Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 143)


Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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SH just catching up. I am now dealing with speaking to several attorneys on line due to the local yokel SSA "workers" being incapable of interpreting regulations so this with the need for a physician are hitting me hard.

I am an excellent candidate for the pump. In 2002 my famous orthosurgeon, my deceased PM Dr. H. and the anesthesiologist who worked next to my ortho evaluated for the pump.

This was prior to P450. Meaning as a test. You can tell by the cost the buccal swab is very expensive. Medicare pays for it however, so for those who have this if their physician is a true authorized PM and trust me some who write are far from this even if registered as a pain clinic they can get involved with the genetic lab and get such a set up for their patients.

SH you are offering folks in need some answers. Yes you were unfairly treated I see this and understand the fear that drives these physicians; Richmond has always had good ole boy politics which drives the Medical Board.

But I would if I were you (and my comp may have to pay for a pump insertion for me) have those referrals ready to help others you are willing to help with the names.

You would do better in Texas; for those with FM the humidity is awful in Virginia ugh.

Peace out <3

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Mary, a Dr does not have to be a Pain Management Dr to write Schedule II meds. They won't write you the meds because you were and in treatment for it. It is.highly unlikely you will be able to even find a Dr to treat your pain now since you have a history of addiction.

SH. the drs think you want to continue on the same meds at the same dosage that you were on. You can try telling them that you don't want to take as high a dose of meds as you did before. That may tell a Dr that they can treat you since the ones you've contacted are going by the FDA guidelines more than 120 mg Morphine/Morphine Equivalent Daily.

SH, you already have being an addict on.your record. Going to a Methadone Clinic where those with opiate addictions are treated and not chronic pain patients, will it impossible if it isn't already to find a Dr to treat your pain ever.

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BL you are wrong and Mary and SH ignore this person who is an addict themselves here to cause pain and suffering.

In TEXAS you must be a pain clinic registered with the Texas Medical Board to write class II opioids for a regular patient who repeats. That means physicians here lose their license if they are NOT a clinic and writing regular opioids or even LESS that are orchestrated to pain management. Since you are a chronic pain patient with a history of being so in Texas your GP and a regular psychiatrist (not a clinic registered) cannot do so.

SH is not an addict they prefer methadone.

Hitler during the years of his reign had a shortage of poppy which is where opioids are obtained. He paid big bucks to have a scientist evolve a synthetic pain medication aka methadone.

The stigma for it is one of the best LA pain medications in the world is that it is used and has been for years for opiate addicts in particular in NYC.

BL go see a psychiatrist you are trashing innocent people and stop misinforming them.

Mary was honest which is the first step an addict in pain takes. Further our intractable pain legislation allows intractable pain management even for addicts, however, she cannot obtain from the psychiatrist who she stated she abused from and with. He/she might be able to refer her.

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Mary and SH my message to this attack by BL (big loser) is being cleared. Ignore him or her.

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SH is not an addict you are slandering SH.

Mary my message will clear in Texas you must be a pain management clinic for chronic pain treatment of any medication.

Ignore the haters messages I will further clarify when my message clears.

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I was in a wreck which caused 3 herniated disc, I live in pain daily, never ending, I need a doc that will prescribe meds so I can get some pain relief for it, were in San Antonio can I find this help

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P450-Sooo glad you are exposing BL-I did try questioning him/her but just don't have strength to waste on such fools. Prob is like you say he/she affecting others which is intolerable.
I am certain I need testing P450 since as Dr.T states all my indications are there, but insurance not cover, no Medicare/caid so $4000 is outta question.
I really need speak with you & if we both request from administrator here they will give out our email addresses to one another. I contacted another lady this way.
My case is also involved & not wish take up forum posts for all it entails which not help any other persons here.
If you could pls request my email from administration & I shall do same. I am desperate facing certain withdrawals & death. Too young to die (don't want to yet). After 12+ yrs the pain relief had will be unleashed to zero which alone would overstress system causing death not to mention what withdrawals would do after all this time high dosage.
Too much to discuss but feel you may be able steer me direction before I am lost.
Pls if you would-not able post much due to lack functioning but will try to save myself.
Thank you kind lady-you truly blessing to al of us.
Chris-New Smyrna Beach, FL

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Hydrocodone SUCKS for use in CHRONIC PAIN.....ULTRAM works the BEST,,,,,,,

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Chris was just on the phone with SSA lawyer from Tennessee, I'd be glad to talk to you listen I just found out a way to see which physicians (it's a Medicare stat checker) write which medications the most in any state hey did you manage to get to that physician I found for you in Florida? And by the way I am a female just for the record.

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Go to Propublica website and look for Prescriber Checkup Data. That will tell you the top rxs that drs that accept Medicare write. The data is from 2 years ago.

