Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 159)


Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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No problem it is time we become friends. You know I fight for the under dog, well I'm a regulatory expert beyond expectations but it's time our government got out of medical care. I'm very well known, saving over 10,000 suicidal patients from death if I who is certified under the California Intractable Pain Act can be dogged this way, left to die it is US BL not anyone else who have to reach out and help others live.

I am now seeing a local GP very well known tomorrow, long story. You know I am under specialists care for years way back due to my medical award. Now with Obamacare it has hurt me. I have a feeling this will be the answer.

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You are most welcome and thank you. I will have this go to Federal if persistance of the employer/insurer in this compensation 100% medical award persists. IT sounds like you are an attorney who handles Federal I'd love to speak with you before or if death is the outcome.

I have won hands down consistently due to the employer following me almost like they do when an injury first occurs they effectively went behind me to my California Dr. Famous likely telling him 'oh her medications are too expensive.' That is totally AGAINST my medical award and 99% of litigation in this particular state is based on the employer/insurer attempting to dictate medical action.

I have been poisoned. I have not had proper prescription written since March 2015. Dr. Famous taught us to put aside a percentage and as you know I am a professional nurse and published researcher that is why I tapered without death to a level I am housebound, and any progress made destroyed. In the interim I did an OTR and won. They were told within 30 days to have a panel of pain specialists who would treat me and ACCEPT me in my geographic area. Dr. Famous could not find any he wanted in 5 years in Texas.
Now the queen b**** of the employer an empty headed killing creep who has a HS diploma and was retired think they brought her in for a kill got ahold of the one physician out in Houston who is ill himself, but wrote a small Duragesic script and called him, effectively getting the names of the 5 referrals and now they are gone.

Did I mention the Attorney General's office attacked the Opinion I won in August we all know a Deputy Commissioner is a Judicial Judge, attacked this female on eight counts which were ludicrous, and went to appeal. WHAT THE I***** fail to realize is due diligence halted in March 2015 when they pushed my Dr. Famous to drop me or discharge. He referred me on that discharge to 3 in his network. NONE WOULD TAKE ME. A revised treatment plan against all of what he stands for was written with generic Fentanyl which I am highly allergic to; two letters from the top physicians himself included are on court file stating she is allergic to adhesives and has ineffective pain control.

BL's post confirms as well as a new patient picked up from out of state by him that he is still doing high level opioid therapy. Let's go further in 2010 when the doctor of 10 years died I was referred to Dr. Famous for my adrenals were going down. I was going to die from pain. He writes, 'I have never seen a more rare case, and she is the most legitimate patient,' this was Dr. Famous. HE ONLY does rare so wow wow on me. I had to go to this same Judicial court then to win Dr. Famous. I remember my legal position brief was 43 pages. I won. I called him and emailed him the attached brief for WC differs in every state so he understood. He threatened to dump me as he did not want to read this, after all it was all about him (remind me that the deceased physician was humane oh s*** yes.) He should have read it for he would never have STUPIDLY listened to that very old days HS graduate lying about my benefits. My state system clearly states that the employer/insurer can oversee the physician care but cannot dictate, guide, or tell the physician his medical actions.

Sorry I must move on. I am dying here. I must get a good physician.

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Can anyone provide a good pain doctor in the NY or Northern NJ region. I have herniated disks and nerve damage from an accident last year. My lawyer had me going to a pain specialist for physical therapy and epidural inj's. He has discontinued my care since my bills were getting high so now I'm on my own. I was prescribed oxycodone but now I cannot find a doctor that will prescribe that to me. Any names would be greatly appreciated.

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Aren't you the same Stacy posting on all of these topics? The one on going to two physicians and stated you had an accident years ago? On the Philadelphia post where I see a huge amount of addicts posting which saddens me. I AM SICK OF THE VERY people ABUSING medication causing the FDA to mandate causing real people like ME to ****ing die.

Back in the discussion thread of your philly post, there is a quack - a guy named Howard posted in Jersey. Why don't all the addicts go to him? He's on the third page and a pill pusher. I hope he gets shut down.

QUOTE FROM HOWARD - "Dr Jay Rosen in west Deptford NJ, he is the best pill pusher I've ever found, was giving me 180 30mg oxy's and 30 20mg contins but then I had an epiphany and realized this is not the life I wanted so I QUIT COLD TURKEY. Go to ProPublica and search for him in NJ."

