Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 141)
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Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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Hi Co Susie,
My you've been busy, I have to reply to your several posts, at once, lol! But, that's okay, sometimes I don't get on, everyday, too. But, eventually, I will reply.
Now, I was on the morphine, after trying everything else that was non-narcotic and opiate. Dr. gave me the morphine, kept increasing it, because my pain kept getting worse. Along with that, she gave me the Norco, which is only the 7.5 mg of an opiate and 325 of the tylenol stuff. (I can't spell the actual ingredient, but you know what I mean). Percocets, never worked for me. They might as well have been over the counter medications. The morphine made it possible for me to lift and carry, my first fiance' who was dying of cancer. I was actually able to train a horse to saddle for a neighbor, when we lived elsewhere, too. Along with catching illegals, crossing the border, for the border patrol. But, she disappeared. I got another understanding doctor, who decided to put me on the Butrans patch, but the insurance won't cover it. I still have four left, but what's the use of getting on them, when I can't afford them. So, then she put me on Buprenorphine, which was supposed to, along with the Clonidin, help me for the withdrawals of the morphine, which really worked, no suffering. Plus, it seemed to help me with my pain. But, the head of the clinic, when my second doctor disappeared, decided to cancel that script and didn't bother to tell me, until I called the pharmacy for a refill. Nice, huh? Then she filled more morphine for me, which I was already off of, for four months. Then, she assigned me to a jerk doctor, who looked at me, as if I was a drug addict and told me he was weaning me off the morphine, after given me another script, which I hadn't needed, then proceeded to tell me, not listening to me, that I should just take over the counter medications. Regardless of the fact that for 13 years I was diagnosed with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, Crest Syndrome, and was born with Scoliosis and had arthritis in high school. Jerk! So, I didn't go back to him, I didn't even fill that script, it is sitting on my dining room table. I am giving it to the new doctor, when I find one, to show I am not a drug addict. Most will not see me, if they new I was on the morphine. This is why I took myself off, and am suffering so badly, I barely get any sleep, any more. For example, I suffered so much, I just didn't bother going to bed. So I have no sleep, writing this. I can't use the toilet, it is too painful with my hips, as my scoliosis is now affecting the entire half of my body. So, when you mentioned how the opana works, and when I read other things, people say works, I am making a list and hopefully a new doctor, will see me and offer one of those to help me. I hope. My other huge problem now, is that I have restless leg syndrome. It is really bad. This also makes it so I can't sit or lie down, without suffering. I'm a mess. And what's worse, I met a Captain, in the Army, online, whom we've been emailing for some time now, who's getting out, the end of September. He knows about my condition, but still wants to marry me. Yet, I am hoping I find a doctor, who will help me be more human again before my captain comes home. I don't want anyone to suffer because I am. It is my way to hide my pain, no matter how bad it is, but when you are married, that isn't always possible.
I also so a new medication, on TV, for those who can't tolerate Methotrexate, which I got sick on. I am hoping to see that commercial again, for I need the name. It is something like Xeletro, or something. So, if anyone here knows of it, and has tried it, please let me know, okay?
In the meantime, Susie, I will go and reply to your other posts you wrote me.

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Saw your post about ear infection, you could click on the "live feed" portion of this website and see if someone posts that's from the TN area. Sometimes it's hard to find the section you need to post in. I have also clicked on subjects that I'm not interested in, so that I could find someone posting from my area.

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So yesterday as I was clue searching, your post which said AZ wasn't there. Today I was looking back and I'm finding posts that weren't there yesterday. Is there a set delay for posts to appear, or just whenever someone gets around to it? Kinda can make a person sound crazy when they haven't read what the other person said LOL

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Humana has several different policies for people on Medicare. Humana Advantage is the one I selected because it had more pharmacies, more medications, and more doctors available that work for me, than the other plans I looked at. Also copay at my doctor office is $10. Monthly premium is $30 for me.
My friend had gotten a Medicare supplemental policy with United Health Care that is endorsed by AARP. His premium monthly is higher than mine, his doctor office copay is $70 per visit and his copay on medication was higher also. He called Humana and this year when the open enrollment period comes, he is changing to Humana.
I paid $19 to join AARP because I thought they were "really" there to help, but my experience has not been so great. Seems that some of the programs that are endorsed by AARP are not the less expensive, nor have more benefits. So I've begun to believe that may be companies are paying AARP to be endorsed by them, or it is an endorsement motivated by politics.
I believe Humana has policies available that are not Medicare supplements. I believe that from TV commercials, so I don't know how "true" LOL You could give them a call or check on line.
Someone told me that Humana isn't allowed to contract you, unless you ask them to.
Also check online with Social Security, they had a program that you could apply for Low Income Supplement from them, which isn't any money to you, but it lowers the amount of money that you are required to pay for medications. I am afraid that the application deadline may have been in June, but sometimes there are exceptions to rules, that aren't made so public LOL

