Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 163)


Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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Just me, have you aplied for Medicaid ? There are no guarantees that another dr will prescribe you the same meds that your previous dr did.. Drs and pharmacist can look up yor prescription history in the Michigan Prescription Monitoring Program Database to see what prescriptions you have gotten filled , by what dr, if you get early refills, etc. Most new drs want a copy of your medical records from your previous dr and not just a copy of diagnostic testing reports. You can get a copy of your medical records from your previous dr by calling his office. There is usually a fee for copying.

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How could your physician get banned from J and J that is ridiculous don't just write that and not tell why.

What kind of answer is that.

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The system does not protect those who work, become investigated after injury, with 100% Medical Award for life.


1. The doctor they sent her to stating her medication would continue knew her diagnoses from an annuity award evaluation for settlement the year was around 2010. These diagnoses do not reverse or cure.

2. The Dr. Great stated to the demons in a similar year she can medically take generic to reduce costs. Her physician of 10 years deceased wrote for CMS BRAND ONLY so clearly the rich and famous play both sides how much more money does old boy need.

3. The court order in August DENIED the IME who near killed her by reversing LA opioids written by Dr. Great you recall this story. It is a court Order.

4. The employer a famous teaching hospital took this report and sent it to every physician or pain specialist in her state effectively denying her pain management. The court Order told them to provide a panel of pain specialists within 30 days. Instead they did this one bad letter of OMISSION of diagnoses.

5. The good guy locally had a PM lined up he received a letter denying her care he knew that the adjuster did it. He is helping her but this is what is going on.

6. The Judicial Court is doing nothing. She is willing to go on a major network to tell the story before it is too late to save thousands.

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No malpractice physicians taking this claim in that state.

Help me do it. We have proof the employer did a MEDVAL annuity in 10.

Shows they knew that Medicare was paying hospital bills when they were remanded further the IME knew the irreversible diagnoses and OMISSION is malpractice.

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Oops Purdue that is what physician loses ability to sign for assistance unless he or she blew their license?

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They are child molesters, pedophiles and uneducated.

Do not get injured at work.

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P450, Brand Name Only or Brand Name Medically Indicated Does Not necessarily mean that a generic will not work. It just means that the Brand works better. Generics may not offer as much pain control, but if the cost of the Brand is the problem, it seems that it would be better to have generic than nothing. I believe you have said that you have drastically decreased the dose of meds you were on for so long. Maybe a lower dose would work now, if you reduced some of your activities. Have you seen a Psychologist that helps chronic pain patients manage their pain and/or tried other non medication pain management? Pain medication can be drastically reduced when non medication forms of pain management are used as well as life style adjustments. The life style adjustments often don't seem fair, but it is better than no pain management. If you will stop insisting on Brand Only and the high dose of meds that you were on, you may be able to find a dr that will manage your pain. Even if you have to pay out of pocket for the pain management dr and the prescriptions, with the prescriptions being generics, you should be able to manage, at least for a while.

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1. This letter and calls made were done to DEFLECT and prevent me seeing over 20 pain specialists. NO records were sent of this very long history; of the very complex needs, and medications only the IME examination which is clear malpractice.

2. Malpractice due to OMISSION of structural diagnoses that do not cure and SHOW on their annuity paperwork which was accidentally sent to me. The woman who was in management was fired, a great manager was let go of and a sweet adjuster I had at the time.

3. We have been speaking with a queen shark this past week. Not only was this IME reversed on all releases shortly after he near killed me via fax delivered and received, he was then sent the court Order, and all that is being reviewed has nothing to do with two major features (a) Medical Award to continue in full (b) panel of pain specialists within 30 days of the date of the order.