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I hope for those in real need you do the following as I found out yesterday...

1. Due to Obamacare and I have a private medical award on my injury from many years ago. Now you must see your regular doctor first.

2. It appears even though different states handle it differently now your primary is even allowed in most cases to manage pain which breaks depending on what state you live in local Medical Board mandates. In Texas you must be certified as a pain clinic to treat chronic pain well yesterday things changed for me.

I ran into a person in the grocer on Sunday who when this year as a Director of Nursing and am disabled but this employer/insurer is not paying transportation and since Dr. Famous was in California and my other physician of 10 plus years in Houston I was from West Texas where I used to live flying for say close to 20 years at my dime so was forced to take leadership roles and due to my situation being so severe. Take the job and do great then have to leave due to intractable pain, start bleeding to kidneys from pain or dying.

Anyhow this person's family member in hospice was dying in our building. I did what I do best took personal interest. I gave family comfort and they needed it more the last weeks of life then the hospice client who was basically almost comatose at the end.

Well she manages a local GP doctor and wife team. I was basically rushed in she made it clear that the way it goes now you must refer this way and for years and even here I am referring ya'll out. IT appears my license allows it when it comes to me I will die.

Excellent physician he too a DO like my very first pain specialist years ago. He wrote the brand patches for 10 days (20 count) but the employer is still hedging as my card which should always be open is awaiting the adjuster to ok. Mind you I've with my other who is in Australia already called on bridge call the adjuster/employer and posted it all to the State Judicial WC people handling my claim. If this is not ok'd today I will file expedited hearing on this next I will not die.

Did I say die well yes slight problem. Now my BP was running 199/100 I am serious and in bad shape. Say many prayers this is going to go down or I will die.

He is attempting to get me in to a local he thinks will be my match and who also will be able if we come to this decision do a pump BUT I NEED TO live to get there.

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Any dr can write a rx for pain meds and manage a patient with chronic severe pain. But, the vast majority of drs have been referring their patients that need chronic pain management to pain management drs. That does not mean that they can't write pain meds for their chronic pain patients, only that they choose not to. Unfortunately some tell their patients that they can't prescribe pain meds because of the laws, which is not true.

A lot of the confusion seems to stem from states requiring that a M.D. own a Pain Clinic. That doesn't mean that only a dr at a pain clinic can write pain meds for chronic pain.

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Hi I have migrans and knee pain. My pain Dr got license taken, I need help. I can't sleep at all, I'm so tired, I am passing out. I live in Charleston,

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Paxin, chances are good that you will have a hard time trying to find a dr that will take you as a patient. Most drs don't want patients that were with a dr that lost their license. Even if you are lucky enough to find a dr that will take take you, chances are they won't prescribe you the same things that your previous dr did. You need to get a copy of your medical records from your previous dr for any new dr.

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Come on bro you know the DEA did the 3 state sweep recently, well right before that they did West Virginia. This guy sounds like an innocent bystander and medicine especially with MEN tend to feel so sawwwy that some guy lost his doc due to a raid.

We don't know what ole Paxin is taking or what his knee means BL.

Got a good idea since you and I know how many addicts sweep the site.

Let's ask!

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No I am not the same Stacy whom you are referring to.

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P450, opiates aren't usually prescribed fro migraines like they were 30 years ago. Knee pain doesn't say anything regarding what type of damage is causing the knee pain. If their dr lost their license, the dr was doing major things they weren't suppose to be doing. Other drs don't want patients that were seeing a dr that lost their license. Unfortunately, they usually lump all of their patients together unless another one of their drs contacts a new pain dr and asks for them to see them.

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P450, I am so glad you're still trying & I prayed for your newest attempt to be a fruitful one-lemme know-personally I found a clinic 1 & half hrs drive away (one-way) dr take me finally at my tapered 1/10th dose. Now this is keeping withdraws away & that all but is a start. Quality of life comes with time-agony is constant but at least no withdraws & zero relief which def after 15yrs would kill me. They say w/d not kill but that for normal standards not me (or you). Had huge prob tho with U/A new dr. had oxy on the drug panel & I take opana er. Week before the evaluation I took 3 yr old oxy single pill since so low on opana er showed up in u/a so explained was my legal script from long ago took for helping stretch meds. They sent me to be evaluated ($100 cash only) so could pass for treatment. New dr. then went ahead & wrote for me. Said due to DEA clinic needed clearance by professionals I wasn't addict. Now how much more DEA want? Cant take my own meds unless they are current month script??!! WTF? Also turned down other appt since no script written since May so too long between-so if cannot get new dr soon enough you red flagged too. Boy are you in deep P450!! 10 months means you big trouble!

