain patients don't have rights to be treated for pain just as someone is treated for a broken arm. Google it there is long list on this topic. And by the way what is your illnes or pain from for you to be on here talking about something you may nothing about

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I vow to kill a troll b4 I die. This forum would be a bad place to troll.

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This forum doesn't allow personal info. And even if it did, I wouldn't give it to someone I hadn't had a chance to check out on my own.

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BL, please stop being rude, unhelpful, argumentative, and generally a worthless waste of space. None of us appreciate how and what you say.

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Where can I find him? Looking for the same kind of doctors

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Hi daar kan n mens van die pille gedruik vir. N maag wT baie pyn (stillen ) asb .

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BL that is something I already posted do you think that is why I had to go to California for 5 years you are wrong--people like I die from Central Pain Syndrome; I had 19 hospitalizations in house in 2004 they did not know why I kept going to hypokalemia and CRF well it was intractable pain killing me. We need to look at the medical issue that now exists for MANY years pain was not treated as a diagnosis thank God it is now and you still have physicians who attempt to treat FM with antipsychotics and cold medicine or worse saying it's nonexistent (it is), but also if it is a symptom on the worse end terminal cancer or due to impending renal failure and low potassium (K+) pain takes many forms I do agree. That is why I'd never do that for I will need pain management for life in fact I'd like a pump at this point for you need less opioid and with the FDA fence we are on it would help a few who require high levels. So you have a physician and trust me I'm going to use SSA in Louisiana the local one here is fraudulent let's leave it at that :)

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BL they have not cleared the message I wrote you clearly you are an ADDICT by your statement.

I have been on well under fifty percent of what I should be on and was the first to mention the morphine equivalent rule. Due to my complexity I had to see the top specialist in California which meant flying to that doctor for 5 years. Perhaps you do not have a physician because although I went frequently the first year I was near death and that is what happens when you are forced to see a specialist. After that year the 3 month of medication rule went to effect. Odumma is behind that.

Clearly because I am both psychiatric specialty and researcher you are an addict you are quoting AA which tells me your issue.

Mary in Texas any physician writing a class 2 must be classified a pain clinic. If that medication caused you addiction and you have headaches there are other medications your psychiatrist could try he could not write you class 2's unless he is also a PM specialist is he if so it's due to rehab and your addiction.

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Mary and SH my message to this attack by BL (big loser) is being cleared. Ignore him or her.

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Twinn you are absolutely right and am glad that more of us are reacting against one poster who goes to all areas denigrating others. I would rather see a legitimate pain client LIVE and after doing referrals for well over 10,000 since I was injured myself and a professional nurse--if there is no help be honest you are PHYSICALLY TOLERANT and ultimately saving your life if no medication is available because:

(1) Your physician inadvertently is arrested and closes down.
(2) A patient takes a UA and either is told it is dirty, or the lab which they do errs on the result.
(3) The physician is under advisement from their medical board and must stop
writing class 2 medication
(4) The physician and you no longer get along.

What most people do not realize is that Hitler paid one of his scientists many years ago to create a replacement for poppy (shortage) and that plant is where opium comes from and or the drugs that are used for pain. It was not created for addiction although it gained great notoriety for that as it was used for many years in NYC solely for this purpose.

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Chris there is no P450 on my email that is why look closely at what Mark sent you. I have cut back also and am dealing with potentially some fraudulent locals at SSA who have screwed my SSDI completely and I've been disabled for years. Odumma has destroyed this country and why is it he is still here and not on a banana boat heading back to his native country.

What a jerk.

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Yep werkers for sure.

Workers of course hehehe.