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I'm still sort of new to the world of pain killers, but here's what I think I understand. Everybody can feel free to set me straight LOL. Lower on the "strong scale" is Percocet 5-325 every six hours, or Norco, Vicodin (not sure what the difference between these 3 really are). The Percocet seemed to be more effective for me than when I was given pills labeled Vicodin or Norco, and that could be just a "every body is different" or which company made them. Then on to the oxycodone as it doesn't have the acetaminophen to kill your liver. 10mg, 20mg, 30mg, then on up. (A friend just had surgery this week and she was given a oxy in a 5mg which I didn't know existed, see I am new). Then moving on up to morphine, fentanyl patches and the products on the strong scale.
Point is, you knew I would get there LOL, is that perhaps has you haven't been getting prescriptions for the morphine for a period of time, doctors are reluctant to jump from a lower strength Norco to morphine and would rather try the oxycodone and other pills available before you go "up" to morphine. Especially since the doctors aren't the ones who have been treating you for a period of time, they may be afraid of morphine being too strong for you and doing harm to you.
Then again, as the pain treatment world is rolling on as is, there may be some, "don't want another chronic pain patient" for my practice involved too. When I went through that mess when my doctor retired, most offices were flat out "no chronic pain patients accepted".
Sadly, you may have to start over as the new doctor (when you find one) puts you through trying all the pills and you may have to put yourself through all the physical changes that go with each new medication all over again.

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Old timer
Now you gonna kick butt? You think BL is worth all that?
Alexandria, how cool. I know you are close enough to see the "real" Wall and that cool Korea memorial. Seen the Jefferson many times, love reading the inside of it.
If we have a march on the White House to demand "rights for disabled and chronic ill", we know you are close enough to make it.

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You got it he is a progressive and wants everyone to believe the lies Obama and Harry and the rest of the traders are trying to sell. My daughter and husband ask me about it and I check to see if it was a better deal. And I found out it was close to 3000 more. We need to get out all of those that voted for it and make congress not pay a dime. Everyday I read I new story of someone thinking they have Obama Care and find out they do not.

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Hi CoSusie,
I stopped taking it because the doctors I called, didn't want to see me, when I was on it. Plus, I am running out, so I only use it for extreme emergencies, when the Norco just won't work any more. I would love to get back on it, for I was wonderful with it. I was a normal person, again. But, no doctor, here, will see me or even think about giving it to me, because of the darn DEA, now. I am looked at as a junkie, not as a seriously in pain patient.

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I have a severe ear infection pain is unbearable. I live in Morristown,TN. I have no physician or medical insurance.where can I get help. I cannot swallow or eat and Tylenol is not working.

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Hope you are doing well. Getting back to you about the wall schedule. Found a website that has the 2014 Wall schedule. It is if you want to visit the site. The remaining appearances scheduled this year aren't anywhere near me. The next few are Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. I'm going to check periodically, because the Colorado appearance wasn't listed on the schedule, so it must be subject to change. The formal name is "The Moving Wall" - Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

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Question: If morphine was effective in controlling your pain, why did you decide to stop taking it?

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I was going over a couple of your posts looking for clues LOL (on my 2nd cup of coffee LOL). You mentioned Tucson and you also mentioned the border patrol, so I'm now guessing you are in AZ or NM close to the AZ border? (I guess it could be southern CA near AZ also LOL)
I have high praise for the AZ Border Patrol. My dearest friend was on the AZ - Mexico border working (her company has been moving her all over the southwest the past year or two). Last year she and her husband rented an ATV for their 25th wedding anniversary. A very big deal for them, because they are amongst "the working poor" and every special thing has to be planned for. He is partially disabled so the ATV was a challenge for him. To make it short, they wreaked, the Border Patrol were near and he was able to walk thru the desert to where they had last seen them. The Border Patrol gave medical assistance to my friend, got an ambulance for the long trip to Yuma and were completely wonderful and helpful.
From Yuma she was air lifted to Phoenix, her extensive injuries couldn't be treated in Yuma. The doctor in Phoenix was able to save her leg. She has had several surgeries this year and still isn't able to walk, without mechanical assistance (brace, walker, crutches) but she still has the leg for the doctor in Phoenix to work on. He will be doing more surgery and is planning on using parts from a cadaber (spelling?) for replacement. Without the help from the Border Patrol, there wouldn't have been enough of the leg undamaged, for the doctor to save. Good Job AZ Border Patrol !!