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P450 I got Administrator by clicking link under Company "About Us" (to the right of these posts) then scroll down to link for the contact us form. I also (you & BL) found website with Medicare stats on drs. rx histories. -Homegrove. Stats are from 2012-2013 tho plus all drs. not included so my luck all good ones not there-at least so far as I have seen. Most all pain mgt or pain medicine drs. shown rx'ing Tramadol, Gabentin, or a lot IR meds-NO Oxycontin, Opana er, Exalgo, etc. Supplemental rescue med stuff only. Wonder what they expect IP chronic patients to do? There must be real pain drs. listed somewhere else. Hope to chat private - too many questions needed for my "unique" case.

Thanks Lady ;)

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Ir atm in same situation as Chris. I was cut from meds suddenly after 15 yrs. So much pain and withdrawal . They both are killing me, lost 35 lbs without trying. I had a few meds stashed, which not sorry . Have got appt 21st with Dr that may not do any meds. Also, methadone an option in 3 to 4 weeks. Today is hard. I am bent over when I walk, all most in half. Yes how do we talk to each other by email, p450?

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Chris and SH right now I am doing some important things. This is what you do for example type in on any search engine Oxycontin then Texas (your state) then the webname it will show you the top providers in that state who wrote oxycontin. Double tape the doctors name to see specifics work on that for awhile. Looks like the top provider of my LA is right in Louisiana figures huh <3

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Oops double tap doctor's name it will show you address and specifics for instance that 49% of their patients had at least one class 2 when they visited.

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Chris and SH, please hear me if you are without medication you risk death going cold turkey unless you have titrated yourself down with a physician's help or with a proper amount of reduction in order the renals, brain and cardiac are not hit too hard. That is why worse comes to worse you find a methadone clinic (I'm allergic which is bad) the drug has a very long half life meaning it can build up initially feeling that it does not work hence METHADONE is the cheapest long acting but the HIGHEST RATE OF DEATH BY OD because people feel it is not working the liver is holding it and if you go up too fast because you feel essentially "dope sick" aka "withdrawal" you can overdose this is why even though clinics may treat addicts many legitimate pain clients LIVE by temporarily visiting such a place they run usually according to income $200 to $400 a month; you must go for an early morning visit where you are medicated, and get a lock box for the week ends if they do not open on week ends. I would tell the SW immediately I am a pain patient I have no doctor the new FDA rule has me here not because I'm an addict per say but I will follow the rules in the hope that your clinic or I will find a new PM specialist. Often a physician owns the clinic and will refer you if he/she feels you are good to go.

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Yes, P450 I am 3-4 weeks away from methadone. They require a treatment readiness group once a week for 4 weeks. Next week is week 3. Then intake. I told them I was on methadone for pain 13 yrs. Cheap, no insurance then. First pain dr continued it. I like it. But, this is a opioid program. I am subject to do things like take others meds. Against my belief's. But I can't take pain and chills, sweats, etc. On 21st see pain Dr. But doubt he will do meds. I will see. ER has washed hands of me after 5 visits. what to do till 21st or methadone clinic? How do I let administrator know how to contact me. I pray for all of us. Chris too, not fair. God bless!

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Being on a methadone clinic doesn't automatically make you an addict. Years ago that was the place to go for cronic pain not only addiction.These new laws suck in most pain mgt. Now, under the new laws one can only attend a methadone clinic if they are considered an addict. It is a felony to go for psin issues only. There are a few drs willing to help and my philosophy is to tell the truth and tell them the meds that work best for you and why. It really concerns me that many people say differently.good luck. And, because you have been to a methadone clinic or may have screwed up at pain mgt has little bering on finding another doctor with pain mgt.

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Twinn you are absolutely right and am glad that more of us are reacting against one poster who goes to all areas denigrating others. I would rather see a legitimate pain client LIVE and after doing referrals for well over 10,000 since I was injured myself and a professional nurse--if there is no help be honest you are PHYSICALLY TOLERANT and ultimately saving your life if no medication is available because:

(1) Your physician inadvertently is arrested and closes down.
(2) A patient takes a UA and either is told it is dirty, or the lab which they do errs on the result.
(3) The physician is under advisement from their medical board and must stop
writing class 2 medication
(4) The physician and you no longer get along.

What most people do not realize is that Hitler paid one of his scientists many years ago to create a replacement for poppy (shortage) and that plant is where opium comes from and or the drugs that are used for pain. It was not created for addiction although it gained great notoriety for that as it was used for many years in NYC solely for this purpose.

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Chris it is my hope that the other website to check providers linked you with a physician who sees you and gets you proper medication. I am concerned after going this extra step that you have not written me.

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SH am following up before my "other" and I continue some important taxes and other concerns I am handling with SSA at this time. Not to mention we've had torrential rains, and in this part of Texas that could mean a nado or hurricane. Did you make an appointment (21st) with the physician I suggested or my first physician?

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