4. In this case literal murder attempts have been made--moving people into my secure apartments who left (after only 1 month) after I won in court within 3 days--no one lives in these buildings in this area and leaves in 30 days--the reversal of medication by feigning a false neuro examination, the driver who is an EMT picking me up immediately seeing I was vomiting blood, bile and everything without stopping called the person who then was running the team. She told him NOT to take me to a hospital to dump her which was another 2 hours driving--he slowed down only to switch as the garbage bags filled with more stomach contents this is attempted murder people.

5. At this point they lost they have lost against me every time in Judicial court; they lied about wanting this piss poor excuse for a physician as treating physician because he was not on the prescription card; the deceased physician was, a former retired physician not a MD now, and Dr. Great Pants--if indeed they intended him to be treating he would have been added on the date.

6. The Judicial court is silent; we have called about this review they asked for treating physician and I asked for my 20 years FULL mileage which is considerable was told the full Court decision is on hold with no idea of when it would convene in writing.

7. Therefore, we have opened the next court hit we will hit and hit and hit and ask for immediate action but medication reduction has now given me a status which is poor; I was told yesterday my autoimmune system is going bad due to poor pain control--this physician put in writing with a signature that non access to my medication has now put pain out of control and that is literally killing me.

8. They kept saying they needed original reports no that is not true this state like most allows insertions via net to their court files in secure file format, fax and the like what they did was take his referrals sent them this letter which I am going to get for further proof because the Order stated this is not the treating physician but after 20 years they sent only his report.

9. We repeated reversal to him and let him know that he may not have told the employer when first notified to continue collecting the HUGE monies they pay him. I was so ill with reduction in medication I could not travel 3,400 miles yes people that is how ridiculous this is--at the time the dork got a 48 hour cancel on fax and phone and they paid the person $1,800 for nothing. He is a slithering, oxygenless snake who has crawled up from the gates of hell to harm the innocent.

10. His wife is a therapist if you can believe in his office. She looks like an abuse survivor; a marmy looking bleached blonde with piano legs, frightened expression, voice like a church mouse, withdrawn, you know really like the librarian who never gave up her virginity. He puts on some act of sociability, has some secretary who looks like a teenager come for your physical exam which is impartial not a full exam; for example he refused my socks off to see my RSD yet stated on his report he examined my feet. One does not cure full lumbar ruptures, cervical and lumbar DDD, RSD, you get this message people. NONE are listed not a one all to lessen settlement costs in future meanwhile this lovely annuity report was with my file he knew every date, evaluation and hospital visit which MEDICARE paid so yes now the Judicial court has these files inserted as well.

He slandered Dr. Great but now I have to say if Dr. Great decreased costs with generics (DUMBER THEN A DOOR KNOB) when in this state employers and insurers cannot direct physician care it is forbidden then he plays both sides. Anyone who needs to know he came out of retirement when my deceased doctor died and having one doctor die while you live in this country with FDA mandates and normal DEA mandates is dangerous. Further to pay to ship a family member out to California, for at least three nights and have him document magic cures they perform which are nothing people nothing. I wish he did have the cures but rubbing someones feet with hot salt bath, putting a magnet on their shoulder, it is not going to help anyone like me with Central Pain imprinted permanently in my brain.

God is the one physician without compromise. I do not want to go to further details but the system is now part of the HELP I need. Putting $2,000 out for 10 days of one drug my LA and them not paying it when legally I have a Medical Award and have been on this drug 18 years is not only illegal it is intentional attempted murder. My employer is a hospital for this injury one that once was very well known and ultimately if Medicare was paying care that SSA remanded the employer pay until or IF I settle Medical Award is their first proof of intentional misuse. Now physicians are aware of this and believe me totally. I drag my package of medical paperwork and Orders and no one needs to see them they BELIEVE ME. I have been told by very credible people that they have received this letter and phone calls while these s*** heels were supposed to months ago provide a panel not contact pain specialists with a fraudulent attempt to end my life. I have been housebound a year now and that has reduced any muscle to ever return they have kept me from my surgeon for over 7 years when even SSA expects someone with my back to be seen yearly by the surgeon with regular MRI's and of course the cervical has metal so x rays.