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I also know that the price of Opana ER is Very high. My previous doctor wanted to prescribe it for me, rather than me taking the oxycodone as often as I was, but he told me the price was more than I could afford. My current doctor didn't prescribe it either, until I got insurance coverage with Humana this May. After I started it, Humana did write my doctor asking him to consider morphine, because morphine is less expensive for them. Which tells me it must be close to morphine, if not a type of morphine (it's early and I'm on my 1st cup of coffee LOL)
Several people I know (me included) have gotten different "high priced" medications at a reduced price from the manufacturer. I got a deal from Libby for a drug I was taking a few years back. After I contacted them, they gave me the medication at "no charge", which was great as I had no income, while waiting for disability.
I love the ER part of this drug. I don't get the "ups and downs" of the medication taking effect, then wearing off. 1 pill every 12 hours with continuous pain relief. If I do have an extremely high pain day, I have oxycodone 10mg for breakthrough pain.

Careful with the Tylenol (I think the drug is called acetaminophen) is hard on the liver, especially with extended use. The very first pain med I was given had acetaminophen, which is why after a year or so, the doctor moved me from it to oxycodone.

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Not sure exactly what Opana is, but I know it's a controlled substance, so it is probably opiate or some other narcotic. It may be a type of morphine.
LOL, now I have to look it up, cause you got me curious.

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Co Susie,
It is wonderful that medication is working for you. When I see a new doctor, I will ask him/her if they will prescribe it for me. I don't know if it is a narcotic, or opiate, but I will look it up and if not, then I will ask to get on it. I am suffering terribly and now am afraid that my kidney or liver is suffering from the daily Norco, I'm taking. I take one in the morning, (sometimes two) and two at night, at bedtime, so I can get at least 2 hours sleep. It is 7.5 mgs of some opiate, I think and the rest is 325mgs of the stuff in Tylenol. So, I want to get off that, too, now that I am off the morphine. I only take the morphine, 15 mgs, when the Norco really doesn't help, those are the worst days, when I'm in bed, the whole day, but must get up and fix dinner, for my ex. I haven't eaten well, since being off the morphine, since my doctors both disappeared, so I went down from 165 lbs., down to 119, in two months. Still losing weight, but the pain is too much. But, that isn't important. What is important is that you say the Opana is working for you and this is a good thing to know, I am happy you wrote that. So, thank you, again, maybe it will save me from horrible suffering too.
I am so happy you got to visit with your friends, how wonderful. I am so happy you finally have something to work for you. You deserve it, dear....

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Thanks, CO Susie..
I will look up Humana Care on the Internet and see what they have for my state, Arizona. Is this a supplemental insurance, to go with Medicare or can it be had, cheaply for my ex-husband? I will certainly call them.

Funny, the cuts in medical care, in your state, also happened here. What really made me mad was when my ex first got here, I tried to get him on State's medical program. He had no income, barely any clothes, etc. Yet, the woman next door, who hid $4,000 in her daughter's bank account, who also claims to be legally blind, got hers, at the same time. She is living alone, in a much better home, than mine, has had her bathroom completely redone, spent over $500 on plants, in her yard, more than that in bags of soil/fertilizer, spends money like it was free and manages to climb up on her roof and pound shingles that came lose, on her roof. She can see farther than I can! Yet, my ex- who is totally blind, was denied. They kept making excuses, one was because he didn't have a child to raise, the last excuse was he needed to be approved for disability. Now the program is closed. Isn't that nice? I did manage to get him on a sliding scale, in a clinic, but I had to pay the amount, which I could no longer afford. So, this is why I believe the government is trying to get rid of people like us. They are hoping we will commit suicide or just die from the stress on our organs, our heart, from the intense pain we are in.

As a matter of fact, I think I mention a Dr. Day, who was the head physician regarding finding a cure for Aids! I had tapes of her, I had bought and a book she wrote, about how she found out, from a good friend, who was in a high position, in the White House, retired, who managed to sneak copies of communications about how scientists were asked to create this horrible disease, that can't be cured. Then our military, spread it, in Africa and other countries, including ours, to make sure poor and the folks who are gays are destroyed! This smacks, to me, like a Hitler thing, don't you think? A perfect society, with no gays, no poor, just the rich. I truly think, our U.S. will end up like this. They can't even help our soldiers, who are wounded, needing the medicines and medical help, so what does that tell you? Fight for our country, but then die. I firmly believe the DEA/FDA were ordered to concentrate on Chronic Pain Patients, or any patient that doesn't have cancer, to do this to us. If there was a problem, years back, about our "Getting High" or "Over dosing," as they claim they are doing this for, then why haven't they done this in years back? Back when they started the ban on marijuana? Now, they changed their minds, allowing medical marijuana, but to whom?