Now other big prob a dr. who wouldn't write scripts only pump took my blood for an evaluation-it came back with zero opana er in it. Now that's impossible I told her-she claimed I am selling all meds!! I am gonna get her in trouble for my records need not have that in them-any ideas who to report her to or who to contact? Got cert. letter from primary dr. dropping me as patient due to her accusations. Need this cleared before new dr. hears & for all future references. It is so damn unfair & unreal I cannot think due to pain & now am losing drs. because crazy mean dr. is slandering me... I am trying keep alive w/out complications from pain stress & thinking has left me. Any info how should handle her actions is welcome.

Want it done correctly for feel she should be license suspended for dumping more harm on an incapacitated patient just because she is evil. Reviews on her are so bad should have known better than seeing her but she local. BTW she is in Daytona Beach, FL Dr. Kavita Sharma of PRC Group here. The B word too good for her. Brought me to tears yelling at 1st appt.

Still need get script filled which have coming Monday & good deal since opana er all backup saved from before is gone wed. Talk about cutting it close-now no extras tho for hard times so am living on edge from here. Keep it up-hopefully you found help-pls lemme know- You are an angel for us.

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I'm in the same boat dude plates rods pins etcplus TBIs cancer did u find anyone? Can u help me with info? If u did that is! Thx!!

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How soon can I get my oxycodone refilled? I had an appointment on 11/03/2015. When can I refill it again?

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I am a top and well known professional in health care. My problem is not yours fortunately for me. I've never had to take a UA in history of pain management.

Here is the issue. Under Obamacare you must see a GP or PCP. I never have had one, only specialists. I have a 100% medical award for life.

I now have an excellent GP who wrote me 20 brand patches but the comp people are attempting to block my card to pay for it. The pharmacy has already gotten the brand for me. I will not pay cash for that's only a 10 day supply of what I am down to normally was 600 mcg/hour a day in addition my other medications.

We have since reported them to the comp Judicial authority, they will pay. This very experienced and gentle hearted GP is attempting to get me a very gentle hearted nearby pain specialist.

I don't have the same issues Chris, I know you and SH both have had some UA issues, they just will never do those on me. You must realize if something happens to me after saving over 10,00 suicidal pain level patients then the big guns come in. I won in court in August. The comp insurer is in deep s***. I've always won.

Not me honey. They told my insurer Dr. Famous to get a GP in 2011. They never did. I'm still on too low a taper but Dr. Famous had us put a percentage aside.

Not me.

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You need to realize most people are not astute at speaking of their in depth medical descriptors.

I've seen many physicians shut down too many for light documentation not for writing too much as well.

A migraine may be a cervical headache and with radiculopathy which is one of my 400 plus diagnoses the pain is opioid worthy.

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That was 10,000 then Dr. Famous made me STOP doing pain support, he said it would kill me and coming back here has been up and down.

The whole issue is having a GP my medical award was present way back in 1990's so it is 100% not affected by Obamacare BUT here is our issue--all the physicians and hospitals are attempting to buy in to this short term care or insurance so when Dr. Famous discharged and it was not him doing this the insurer/employer drove him off and then presented a treatment plan he knew I would never accept it was for me death.

I have written him recently; I believe in error he thought this insurer/employer was some annuity that I had settled the medical claim so I had loving attorney's overseeing medical the ****t who has played the criminal game including paying a physician out of state (a QUACK) to kill me and I nearly died taking a chance to go in, was LIED to and told this piss poor excuse for life was writing my medications.

So it does not matter to the new physicians we approach they are all seeing the rules of Obamacare apparently a GP is now overseeing everything you cannot go to an ER they will bounce you to your GP to provide you a referral for what you need. If your GP can manage you they won't refer you to keep costs down.