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Chris first of all I LOVE YOU and don't let go please. They are holding up on my posts and have not heard from Dr. J. on private email so don't worry if anything it is you and me. I did not get paid again today but am doing my Appeal on WC as we speak I won as you know but they are holding off as long as they can. I am only doing two physicians at a time and am far too low on medication but had to decide today if I do appeal and enter early (pleading death imminent and financial demise) the WC literally put two private investigators into the security apartments I live in and moved them out the day the D.C. found IN MY FAVOR. Now due to them not paying mileage for 16 years which is why I had to attempt the DON job in 2013 getting terminated due to my severe disability a month later (but plenty of money for jets to California) hold the WC employer liable for the SSA situation for literally they are.

The local SSA person was out to kill. She was an idiot normally any activity on me is done in the Philadelphia hub and the guy there stated he did not receive documents (wrong for I filed a complaint on him so he wanted just the proof not turn in the complaint) so he asked me to go to the local SSA figured they'd scan JUST the documents and he would continue my SSDI. Well the c*** who handled me literally got her boss and said "I need to steal her claim I cannot do it." Yes this is ILLEGAL yes this is fraud for what she did was put $7,000 on a SGA month which was housing for my Hilton extended stay for the gig was 700 miles from where I resided. I had proof of this corporate office was in Atlanta, GA and my travel liason was emailing me so I showed the reservation, which Hilton, and the weekly amount. No one in all the years I've been SSDI has ever asked for proof not a one. They can tell so this is amazing. I ended up over here in butt hole Texas (eastern on border of LA) because I again accepted a prison DON when contractors changed and I was going to revamp nursing for them for over 7,000 federal prisoners. Again HOUSING it was over 600 miles from where I stayed in Texas. So those idiots could not get me through federal clearance meaning they reported money for my corporate rental, (housing which you can deduct) and I had a termination letter stating "we could not get you through federal clearance" and I've had federal clearance BEFORE SSDI people. Write this down for no longer are your SSA records secure; since ODUMMA every poop out of your rectum is on file for anyone to view.

The guy in Philadlephia ZEROED the prison gig he knew if you could not get clearance or a blue badge under BOP then that money is not income it's gift. Well guess what I also was disabled before 1999 when Ticket to Work came into effect therefore, there is a regulation that protects folks disabled before changes from taking actions others do. But I want to take my claim over to Louisiana which you can; interesting LA is one state of 6 that does not do reconsiderations which is GREAT for you do not want a wonker from your DUMB office who denies a claim almost 20 years old that is a party worse not better having his buddy at the next desk doing the same.

There has to be one hospital in your area and you might need to do homework that will take you through the ER and admit you. Find a few pain specialists you would like (but cannot get), and get the damn ER to admit you due to everything; low potassium, dehydration, extreme pain and so forth. Then that physician (if they have privileges) can be called in the key at this point is admitting you. There has to be one or two hospitals as I have my list in Texas but sounds like you are worse then me that will prescribe a month of medications which for you or I right now is NOT enough you need to be admitted (and not with a treatment program to detox but to stabilize heart, kidneys and pain), and then the admitting physician (most have two or three hospitalists who admit from the ER) can then get a consult while you are in the hospital and then maybe we can get you a doctor that way.

I don't want that for you I swear you are a sister already I feel this way BUT we can do this. I have my fiance on phone 24 / 7 he is also American but living in Australia and keeps his American number and I will as I write my legal briefs go over with him what I'm writing. This is all conjecture and rat fecal product for me; I won the damn thing hate having to do this Appeal now but if it will potentially get me ALL MILEAGE, and cause them to be liable for the OVERPAYMENT and pay my SSDI and Medicare till this gets straight then so be it. Some people on here have no clue you know?

WC differs in every state different rules and yes if you are blessed with a 100% medical award then your award pays medications, and all medical FIRST as primary am so sick of a certain person thinking he or she can judge others, and say nothing to support or help the same. A real addict perhaps yes?

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CO Susie,

90 percent of what I have is autoimmune disorders related to the original injury at work. I am merely doing my thing, seeking a specialist so I do not die and the brief is fighting the comp system who are a holes.

I believe no one should be an invalid. In my over 20 years of pain support I do not encourage poor me or victim syndromes.

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