I know one thing, I can't get it, not because it is denied to me, for I don't know that yet, but because I don't smoke and don't want to fill my lungs with that. I know, if my first love, my Scott, who passed from lung cancer, hadn't continued to smoke his marijuana, for enjoyment, he might have been saved, for the cancer doctor had said he could, at least, put it into remission, for a few years longer, for us. I am not against medical marijuana, but the establishment, firmly believes it can lead to H and other things, for recreational use. So, why are they allowing that, but denying our medications, which we don't get "high" on, we can't because we only get so much and it goes directly to our pain sensors in our bodies? Hmmmm, makes you all think about it. Get people on marijuana, then it leads to other things, (as they say) and then throw them in jail, or cut them off, so they can die from withdrawals of their recreational drugs, such as H.

Well, those are my thoughts. When it comes to our government, one can't trust it, any more, we will never get the right information, or any at all. Secrets, that is what there is and not to benefit all the citizens, just the chosen few? Anyway, thanks CO Susie, I do appreciate your telling me about Humana, I will definitely check into it. I wish you well, as well as can be, my friend...


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To all the "Pro Medication for Chronic Pain"
I mentioned before that I am now taking Opana ER 20mg and it has been so wonderful for me and I have some "good" days that I wasn't having. I had a "good" day today and was able to visit with two friends today.
It was wonderful to be able to visit. Thank you Opana ER.
Good Night.

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I mentioned to Old timer, that I am having trouble with figuring out what BL's angle is. BL started with an "anti drug" position for the chronic pain patients, then seemed to move over to a political position. Seeming to defend a "health" act that was so complex that Congress couldn't even dissect it. I remember seeing several of the members of Congress admit on CNN, that they voted for the bill, without even reading it. (Shame on them) Or is BL defending President Obama for pushing through a bill that the Clinton's weren't able to shove on us.

I am still waiting for help from BL on where and how this act is helping the chronic pain patient. Please show me where, it may change my whole attitude toward this bill.

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It's sort of frightening, but you are not the only one who has pointed out to me, that Obama Care seems to be a method to deny health care to the working poor. The delay in Social Welfare programs, and the lack of coverage some of the programs provide, doesn't seem to be a safety net. Even the non working poor who have always received health care through a Social Welfare program were always denied coverage on some conditions.
People have been saying, if you don't treat these people, perhaps they will die, then it will save lots of programs, lots of money. That is hard for me to believe that could go on in America,
Other people have said "look how great Obama Care is". I want someone to show me "how great" for WHO. I haven't heard personally from anyone that this program has been a benefit to them. They only people I have heard say what a benefit it is, is paid commercials on TV.
If it's so great, then why does it need TV commercials to say it? We would be reaping a benefit and praising the program. Which opens another question, who paid for the TV commercials? Hopefully the Democratic Party, not the taxpayer.

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Obama Care did a job on us all the way around. We were told how it was going to "help " us, what a joke.
My husband is a "blue collar" worker, who has been with the same company over 25 years. Part of his benefits were that his employer paid his insurance premium. After Obama Care the insurance has increased to the point, that his company can no longer afford to pay the complete premium, so over $100 per pay period is deducted toward his insurance coverage. We have never been able to afford to place me on his policy under the dependent coverage because the company was never able to afford to assist with that premium, which has always been over $500 and went up to over $600 with our wonderful Obama Care.
Along with the increased premium, the coverage has been gutted. His doctor office copay has increased. His amount of "out of pocket" has increased and his "donut hole" of no coverage has increased. We are still waiting for Obama Care to kick in and make things better for us LOL
I mentioned before, that common sense told us that Obama Care would not work. Insurance companies are responsible to provide profits to their share holders. People can not expect that they were going to provide coverage at a reduced rate to everyone. It isn't possible to do that and still make a profit. They are also being forced to provide coverage that wasn't even needed. Birth control is just one of them. Planned Parenthood (like them or not) made birth control available to everyone at a price based on a "sliding scale".

BL mentioned "sliding scale" health clinics.
I lost the "sliding scale" coverage that I did have. When I was working that "sliding scale" cost me $95 per office visit and I paid at the pharmacy for any prescriptions. When I became disabled and could no longer work, my "sliding scale" dropped to $20 per office visit and I paid $5 for some medication through the clinic (which has very limited meds available), and paid at the pharmacy for any other prescriptions.

I'm not going into the problems I encountered with Social Security when I did file for disability, that's almost a book by itself. But I will say, when you pay an attorney, your ailments are suddenly valid and are then taken seriously by Social Security. Of course, the "back pay" that you would have received, you don't receive all of it, the attorney gets a nice cut. So the debt that piled up while you did fight with Social Security, you no longer have enough money to pay off, the lawyer got someone's money LOL

As BL mentioned there is a large delay after you receive approval for SSDI or SSI, before your Medicare kicks in. Medicare is what I needed more than anything. Especially as Obama Care caused the State of Colorado to cut the "sliding scale" program that I was receiving care through.
I don't believe BL lives anywhere near the income bracket that I have lived in all my life. I worked over 40 years, usually in someone's office, and my husband has worked at "blue collar" jobs all his life.

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