The physician states that their attempts to prevent pain management are causing my immune system to go bad; I am ill right now with pneumonia. But the God of my understanding is going to prevail.

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I have a doctor and he is the closest person to God I know. It is he who referred me out.

He will take care of me now.

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Wish me luck today traveling out of town for something major that has not occurred in seven years thank God. I've applied for all kinds of help or assistance. When you are allergic to latex and silicone you cannot use generic patches. The poison goes into your blood stream not allowing pain control and further causing you sickness.

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I have terrible pain from a spastic colon due to ptsd. Looking for a dr. In st. Pete, fl., who will help me out with pain and panic mess. I am in counseling.

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I'm needing GAP pain management as I had the one I was involved in dissolved, and everyone else has a long waiting list. I have legit documentation as it is related to being hit by a drunk driver. If it is who I'm thinking of, I can't remember their name and my friend has moved who went to them. If you can help provide me some direction, I would be so grateful. Use my user info with the best search engine out there should provide you my info.Thanks

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Looking for a doctor in se Michigan to prescribe pain meds. Only thing that helps my knees.

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No insurance from kcmo. i need my script back from a wreck i was disfigured in. INSURANCE EXPIRED AND I BEEN W/ OUT MY 8MG HYDRMORPHONE PILLS SINCE! I LIVE EVERY WAKING SECOND IN AGONY! PLEASE HELP!

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I have posted the past several months that I have been without a pm Dr since June. Sent records and @10 drs said " I can't help you ". I was in long acting meds for 15 yrs. It has been a horrible time. But, I have a pain management Dr now. Had a consultation free first. I am in Portsmouth Va. The Dr is in Norfolk. He charges a $125 fee monthly in addition to insurance.Thank goodness I have help. Paying the fee. My first appt is tomorrow, Friday!!! I will be so excited to get on meds and do pt, etc. I have not kept up with friends, etc. This Dr rotates meds so you don't get tolerant. That has been a problem in the past with other drs. So excited!! I will let everyone know how it goes. If anyone is looking for a Dr in Virginia, east, let me know. I was very impressed with him. May everyone have a blessed Christmas and New Year!

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Does anyone know a pain management doctor in the Indianapolis Area willing to prescribe pain medication. We just moved here due to husband job relocation. I have a brain tumor in my occipital area. Brain surgery removed 90% 10 % remained or I would have been left blind. 2 herniated discs. Myo facial cranial pain. My doctor at The University of Chgo where I had brain surgery in 2008 only prescribes me 2 10/325 hydrocodone a day. That's one every 12 hours. I've had 4 nerve blocks in my head in one year and 2 in my back. I even went to Mayo Clinic. I can't function. The radiation left scarring in my brain and light sends a flare in my brain. I'm in constant migraines. I cry all the time in pain. I wish I could chop off my head. Lol.

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I'm still without a dr going thru the same thing. I live in nj but from va. How did u find ur new dr??

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Ricky, most new drs are going to want to get a copy of your medical records from your previous drs, so be sure and take your old drs address, fax and phone number with you if you do find a new dr. They may even want you to get the medical records for them. There is no way of knowing if a new dr will or won't prescribe you the same pain meds you were taking before. It is common for University hospitals like University Of Chicago to not give a lot of opiates, if any. Do you have private insurance ?

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KC, I also need a doctor in Northern nj.

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I don't know about pain management physicians in Detroit but I'm sure they exist.
I'd like to respectfully submit that your current pain manager; The retiring physician, make a referral for an appt for you with a colleague in town BEFORE he goes anywhere! That's right, enlist the help of the current dr and his staff of nurses etc! The current dr has a responsibility to you. Remember that. Please don't let him leave without getting you an appt and giving you enough meds to get you thru until your appt. Good luck and please keep us informed in your journey to good pain control.

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