The insurer/employer KNEW this and told me I had to go to ER I went the first time to find out a decrease of 75 mcg/hour put me in renal failure my urine was pure hematuria (blood) and I was shutting down. It was nice to tell this wonderful GP and he and his wife both have practice together that those labs were at his hospital downstairs! He did not make me give urine; I asked if he wanted to see if I were on the two patches won't mention here the amount he said no he believed me. The physician he wants me to see does pumps BUT he said he wanted me to go to someone of same personality who will not subject me to inj's. or blocks he said 'Honey you've been through so much already', and then he said, 'Any physician seeing your P450 results would understand your metabolism' and he wrote me what I tapered down to. However we are both worried for now I am hypertensive and each day the insurer holds my MEDCO card up from paying I am closer to death.

My BP was 202/130 and of course is this way from intractable pain and not enough medication. He never used the word withdrawal.

Now a woman whose mother was dying a hospice well I was Director of Nursing of this facility and I took special care. Ran into her and her husband at Walmart getting food last Sunday--I said 'do you know of any pain specialists I cannot refer myself in lately' she said 'you need a GP and you know I am practice manager for Drs. so and so call me tomorrow we will get you right in.'

A kind heart helps but I've always been that way unless someone *****s me the wrong way too many times then I give it back.

Leave that bad doctor alone, it does us no good to waste time and energy on *****s if you are cleared then you have paperwork and your UA is clean.

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You cannot refill class II opioids, it is against the law.

You will need a new prescription for an opioid written if your physician writes three or for a quarter 'do not fill until' rather then pre date which is illegal under DEA standards.

This means if you can read your written prescriptions and you have been seen quarterly and are getting 3 months at a time the next one will say 'do not fill until 12.3.2015' with signature. If you have none there are no refills on this drug.

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For most due to the 120 mg. morphine equivalent suggested by FDA physicians are terrified but when I mentioned it to this GP an older mature man who has experience for many years he said 'yeh don't mention Obama,' and 'the government has no business telling physicians what medication to write especially for someone like you.' I do think in most cases you appear in business clothes, no pitiful poor me sobbing hysteria especially the females, you leave your door open to what he/she will give you and a good physician will prefer if he knows you are clean to write what works for you, and your records are clear you will have a physician. I suggest keeping daily pain journals and let them put a copy in your record. 1 is the lowest and 10 the worst pain. In the 24 hour journal put down 'hot bath at 3 pm 20 minutes for neck pain,' 'stretched to work on lower back cramps' don't just put down drugs. DEA never can bust your record even if your doc gets arrested with those records in your chart trust me on this...

Chris in response to not being seen that means with Dr. Famous. His last prescription full amount no changes was written 10 months ago. As you may have forgotten I went into Houston and was seen by a physician who has worsening health he's young but has issues. He does not do medication management he wrote me 15 of the 100 mcg/hour patches. The c**** as described on the last post called him and obtained the six referrals he gave me telling him not to treat me. I had developed a professional relationship with him. Last week I had an appointment in Houston and was rejected after driving 250 miles round trip they knew I also had Medicare was paying cash ok. I get there and was rejected. Dr. Famous in 5 years could not find a physician he would send me to in Texas of his liking so now this witch is calling all the referrals having them reject me when Dr. Famous could not get me in with a good physician for 5 years...

There was a literal court ORDER which stated 'provide P450 with a panel of pain specialists within 30 days' and it does not matter that they asked for review so did I on mistakes on mileage. It further stated 'her medical award continues' these people are breaking criminal law and yes it is not here in Texas but they hired private investigators moving them into my secure apartment building, had drivers with video cameras, had some guy in my car leaving hand written notes, and hired an IME to kill me out of state.

They think that waiting for the results of this review means they cannot provide medical care no my medical award remains unchanged and my standard of care is pain management, and the two best surgeons in the U.S. Simple. They cannot tell a physician what to write, who to refer to, what evaluations to do and Dr. Famous fell for this and thought they could.

Tsk tsk on him...

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It's now own they must REGISTER as one that way the State Medical Board has a rolling current list of clinics where they presume opioids are written so they will review sample charts pulled more frequently. You see under Obamacare as I found out even my solid medical award is affected I merely needed a GP. And you know where I live it is fairly good ole boy I am blessed currently with this well established GP and he wrote for me immediately and brand. He has a very good sounding referral in mind and if I do not hear back immediately from this physician he will write again. My BP is dangerously high and I've not checked it I know I am very low and tapered far too low, that I am housebound.

So certifying as a pain clinic allows the State to attempt to keep their files in order and the physicians most likely to do harm as they state.

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